braiding of hair Today it's fashionable to make beautiful haircuts. But if you want to find your unique style, we suggest learning the weaving of hair. Such a miracle on your head will look exquisite and attract the envious glances of others. There are different types of hairstyles: solemn, everyday, simple and complex. Choose what you like and do it yourself. Also, a lot of weaving on the hair is offered in the salons - you can always use professional services.

"Fish tail"

One of the most common types of weave-"fish tail". He looks great on a long and thick head of hair. This hairstyle is suitable for every day, and if you are going to a party, use beautiful hair clips. You will need:

  • regular band
  • Comb with one row of denticles (for separation of strands) and a massage brush
  • Decorating
  • fixing agents (eg, lacquer or gel).

When starting to weave hair, comb them back withusing a massage brush. Then separate the two thin strands - one from the right temple, and the other from the left - and cross them on the back of the head. Now grab a new lock with one hand from under the left, while the other hold the hair and lightly press them to the head. The left strand is placed on top of the right, and vice versa. Thus, you should get a braid looking like a fish scales. When finished with weaving hair, tie the ends with an elastic band. To hair look more voluminous, a little fluff your creation, stretching the braid with your hands in different directions. For decoration use beautiful hairpins - distribute them along the entire length of the braid. Ready luxury sprinkle with varnish or take a gel. You can learn how to weave from hair, you need only diligence, technique and patience.

The "tourniquets"

This weaving hair looks like a hairstyle withspit-plaits, located on the sides of the head. The main difference is that the flagella twist to the face, not back. This option is very convenient today, when many women do not have enough time for themselves - here certainly not before weaving. When you want to luxuriate in bed in the morning before you get up for work or study, a girl will probably give preference to extra ten minutes of sleep, and not spend this time laying. However, such a hairstyle does not take much time. It can be built with the help of long and medium strands. This technique will help in an instant to get out of the ordinary image and turn into a fairy-tale beauty! You will need:

  • comb
  • chuck
  • barrette

Make a parting from the front in any place on yourdiscretion (but it should end in the center of the crown), then in the process of weaving continue it down exclusively in the middle of the nape. Weave plaits need alternately first on one side, then on the other. To do this, comb the hair on the left side of the parting towards the occipital part. At the next stage of weaving the hair, separate one locon about two centimeters thick from the front. Twist it to the side of the face about three turns, then pinch it in the left palm. With your right hand, take the next strand of the same size that is located behind the first. Twist it in exactly the same way and overlay the previous curl. At the next stage of braiding from the hair, shift the finished material to the left hand and hold it with your fingers (one lock between the ring and the middle one, and the other between the index and middle) so that both strands remain crosswise. Well clench your fist so that the whole structure does not fall apart, and separate the new curl, twist it, then pass under the bottom strand and put it on top. Swap your hands, put both curls in one strand and move the remaining ones to the left palm. Continue the same braiding of the hair to the neck, then put on the clamp. In the same way, treat the other side, then take the two ends of both bundles and connect them at the base of the head, twist the ordinary braid and fasten it with an elastic band. There are different types of this hairstyle: the tourniquets curl forward or backward. This weaving on the hair needs to learn, so first of all, call a friend for help. weaving from hair

Spit in French

Weaving from hair should devote sometime, but the result will please you. Of course, in everyday life you can simply tie a high tail, but when going to a holiday or some celebration, it is better to make a beautiful hairstyle. For this option, take a long ribbon, ideally with a metal thread. It is better kept and looks more impressive. But keep in mind that the braiding of hair using this technique is not easy, and you, most likely, will not be able to cope alone. You will need:

  • covered elastic band
  • hair clips
  • comb.

Hair weaving always start with combing. Then make a diagonal part in front and then at an angle of 45 degrees, move to the middle of the crown and down to the back of the head. Now perform a few weave of hair in the form of French braids on each side of the head. In this case, the curls should not be too thick, tight and tight fitting. So, lay the tape under the first string, leaving about fifteen centimeters on top. In the process of weaving hair, let it pass under each newly added curl - it must pass from one side to the other, back, and also forward across the braid. After these braids on the hair at the base of the neck, go to a simple spit. Decorate the jewelry under each strand that is intersected by the next. When finished, secure the ends with an elastic band. The same technique of plaiting braids in French is used for the other side of the head. Cross the pigtails at the base of the neck and tuck each one to the center, pin it with hairpins, and from the tape build a bow.

