Waffles Tubes Recipe Probably, each of us at least once in my lifeI tasted sweet waffles with cream. Usually they are wrapped in the form of tubes and stuffed with boiled condensed milk. Such a delicacy is sold in many supermarkets and small confectionery shops. But, unfortunately, you can not always be sure of the quality of this product. Today we will raise the veil of secrecy and tell you about how to prepare waffles at home. Perhaps someday one of these recipes will come in handy for you.

Wafer tubules made from sour cream

Preparation of wafer tubules at first glancecan seem complicated and time consuming, but in fact this process is not very burdensome. You just need to read the recipe, then mix all the necessary products and put the dough into an electric waffle iron. As an impregnation in this case, sour cream is used, but it can optionally be replaced with homemade jam or condensed milk. Ingredients: For wafers:

  • four tablespoons of flour
  • three teaspoons of starch
  • four eggs
  • half a glass of sugar
  • salt - to taste

For impregnation:

  • ¼ cup sour cream of high fat content
  • a little sugar (or powder)

Cooking method: Before you start, remember a few simple rules, thanks to which dessert will always turn out very tasty. First, do not be lazy to sift the flour - then the dough will rise well. Secondly, instead of granulated sugar you can use powder - you will spend much less time to "fight" with excess lumps. And, at last, if possible, whip the products with a mixer or blender - the mass will come out lush and airy. So, we pick up the recipe and start cooking! To begin, break into a deep bowl of eggs and fill them with sugar, then the last thoroughly rub with a fork until completely dissolved. Now gradually enter the sour cream, adding it in small portions. Then comes the turn of starch, table salt and pre-sifted wheat flour - combine everything with the rest of the ingredients. Mix well the products using a whisk or, as mentioned above, a mixer or blender. While the dough is infused, turn on the electric wafer and warm it up. Then pour a little more than a tablespoon of the finished mixture and, closing the lid, bake the products for ten to fifteen minutes. Mix sour cream with sugar and get plenty of grease on each waffle. Then add a few pieces to each other, pressing them with your hands, and you can serve the dish on the table. This recipe exists in a slightly different way: after cooking the wafers, when they are still hot, gently fold them in the form of tubes. As a filler, boiled condensed milk is often used, but you can take homemade jam, but it should be thick enough, otherwise the filling will simply flow out. And if time allows you, find an easy recipe for custard and stuff them with finished products. wafer wafers

Tubules with tender custard

Filling for wafer tubules can be selected any. Undoubtedly, the simplest option is a boiled condensed milk. If you do not want to waste time - and it's about two or three hours - to cook it, buy the product at the nearest store. Some people prefer to eat waffles, just squeezing milk or tea, not filling them with anything. But this is, as they say, an amateur, because in this form the dessert is too dry. Therefore, we offer to master a simple recipe for a gentle custard, which will be an ideal addition to crispy wafers. Ingredients: For the dough:

  • butter packaging
  • eggs - five pieces
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar
  • 250 grams of wheat flour

For cream:

  • chicken yolk - four pieces
  • one liter of pasteurized milk
  • flour - four tablespoons (table)
  • slightly more glass of sugar
  • 100 grams of fresh butter
  • vanilla - if desired

Cooking method: Dough for wafers can be made from margarine, adding mineral or conventional water, cottage cheese, cream and others, but we will tell you a recipe, which includes butter and eggs. So, first of all, you need to combine the two above mentioned ingredients in a deep bowl. For this, butter is recommended in advance to melt on a quiet fire, but it should not be boiled. When it is a little cool, enter the chicken eggs, pre-whipped in lush foam. Then add the sugar and sifted flour, you can lightly salt. The dough should in no case turn out to be tight, otherwise you will not be able to bake wafers, besides they will be very hard and not tasty. Therefore, mix the mass, in a consistency similar to liquid sour cream. If necessary, enter a little more flour than indicated in the recipe. If you have an electric waffle iron, just warm it up and put some dough (about a half tablespoon). Then close the lid and bake the product until it gains a golden hue. There is another way of making wafers: for lack of a special device, use a conventional pan. Lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable or butter, and then spread the entire surface of the dough, spreading it with not too thick cakes at a sufficient distance from each other. If you cover a baking sheet with parchment or baking paper, it is not necessary to process it - the wafers will still be well removed and not burned. As soon as you get the products of their oven or electric wafer, immediately twist them into the tubes. If they manage to cool down, you can not do it. When you are done, start preparing the custard. With a fork or whisk, beat the yolks, and to keep the remaining protein is not lost, use it in another dish. This recipe includes granulated sugar, but if you do not want to fuss for a long time, it's better to take powder. It dissolves very quickly, without forming lumps, so that the cream will turn out to be uniform and gentle. This amount of flour, dilute with milk (100 milliliters), and then mix the resulting mass in the egg-sugar mixture, which must be put on a weak fire. Now enter the remainder of the dairy product and keep the cream until it boils, remembering to stir it regularly. A minute before removing from the plate, put the pieces of butter and vanilla. The filling for the wafer tubules is ready! Wait until it cools, then put it into the syringe and refill the products. For dessert, serve hot tea, coffee, warm milk or cocoa. If you want to decorate your creation, sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Bon Appetit! recipe for wafer tubules

Wafers with coffee cream

If the shop cakes and chocolates are alreadybecome boring, try to cook wafers yourself. It will not take long, but the result will surely be satisfied with yourself and your loved ones. This time, we will tell a recipe for a dessert filled with coffee cream. This dish is an ideal occasion to invite girlfriends. So do not lose a single minute - cook, call and invite your friends. Ingredients: Waffle dough:

  • 200 grams of fresh margarine good quality
  • a glass of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • two cups of flour

Coffee Cream:

  • 500 milliliters of warm milk
  • 100 grams of natural coffee
  • eggs - four pieces
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • a little flour

Cooking method: This recipe test for wafers is cheaper than the one containing butter. But, nevertheless, the dish turns out the same appetizing, crispy and beautiful. Are you ready to start cooking? Then in the beginning cut into small pieces of margarine and, having laid it in a small bowl, melt on a quiet fire. Then in a separate bowl, stir the eggs, sugar, sifted wheat flour with a whisk and pour the mixture into margarine. To obtain a homogeneous lush mass, it is recommended to mix the dough several times with a mixer. Bake products in an electric waffle iron, which should be preheated well in advance. As for the time, in about three to four minutes the dish will be ready. So, without allowing the waffles to cool too much, wrap them in tubes. Now, prepare a fragrant cream. First, you need to brew natural coffee: make it in a Turk in the usual way, and then let it brew a little. Then pour into warmed (but not boiled!) Pasteurized milk, here enter rubbed with flour and with sugar or powder eggs. Put the mixture on not too strong fire and do not stop working with a spoon, otherwise it will "stick" to the bottom. In order not to form lumps, especially intensively mix the mass at the very end, when bubbles begin to appear on its surface. If you do not get into trouble and there are small clots in the cream, use a little trick. Put the dishes with the finished mixture in a pan of ice water, one tablespoon of which you need to add and cream. Now whisk the product intensively until the excess lumps dissolve. Frozen stuffing for wafers fill each product using a special confectionery syringe. You can also make a cornet from parchment or paper for baking.

Wafer tubules "To tea" with condensed milk and fruit

This recipe for waffles is suitable for a special occasion: meeting with friends, a children's holiday or a romantic dinner with a loved one. Agree, the appetite causes not only the immediate taste of a particular dish, but also its presentation. It is in this and is the highlight of this dish. Ingredients: Dough:

  • one and a half faceted glass of flour
  • six eggs
  • butter - half a pack
  • sugar - to taste (but not less than two tablespoons)
  • 200 milliliters of cream

Waffle cream:

  • a pack of butter
  • 0,5 cans of regular condensed milk

For decoration:

  • 100 grams of raspberries (fresh or frozen)
  • mint leaves
  • ½ tiles of any chocolate
  • ice cream - if desired

Cooking method: In this dough, the proteins and yolks are injected separately and at different stages, so to begin with, separate them and distribute them to different bowls. Then rub the last with sugar. When the product is completely dissolved, add soft butter, cut into small pieces, and wheat flour. Pour the cream into the bowl for the blender, here also enter the whites and whisk all the ingredients into a white thick foam. Now add the yolk-sugar mixture and mix several more times. Put the dough in the cold for at least half an hour. After spreading it in small portions into the electric oven, bake at 200 degrees. Note that the products "reach" pretty quickly, so do not keep them for too long, just two or three minutes. Do not have time to cool the waffles roll in the form of tubules, and then stuff it with cream. To make it very simple: mix the condensed milk and butter, if desired, add a little vanilla. You have reached the final stage. To your masterpiece turned out not only tasty, but also attractive in appearance, spread the wafers on portions saucers, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top, decorate with fresh raspberries and mint leaves. You can also use frozen berries. And to surely defeat the guests on the spot with an appetizing dish, lay one ball of dessert with a ball of filling or other ice cream. As you can see, the preparation of wafer tubules does not take much time, but enjoying their taste is a pleasure. To deny yourself this is simply impossible! We advise you to read:

