why does not flower Kalanchoe It's hard to imagine a home collectionan amateur florist without such a beautiful plant as the Kalanchoe. With its colorful inflorescences, the ornate-flowering Kalanchoe can delight owners up to six months a year. But quite often, many floristic amateurs face the following problems associated with this delicate flower: poor plant growth, the beginning of decay, a long break in the flowering period, or signs that the Kalanchoe is not going to bloom at all. It is in these cases for the floriculturist there comes a time when he should begin to worry. Perhaps you are also wondering why the Kalanchoe does not bloom in your home. And this despite the fact that you are trying your best to help the flower open up in all its beauty and rich splendor. But all your efforts and efforts remain unsuccessful. Do not despair. With proper care and careful attitude to the Kalanchoe, it is possible to restore the former power to the plant and allow it to blossom with renewed vigor. Let's figure out what the problem may be.

Why is it that the Kalanchoe does not blossom

When deciding to start a Kalanchoe, you should know that thisthe flower belongs to the genus of succulent tropical plants. And this means that the plant is thermophilic, it does not tolerate the cold and is somewhat capricious; you will have to comply with the necessary conditions when caring for him. But there are several species of Kalanchoe, well adapted to our climate; these varieties are usually offered to flower growers in shops and greenhouses for breeding at home. Buying a healthy, lush bush of Kalanchoe, generously strewn with flower stalks, everyone wants the plant to be covered with flower stems from season to season, and that on a lush bush the buds open and blossom each year, decorating the house with an abundance of their bright colors. But it happens that after a period of prolonged flowering and compulsory rest the plant is not covered with peduncles, the trunk of the Kalanchoe is noticeably stretched, the leaves begin to fall off. Any florist will immediately notice strange changes in the appearance of the plant. Kalanchoe does not blossom

Care rules for Kalanchoe

The reason for the phenomenon described above is one -illiterate care for a delicate tropical plant. This is why your Kalanchoe does not blossom and does not add to growth, but on the contrary it looks like an unhealthy sick bush, which needs treatment. What does a floriculturist need to know in order to avoid such a sad outcome? Forming a Kalanchoe bush The owner of a Kalanchoe must remember that a good plant growth, a healthy appearance and abundant flowering directly depend on the systematic and correct formation of the bush. In order to achieve this, you must adhere to the following rules of care:

  • At the end of the flowering period of the Kalanchoe, all old flower stalks must be subjected to compulsory disposal;
  • At the same time, all unnecessary shoots should be cut off - to give the bush an attractive appearance of the required shape;
  • After such treatment, the plants continue to constantly monitor it and promptly pluck new shoots.
  • After completing all three of the above, you are notshould consider that this limits all care for the future of your Kalanchoe. You need to constantly observe the plant and wait for the appearance of new shoots that always appear after pruning and removing the former peduncles. As soon as new shoots appear, allow them to grow slightly, and then again it is necessary to pinch off all the upper leaves. A few days later, young shoots will start to appear on the pinches. Now, as soon as a third pair of leaves appears on the young shoots, you should make a new prischipku. But this does not end the process of giving the necessary form of a Kalanchoe bush. The last plucking of plants should be carried out again with the same shoots. Only now, if you have done everything correctly and accurately, you should expect that in the end you will have a lush and dense bush that will bloom brightly on your windowsill for several months. Preparing the plant for flowering In order to achieve abundant flowering of the Kalanchoe in the future, you need to know that the flower buds are made during short winter days with the corresponding mode of alternating lighting and darkening. Kalanchoe, who received an insufficient amount of light and rest from it during the budding period, will most likely not blossom in the future. If necessary, in some cases it is recommended to create an artificial (for a duration) light day for the plant, covering the Kalanchoe along with the pot from 18-00 to 8-00 hours with a special hood, cardboard or dark package. You should determine to which part of the world the window with the Kalanchoe pot comes out. On windows in the northern direction, almost no one Kalanchoe flower grower bloomed, and the bush itself is not quite luxuriant. Therefore, we advise you to avoid windows with the northern direction. On the windows in the south, the last pinch of the flower should be carried out at the end of November. If the window is located in the west or east direction, then for the last pinch time is quite long - from November to March. In any case, the florist must calculate the timing and the correct time of the last pinches of Kalanchoe, so that in the future the plants gain strength and successfully bloom on the windowsill for several months. Soon after the usual young shoots, along with new leaves appear long-awaited peduncles. It is possible that you find it difficult to distinguish leaves from peduncles, because it is almost impossible to make even an experienced floriculturist. But as the growth grows, the difference between leaflets and peduncles will be obvious. In the event that till the end of March the peduncles have not appeared, the last pinching of the plant is allowed. why the Kalanchoe does not bloom at home

    Create the necessary conditions for flowering of Kalanchoe

    Now let's consider a number of other conditions,non-observance of which leads to the fact that the Kalanchoe does not wish to blossom. Especially it will be useful to assimilate the young flower growers who, through ignorance, often make these mistakes, and then lament: "My Kalanchoe bloomed at first, but a year later ceased!" So, what you need to know:

    • sunlight

    Kalanchoe, like any other succulent,growing in tropical countries, loves the sun. Although this applies to plants that prefer a very short light day, prolonged stay in a darkened room can lead not only to the fact that the Kalanchoe ceases to bloom and begins to lose its leaves, but also to the inevitable death of the plant. At the same time, a moody flower is afraid of an intense sun with direct sunlight.

    • Watering the Kalanchoe

    The need for watering in the plant is very moderate. It is believed that in winter the plant rests and does not need constant abundant watering at this time of year. With constant watering in the winter, you can provoke the plant to untimely activity. This will lead the plant to vegetative disturbances in general. And in the spring you can not wait for every branch of Kalanchoe to blossom and colorful with its bright flowers. In the summer, a strong watering of the flower is required. This is necessary to continue the growth of the Kalanchoe and the timely onset of the flowering period. In the summer, you can limit one or two kalanchoe watering a week. To better determine the time of watering, you better explore the soil to the touch. If the top part is dry, it means that it's time to water the flower.

    • Air humidity

    Despite the increased need for water,Kalanchoe is more suitable for dry air. This fact is explained by the climatic features of the place of origin of the plant. But sometimes, at a very high air temperature, spraying is allowed inside the room. In this case, you should be very careful, because excessive spraying of Kalanchoe can lead the plant to different diseases, wilting flowers and its inevitable death.

    • Pests and insects

    Healthy bush kalanchoe with a largeresistance refers to all kinds of attacks of numerous pests. But with an overabundance of moisture, the plant ceases to bloom, leaves begin to wilt, the trunk and root system of the plant as a whole weakens. Kalanchoe becomes easily vulnerable and is attacked by powdery mildew, gray mold, spider mite, felting, mealybug and aphid. Pests spread and settle on leaves, flowers and the trunk of a flower. The weakened Kalanchoe quickly loses its lush appearance and needs immediate treatment. If you help the plant in time, then it can be saved and restore health to the dying organism. But the most important thing is to constantly observe the parameters of permissible humidity in the nearest radius of the pot from the Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe, like any other plant, will respond with gratitude to your love and care. If you, having gained the proper patience, will stick to the care of the flower of these simple tips, then the plant in response to this will not keep you waiting long. Kalanchoe necessarily opens on the windowsill in its magnificent beauty, and will be a long time to bloom and delight you and your loved ones.