Hair weaving in the salon

To make a beautiful hairstyle, you need not onlytime, but also some abilities. Hair weaving should be dedicated to more than one day. Many, emboldened by the desire to master this skill, start to learn with enthusiasm and just as quickly give up this occupation. Not all have perseverance and patience for weaving hair. If you do not want to torture yourself in this way, contact a specialized salon. English noun braid means "braid", "braid", and a person who is engaged in weaving hair, mastered a variety of types and techniques, called "brader." It is to such a professional and should go, if you want to create something unique on your head.

African and other pigtails

Types of weaving from the hair are completely different, to thatthey can be combined with each other. In the salon, a qualified specialist will not only pick up the variant that suits you, but also advise you about the subsequent hair care. Let's look at several types of weave on the hair:

  • The classic Afro consists of three braces,suitable for any length, thickness and quality of hair. This technique of weaving on the hair involves the use of a special material - kanekolona. Such beauty can be worn for one to four months.
  • Pigtails in Thai braid exclusively from natural hair, they quickly lose their original appearance.
  • Ideal for the cold season -weaving in the form of afrokosichek. This hairstyle uses knitting threads that warm like a scarf. So you will not freeze! Their size is selected individually: someone likes long, some prefer shorter. Today, many are addicted to weaving from hair and colorful material.
  • French braids. This kind of weaving on the hair is also called "spikelet" or "dragon". It is suitable for those with strands at least ten centimeters. The master can perform it in two ways: with or without the addition of an artificial material. Give preference to weaving from hair with kanekkolon - it is more practical, it looks bigger and more beautiful, it lasts longer. Thanks to the props and braids on the head, interesting patterns are created - from parallel lines to complex images.

This kind of braiding from hair refers to the categoryunisex and is suitable for both men and women. They need a fairly simple care: washing, drying, and if in some places the hair is disheveled, it can be fixed with a gel. Another plus - do not need to do the styling every morning. The next visit to the hairdresser will take at least a month and a half. To the weaving in the hair in the form of African, Thai and French braids are not indifferent people, leading an active life: football players, dancers and athletes. These hair styles look stylish and fashionable, they are suitable for both office and party. Hair weaving can be done in a horizontal or vertical direction, with any pattern. It all depends on your imagination and the professionalism of the master. braiding from hair

Weaving with artificial strands

The time of wearing hair salons from hair depends on various factors: length, speed of growth of the head of hear, its density, frequency of washing and the like. Let's give an approximate time frame for the number of brades:

  • if you have done about six or eight braided hair, then they will last about a week and a half
  • Weaving on hair with eleven pigtails - a period of fourteen days
  • Breidov in the amount of twelve to fifteen pieces can wear about two and a half weeks

That is, the more you make the braids, thelonger will enjoy your weaving on your hair. Wash your head not more than once in seven days, blow dry with a cold air (do not use it at all), sleep in a headscarf - then your hair will be fine. We considered variants of weaving hair using artificial material or without it. Do you know that you can use ready-made brades? For example, zee-zi. This kind of weaving on the hair with the use of finished braids, which connect with natural, is considered the fastest option. Such a hairstyle looks like a long, thin Afro, it is not very expensive, does not take much time, so many teenagers prefer it to her. For braiding in this way, it is necessary that the strands are not more than twenty centimeters. Depending on the material, the scythe is usually:

  • corrugation
  • direct
  • twisted
  • in the form of a spiral

The advantages of a hairstyle consist in the speed of its creation andpracticality when wearing. In addition, if the master carefully removes the braids, they can be used for subsequent hair weaving. This option is ideal for active people. Another interesting variation is safe dreadlocks. In this case artificial strands of different sizes and colors are attached to natural strands. This head ornament looks much more accurate than the natural dreadlocks, and does not spoil the hair. Stand out from the crowd can be different. Informal youth prefers salon brady, and girls with classical looks have exquisite hairstyles. When making a choice, be guided by your intuition and your taste. We advise you to read:

