zmioculcus reproduction Zamiokulkas or, as it is also called,The dollar tree is a unique indoor plant in its own way. Not only does it grow so slowly that it is generally difficult to notice, so we also know so little about him that we immediately panic at the first signs of any sickness of this handsome man and, if necessary, for example, his transplant. And if we are going to multiply our personal copy of this exot, we are completely lost. After all zmiokulkas is a very unusual flower, and it seems to us that the habitual flower growers-lovers of the methods of reproduction of indoor plants for him will not do. However, not everything is as scary as it seems. Reproduction zamiokulkasa no more difficult than other pots. It is only necessary to find out exactly how the zamiokulkas multiply, and then apply this knowledge in practice. leaf multiplication

Reproduction by sheet

The simplest, the most affordable, and therefore the mosta common method of reproduction of zamiokulkasa - leaf propagation. Just note that the sheet of zamioculcas is the entire branch growing from the ground, and its trunk is buried underground and is a tuber with roots. So, when they say about the multiplication of zamiokulkas leaf, they mean small leaves, which in fact are only part of the real leaf. And the zamiokulkas multiply by them. For any vegetative mode of reproduction, any healthy leaves will do. Often they remain after transplanting or transplanting the plant into a new pot. But you can also carefully break off the leaves or even a couple of leaves on the petiole, stick them into peat or a loose substrate for seedlings and wait. But it will take a long time to wait. Some of the leaves take roots and give sprouts after a month and a half, and others will take a whole year to do this. But usually the rooting process takes place very, very slowly, and most often the appearance of new shoots really has to wait from six months to a year. But be patient - do not have to dig up the soil every week and check the condition of the underground part of the leaf, if there are small nodules with roots. By doing this, you will only slow down the process, or even completely destroy the seedlings. So, cook not very deep container, put a drain on the bottom (expanded clay, pottery clay pottery, or even styrofoam). At the top of the drainage layer, fill in the soil (peat, peat mix with turf ground or a mixture of peat with perlite) and moisturize it. Poke solitary leaves or leaves with cuttings into the ground and leave them to live-life, periodically watering. You can build a mini-teplichku, and you can grow new plants from leaves, without covering the container with seedlings. As soon as the first new sprouts, similar to rolled rolls, appear, each new bush should be transplanted into a separate container. In the process of growth and development of a new shoot, the old leaf will turn yellow and rot, and the new shoot will begin to stretch and give more and more new leaves, turning into an adult full flower. But once again we note that all this will happen for a very long time, since zamiokulkas refers to slowly growing room colors. how does zamiokulkas multiply

Multiplication by division

If you were lucky enough to be happythe owner of an adult and a large copy of a dollar tree, then you can divide it into two or even three or four new plants. This method, unlike the propagation of leaflets, provides a guaranteed quick receipt of new plants: divided the bush into the required number of parts - and it's ready! And let new copies of zamioculcus not be as lush as their ancestor, but they will already be a fully formed adult plant. How to divide a bush zmiokulkasa? Do it best in the spring. In general, spring is the most suitable time not only for the beginning of garden and garden works, but also for transplanting, transshipment, planting and dividing house plants. When multiplying zamiokulkasa by dividing the bush, it is removed from the pot and the tuber is released from the soil. First, try to divide the bush in the most gentle way, simply disconnecting the tangled roots. If you succeed, the flower will transfer the division much easier. If the roots are strongly tangled, then they cut with a knife. With a sharp knife, the tuber itself is cut into several parts, in each of which at least one point of growth must be preserved - the "eye". The easiest way is to carefully cut the tuber in half, keeping the above-ground part of the flower in each of the obtained tubers. If you need to get more plants, divide the flower into four parts. Each part is transplanted into a new pot, the diameter of which should be only a few centimeters larger than the diameter of the tuber of the new bush. Before transplanting, dry the cuts and sprinkle them with crushed charcoal. When choosing a pot for a new plant, do not take too narrow or deep dishes - the faster the roots of the new transplanted zamiokulkasa grow to the walls of the pot, the faster and more intensively it will begin to develop. Of course, with the speed inherent in this species. In general, after multiplication by division, zamiokulkas adapts for a long time. Even if the flower does not get sick and does not lose leaves, it still stops for some time in growth. This is normal: as soon as the flower copes with stress, it will start to give new sprouts. Do not forget that the divided bush of the zamioculcas is not a young plant, but just a new copy of an old adult bush. Therefore, you should take care of it properly and do not replant every year, as happens with young bushes. First time the divided bush is better not to fertilize, but treat it carefully, avoiding a sharp change in temperature in the room and protecting from drafts. In general, the multiplication of zamiokulkas, on the one hand, is quite simple, but it has its own difficulties. Reproduction by leaves or leaf cuttings is a very long process, and division of the bush is a procedure that is painful for the plant. In the first case, you minimally injure your zamiokulkas, but you will wait very long for a new specimen to grow up. In the second case, you immediately get one more adult plant, but at the same time you risk killing both copies. Because with a clumsy transplant the divided zamiokulkas can die. But, as you know, who does not take risks, he does not win. So choose the method of reproduction of this chic room flower and multiply such beauty in your home not only qualitatively, but quantitatively. Good luck! We advise you to read:

