Care Tips

Bamboo of HappinessBamboo of happiness"Happiness bamboo" is popular in Russia as well. It will outlive all the flowers in the bouquet and will grow and develop beautifully even in a glass of water. If you wish, you can plant your "good luck talisman" in the soil. With minimal care, "happiness" will delight you for many years. Dracaena Sandera loves water. She needs abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter. Do not allow the soil to dry out. If your stem grows in water, you need to update the water every 2 weeks, adding mineral fertilizers to it for growth (in natural conditions, all nutrients come to the plant from the soil). Water must be filtered, and preferably distilled, at room temperature. Otherwise, the leaves may turn yellow. When choosing a place for your indoor "bamboo", avoid the sun-drenched windowsill. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves. For dracaena Sander, diffused light is preferable. "Bamboo of happiness" tolerates dry air well and does not require constant spraying. Wipe the leaves from dust from time to time. The comfortable temperature for plant growth is 18–35 ° C. Any flower mixture or special for dracaena can be used as a soil for the "bamboo of happiness". The plant needs good drainage (small stones or expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the pot). "Bamboo of happiness" grows well in a mixture of equal parts of flower soil and sand. Keep in mind that the bare stems of the "bamboo of happiness" look great in a transparent vessel filled with colored hydrogel. Top dressing: fertilizers for dracaena. Transplanting is enough to carry out once a year in spring. Propagation of dracaena by apical cuttings rooted in water or wet soil, as well as stem segments with "dormant" kidneys. Over time, a real tree about 70 centimeters high with an erect stem and long leaves will grow from the planted shoot. Do not expect that the stem will continue to curl, and the leaves will fall off by themselves (beautiful curves are added to the plant in an artificial way). Despite the fact that the "bamboo of happiness" will less and less resemble its prototype, it will not lose in any way in its decorative effect, thanks to its dense green foliage. If you want to enjoy the bare stem, you will have to break out the growing shoots.

