Photo of Vitaliy NefedovHousehold electricity metersHousehold electricity metersThe household electricity meters used today were manufactured and installed in Soviet times. These are small appliances in black, in a plastic case and with a window for reading. Devices are in the floor panel, if the house is multi-apartment, or in a residential building, if separate. Counters operate by induction principle: the current rotates the moving element (disk) at a speed proportional to its power. At the same time, 625 revolutions correspond to one kilowatt per hour. So, many counters have worked for 50 years or more. The term is impressive, you will not say anything. Therefore, it's time, having paid them tribute, to send them on retirement. Induction meters have long been outdated and in many respects inferior to modern electronic meters, operating on the basis of microprocessors. The advantages of the "young guard" we will tell.

Decent change

The replacement or transfer of the counter is necessary in advancecoordinate with the local energy supply organization. Otherwise, you face serious penalties. First of all, the new meters are characterized by a higher accuracy class. In household models, this indicator is usually 1 or 2, whereas in old disk devices it barely reaches 2.5. Moreover, over time, the error of any devices increases. So with some periodicity (8-16 years) they need to be tested and, if a malfunction is found, to repair or replace. This is also required by regulatory documents. However, in practice, many devices do not undergo such checks during their entire service life, because of which the error in them substantially exceeds the permissible value. But the end user is only at hand, because the old disk devices understate the real numbers.

  • Photo 1. "Mercury-200" is very popular among the residents of the capital.
  • Photo 2. One-tariff three-phase meter PSCH-3A.05.2.
  • Photo 3. Single-tariff single-phase meter ЦЭ6807Б1М-1.
  • Photo 4. Single-phase single-phase counter CO-505.
  • Together with the accuracy of metering devices, theirprotection from extraneous exposure. For many decades folk craftsmen have invented many ways to "deceive" the induction counter. They adapted, for example, mechanically to stop the rotation of the disk or to start it in the opposite direction, changing the connection of the phase and zero wires. So, all these tricks, consisting in the impact directly on the device circuit, with electronic models do not pass.

    Learning to save

    Because of the increase in energy prices and growthenergy consumption is constantly rising in price, which makes it more reasonable to approach its consumption. The moments considered earlier are unconditionally cognitive. But improving the accuracy class of electricity metering devices is beneficial, first of all, to the energy supply organization (ESS). What is the consumer's interest? It turns out that in some models of electronic counters a function of supporting differentiated tariffs is provided. And this is one of those rare cases when both consumers and energy companies benefit from innovation. The former receive an additional opportunity to save, which is important for the constantly growing prices for electricity, while the latter significantly cut costs.

  • Photo 1. Multi-tariff single-phase counter SEB-2A.05.2.11.
  • Photo 2. Multi-tariff single-phase counter SEB-2.08.302.
  • Photo 3. Multitariff three-phase meter "Mercury-230".
  • Photo 4. Multi-tariff three-phase meter SET-2M.
  • What is the reason for the need for differentiationtariffs? The fact is that the load on the network varies depending on the time of day, day of the week and season. If we talk about diurnal fluctuations, the peaks of household consumption fall on the morning and evening hours. At this time, to ensure the necessary power of the ESP, it is necessary to use more expensive energy sources. But at night the power plants realize only a small fraction of their capabilities. If you enter a low rate for this time, people will have an incentive to use home appliances more intelligently and some of them will be switched to night mode. As a result, the gap between the maximum and minimum network load can be reduced. By the way, such a system is by no means a domestic find. A similar method of energy consumption has long been practiced in many European countries, where electricity tariffs are quite high. Currently, it is possible to switch to differentiated calculation in most regions of Russia (how to do this, we will discuss below). Tariff grids for different areas vary, therefore, to find out how things stand in your area, you need to contact the local branch of the ESC. Note that some multi-tariff devices are able to switch between rates, not only on time of day, but also on the days of the week. A multi-tariff calculation in Moscow and St. Petersburg Currently in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is a two-rate system of settlements with a division into day and night zones: 7.00-23.00 and 23.00-7.00, respectively. At the same time, the "daily" electricity at the cost coincides with the usual one-shot (for Moscow apartments with gas stoves - 2.08 rubles, with electric - 1.47 rubles), "night" costs about four times cheaper in Moscow and twice - in St. Petersburg. In the Moscow region there is an additional option, which provides for dividing the day into three zones: night (23.00-7.00), peak (8.00-11.00 and 18.00-21.00) and semi-peak (remaining hours). It is likely that soon such schemes will appear in both capitals. A differentiated calculation in any case reduces the cost of electricity, and with a reasonable approach, you can achieve significant savings.

