Rostovchina Irina Druzhinina is not just beautifula woman and a caring mother of two children, she is the winner of “instama according to”. In her blog, @ mrs.druzhinina, which is read by over a million people, Irina writes about family, children, their creativity and development, discussing issues and nuances of motherhood with her subscribers. And today she shares her own secrets of education with our readers.

“I don't consider myself an Instagram star”

I never had a goal to become a blogger.It all started when I started an Instagram page one day during my first maternity leave. Like many other mothers, I started sharing a piece of my life, posting photos of my child, writing about our games and activities, and discussing interesting topics around motherhood along the way. Apparently, I managed to hook my subscribers somehow, because today I have quite a large audience of mothers, "pregnant women" and those who are just planning to have children. Surprisingly, my life has not changed at all after I became a blogger! A couple of times my subscribers recognized me on the streets of the city, but I don’t consider it fame. Just like I don’t consider myself an Instagram star. But I am very happy to receive the title of "Instamama according to"!

"My family is my castle"

There are four people in our family:Mom, that is me, Dad, my husband, and two daughters – six-year-old Marusya and one-year-old Victoria. My husband Evgeny works first and foremost and tries to help me with the children whenever possible. Although I am on maternity leave, I have found a balance between my career and motherhood. I am engaged in publishing, and while I am at work, assistants look after little Victoria. My eldest daughter is graduating from kindergarten this year, so we are actively preparing for her upcoming studies at school. In addition, my Marusya is studying at a modeling school for children and is learning English. My daughters and I love to play tag, although we can only do this with the eldest – little Victoria is just learning to walk. We love playing with a ball and cannot imagine our life without singing and cheerful dancing. Photo: personal archive of Irina Druzhinina

"Do not forget about yourself beloved"

Is it easier with a second child? Interesting question!On the one hand, when another baby is born, the mother already has experience, which undoubtedly makes life easier. On the other hand, all children are different, and even with my second daughter I encountered completely new situations. But I felt more confident, and my eldest daughter helped me a lot. She is only 6 years old, and she is essentially still a child herself, who also requires attention and love. But she proved herself to be a very sensitive and smart child, for which I am very grateful to her! Having become a mother for the second time, I realized that I was overextending myself during my first maternity leave, trying to do as many things as possible while the child was sleeping; because of this, I got tired and exhausted very quickly. With my second child, I began to treat everything much more simply and not focus on unpleasant little things. Moms, remember: work is work, but you can’t forget about yourself!

"Our baby is sleeping with us"

Many parents practice co-sleeping withchildren, and I am one of them, whether I like it or not. So I have no idea how to put children of different ages to bed at the same time! My little Victoria sleeps with us now, we don’t put her in a separate bed yet, but from about 2 years old I plan to move her to the room with my eldest daughter. I hope it won’t be a global problem for me to put them to bed together. I plan to do it this way: pay attention to both the eldest and the youngest, reading them their favorite books in turn. I believe that I will succeed! The main thing is to spend enough time with each child so that they do not feel jealous of each other. Although at some point in life you will have to face it. For example, in our family, the eldest daughter was jealous of me towards the little one, but, thank God, not for long, because I talked to her, showed love and affection. If you are faced with the same problem, then try to pay more attention to the child who is jealous. Photo: personal archive of Irina Druzhinina

“The crisis of age is difficult”

In children, as in adults, periodicallyage crises are coming. And here are the conclusions I made for myself on this topic. During this period, the child needs close attention from adults. You cannot punish them for bad behavior, you need to try to find ways of gentle influence so that the child understands that the parents are ready to support and help him. Naturally, you should not blindly follow all the whims and requests, but you should not constantly push the child away either. Without support and help, the baby will withdraw into himself, will trust adults less, and this will lead to serious problems in the future. Talk to your child more often, "bring out" even those who close themselves off from you. Your task is to find out what your son or daughter is feeling now.

“I look forward to summer”

This summer we are planning to take our daughters to the sea.I can already call myself an experienced mother in terms of flights with children, so I can give advice to everyone who is going on vacation. The road, be it a train, car or plane, is not an easy test for both children and parents. To prevent the trip from turning into hell, first of all, buy new toys. Namely new ones, which the children have never held in their hands before! You will see that little travelers will instantly get carried away by the game, and you will be able to find some time to read a book or listen to music. The toys can be the most ordinary, you do not necessarily have to spend a lot of money. It is easier with older children, for example, my 6-year-old daughter watches a tablet with games and "developmental toys" on the road. I wish all the readers of a busy summer and an unforgettable vacation!

