Office work Office work at first glance may seemsparing for health: it does not require great physical strength and is not associated with an aggressive environment, as, for example, in chemical production. However, office workers may be exposed to a number of so-called "professional" diseases, the symptoms of which may not appear for a long time. Basic knowledge about such diseases can change your view of work in the office and in the future to prevent the occurrence of serious health problems. Consider the most common of them:

  • Disturbance of microcirculation and fatigue

The humidity level in the room is an importantfactor for maintaining good health, because the human body is 60% * consists of water. If the office is dominated by dry air, for example, when using an air conditioner, the worker may be disturbed by circulating oxygen through the circulatory system. As a result, there is drowsiness, fatigue, the risk of frequent respiratory and skin diseases. If possible, it is best to equip the room with an air humidifier, and also drink more pure still water.

  • Dry eye syndrome

Long hours at the computer lead to the development ofso-called dry eye syndrome. Today, it is increasingly found among office workers. If you are familiar with the feeling of fatigue, "sand" and rubbing in your eyes, it's time to consult an ophthalmologist or a couple of times a day to perform simple exercises for the eyes (circular rotation clockwise and counterclockwise). Remember - in order to maintain visual acuity, working at the computer, it is necessary to translate the view from the monitor to the distance and on the sides at least every 5 minutes.

  • Rachiocampsis

Spending the whole day in a sitting position, whichincreases the burden on the spine, the office worker risks "getting" diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Exacerbates the situation and improper posture: often people whose activities are related to work at the computer, sit at the desk hunched and neck forward (it is more convenient to look at the monitor screen). Regardless of age, the curvature of the spine can lead to poor health or the development of chronic diseases. Inactive work in the office leads to changes in intervertebral discs and jamming of nerve endings. In addition, often employees of offices notice periodically arising pains in the muscles of the back, neck and hands. For the prevention of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and curvature of the spine, you need to move more, regularly do exercises and exercise, and periodically take a course of massage. Especially useful exercises on the bar for stretching the spine. During the working day, try to take the habit of constantly monitoring your posture - keep your back properly, leaning on the back of the chair, the monitor should be at eye level. Also, if possible, change the pose more often. After the end of the day instead of using public transport or a personal car, if possible, give priority to walking.

  • Pain in the joints

On joint pain of varying intensitycomplain 58% of men and women engaged in inactive sedentary work **. To prevent the development of serious problems with joints will help an active lifestyle - allocate time for training in the gym, if possible, give up the elevator and public transport or devote at least half an hour a day on foot. It is also important to know that pain can be a sign of osteortrosis in the early stages of the disease, the cause of which is the damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the joints. After the appearance of the first symptoms, slowly progressing, osteoarthritis causes disruption of the joint and leads to a limitation of mobility. Therefore, it is extremely important in time to see a doctor and begin treatment. As a means to prevent the destruction of cartilage in the joints, chondroprotectors are used, for example, one of the most famous - the drug "Teraflex" from the company Bayer. With the right reception (at least 3 months), it improves the mobility of the joints and slows the development of osteoarthritis.

  • Phlebeurysm

When you are in a sitting position for a long time,under the influence of gravity in the veins of the lower limbs, additional amounts of blood accumulate. With prolonged motionless sitting, the volume of venous blood in each leg increases dramatically, which may eventually contribute to the risk of developing varicose veins. Since it is not always possible to get up every hour from the workplace and walk around the office, an alternative can be gymnastics for the feet (foot warm-up) at the desk.

  • Tunnel wrist syndrome

If you constantly work for a PC, in the risk zone andBrushes of hands: office workers often develop tunnel wrist syndrome. Its main symptoms are numbness of the hand, painful sensations of different intensity in the fingers. To prevent further development of the disease, work on correct posture, regularly knead the brushes and, if possible, equip the home computer with an anatomical keyboard and mouse. Remember - to stay healthy while working in the office is not difficult. It is important to acquire useful habits that will gradually enter your life. With a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism is disturbed in the body, so try to move more and not miss sports - this will help maintain the metabolism at the proper level and prevent the emergence of chronic diseases. Be healthy! * Kukushkin Yu. N. Chemical elements in the human body. L .: Chemistry, 1998 ** Among respondents over 45 years old. According to a study by Teraflex Index of the Bayer concern (October 2014).