    Pleasant trifles

    Not the least role in our days is played by designcounter. It is especially important how the device looks if it is installed within the apartment. Unpresentable type of disk device is unlikely to satisfy the esthete. Fortunately, now when designing home counters this moment is taken into account, so that among them you can find cute and, as they say, ergonomic instances. In modern devices the measurement results are stored in non-volatile memory. They are usually displayed on a liquid crystal display. There is also a classic mechanism based on rotating drums with numbers. For some models of electronic meters, remote sensing can be arranged. At the same time, the necessary data on the wired or wireless communication channel automatically goes to the centralized remote control panel. In this case, the subscriber does not need to contact the meter at all, it is enough to pay monthly bills. Caution, fraud! With the popularity of the multi-tariff electricity metering system, scammers have appeared, offering their services to replace the meter. Try not to get into their network. True, it is not easy for an ignorant person to recognize them - often on this "crooked path" stand former electricians, skilled enough to implement a competent installation of a new device. But for transferring a subscriber from one tariff to another, in addition to installing a new counter, it is necessary to make changes to the personal account. A third-party master can not do this. So, having resorted to his services to replace the device, officially you will still remain on the old system of calculation. Moreover, for unauthorized actions with the counter you will face a serious fine. So how do you recognize the scammers? First of all, the employees of the power supply organization have the appropriate identification. In addition, if you yourself have not applied for a replacement device, do not trust any "notes". Another sure sign that distinguishes intruders: they offer to pay not by cashless settlement (pay a receipt in the bank), and cash on the spot. Finally, you can find out for sure by calling the branch of the energy supply organization.

    Guide to action

    What you need to do to go to multi-tariffcalculation? To get started, contact the local ESS and find out what services it offers. Choosing the right option, you should apply to an energy-saving organization. However, the service for the transfer to a new system of calculation is paid by the subscriber himself. In principle, you can buy the device yourself, and assign it to an organization that has an appropriate license. Only in this case, first of all, it is necessary to purchase a meter included in the list of recommended local energy supplying organizations, and secondly, it is necessary to obtain her consent to perform work on replacing the device. In general, such actions with a counter as transferring to a new location, replacement, repair, etc., should be discussed in advance with the ESO. If during a regular check-up it turns out that unauthorized manipulations were performed with the device, as evidenced, for example, by torn seals or damage to the hull, this will entail a change in the calculation procedure. And then they will take into account not the readings of the device, but the characteristics of all the equipment in the apartment. Also keep in mind that the subscriber is responsible for the safety of the meter. Single-phase meters are usually designed for a maximum current of about 50 A, which corresponds to a load of approximately 11 kW. If the total capacity of the electrical equipment in the house is too high, three-phase power and an appropriate meter are required. This issue is also necessarily resolved through the EEO. Mark Slonimsky, Deputy General Director of TsOPenergo Today, electricity prices are on par withinflation. But there is one subtlety. The thing is that earlier in the electricity tariffs so-called cross-subsidization was taken into account when industrial consumers covered part of the cost of electricity consumed by the population. Gradually, this practice is eliminated. As a result, tariffs in the domestic sector are growing somewhat faster. According to forecasts, in the coming year they will increase by about 10%. One way to reduce payments is to switch to a multi-tariff settlement system. On the territory of Moscow, this issue is being handled by ZEPenergo. Today, the complex of works on the transfer of a residential subscriber to a multi-tariff calculation system, including the cost of a meter, its installation and sealing, costs approximately 3,000 rubles. The acquirer of the metering device independently must remember that it must necessarily be included in the list recommended by JSC Mosenergosbyt. At the moment, the list includes models of both domestic and foreign production. True, foreign devices are not popular because they are much more expensive, and comparable in quality to Russian products. Automated remote reading of the meter in the domestic sector of Moscow is still very small. But the possibility of connecting a GSM-module or to an individual meter, or to a system that combines all apartment appliances of a multi-storey house, exists. Even implemented a pilot project for the installation of such equipment in several residential buildings in the Don district of Moscow. But the development of this program has so far been suspended due to the unresolved issue of who will service the additional devices.

  • 1. The procedure is quite simple and requires no more than ten minutes.
  • 2. Before starting work, a specialist in the power supply organization de-energizes the former meter, turning off the input machine.
  • 3. Then unscrew the terminal clamps and the fastening screws.
  • 4. Removes the old counter ...
  • 5. ... and, putting on, if it is required, a new mounting bracket on the new device ...
  • 6. ... sets the meter back on.
  • 7. Connects the wires.
  • 8. After turning on the power and checking the efficiency of the meter, the electrician installs the terminal cover.
  • 9, 10. In the end, he seals the electricity meter.
  • 11. The case is done.
  • Some meters recommended for usein MoscowManufacturerModelType ClassClass.Quick. tariffsMax. current, Indication of indications Working temperature, ° СЦена, руб.Однофазные "Инотекс", Москва "Меркурий-200.02" Электрон.2450ЖК-экран-20 ... + 551120Завод им. Frunze, Nizhny NovgorodSEC-2A.05.2.11Electron.2450ZhK-screen-20 ... + 551150SeB-2.08.302Electron.2250Country mechanism-40 ... + 55650METZ, MytishchiE6807B1M-1Electron.1150Country mechanism-40 ... + 60580MZEP, MoscowSO-505Induction.2140Country mechanism -20 ... + 55550 Three-phase "Inotex", Moscow "Mercury-230 ART-01CN" Electron.1450ZhK-screen-40 ... + 552525METZ, MytischiSET4-2Melectron.2260Country mechanism-40 ... + 601730Zavod im. Frunze, Nizhny NovgorodPPSh-3A.05.2Electron.1150Country mechanism-40 ... + 551550The publication expresses gratitude to the company "Tsopenergo" for the materials and assistance in preparing the article.

