For e-books the future, in the present -precious family libraries collected by several generations. Yes, this is a business card of your house, which speaks about the intellect of the owners, but it can make a proper impression only if the books are not covered with a layer of dust.Dust allergyPhoto: Getty Images

Medical certificate

Book dust is one of the most commonallergens today (along with the house mite). Symptoms resemble acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections: persistent runny nose, watery eyes, sore throat. Therefore, a doctor may mistakenly prescribe cold medications that will not bring relief. The peculiarity of allergies is that their symptoms can appear once for a seemingly unknown reason, or they can recur from year to year. The most severe forms of this disease are allergic bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock, allergic lesions of the digestive tract and other internal organs.


To avoid such troubles, you need to keep your books clean. It is best if they are stored in a closed bookcase, behind glass. Enemies of books:

  • direct sunlight
  • dampness,
  • excessively dry air.

But even in this case, books and bookshelves needVacuuming at least twice a year. You can also use a dry, clean cloth for this: gently remove all the books from the shelves, wipe the cabinet from the inside and brush the dust off the binder and spine. Remove stains will help our recipes:

  • Ink stains on the cover and pages of books are removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Fingerprints are lightly rubbed with soap, then rubbed with a clean, wet, rag.
  • Accidentally soaked page can be pouredtalcum powder, then put the book under the press until dry. Another way: put a wet page between two white sheets of paper and dry by ironing. Use the same method to smooth out a dented page (it must be wet beforehand).
  • Fresh fat stains are removed by ironing the cover or page of the book with a hot iron through several layers of paper napkins, replacing them until the stain disappears.
  • Old fat stains go away if they are rubbed with the crumb of fresh white bread.
  • Oil stains are sprinkled with dry chalk, tooth powder, white clay powder, then covered with clean paper and ironed with a hot iron. After that, the powder shake.
  • The mold is removed with ammonia.
  • Traces of flies can be wiped with vinegar.

