vegetable diet From the earliest childhood we are used to hearing aboutthat vegetables are absolutely necessary for our health. Remember how my mother rubbed the carrot, saying: "Eat, eat, it's useful"? And, as in most cases, my mother, of course, was right. Vegetables contain a whole "bouquet" of various minerals, vitamins, organic acids and dietary fiber, without which our body simply can not do. Until recently, the only serious shortage of vegetables was their low caloric value. However, everything changes. And what was once perceived as a "minus", turned into a fat "plus". According to statistics - and it's hard to argue with her! - an increasing number of people on the planet suffer from obesity and are concerned about the problem of losing weight. Here, then, come to the rescue of vegetables, or rather - vegetable diet. Observance of this diet provides a feeling of satiety and at the same time does not allow the body to get an excess of calories. Moreover, some representatives of this "family" - for example, celery and cabbage - even have a negative calorie content. What does it mean? Yes, that on their digestion your body will spend more energy than it will get as a result of their use. Another quality of vegetables that make them so attractive for weight loss is high fiber content. The fact is that this substance is not split in the body. But, moving along the gastrointestinal tract, they absorb slags and toxins, due to which they perfectly clean our body. Moreover, fiber partially binds fat and does not allow it to be fully absorbed. And this, without a doubt, makes the vegetable diets even more effective. Well, one more indisputable advantage - you do not have to stand for hours at the stove. All recipes are very simple and even a beginner culinary will cope with them. No doubt, all these useful properties of vegetables are very widely exploited - in the good sense of the word - nutritionists. Vegetable diet is one of the most popular and "tasty" ways to combat excess weight. And its results invariably delight everyone who decided on this step. Such diets exist a great variety - from the shortest, simple and hard, to those that can be adhered to for a long time without any damage to health, while indulging in interesting, new dishes that satisfy the taste of the most picky gourmets and aesthetes. Let's consider some recipes.

Rigid Diet

This vegetable diet is considered quite tough and is only for a week. With a strict adherence to the menu, the effect of losing weight will be quite significant - three to four kilograms. A diet for a week.

  • For breakfast - black tea and dried apricots. Lunch - lean borscht, boiled potatoes and vegetable salad, dressed with olive oil. Add the beets to it. You can drink everything with herbal tea. On a mid-morning snack - a banana and green tea. Of course, without sugar. For dinner - again vegetable salad and mineral water.
  • In the morning - black tea and one apple. Preferably, green. In the afternoon - lean soup, boiled potatoes and salad from boiled vegetables - vinaigrette. For dessert - fruit and herbal tea. For a snack - green tea and a banana. In the evening - again vinaigrette and mors. Preferably, from cranberry or cowberries. However, you can replace it with herbal tea from a cowberry leaf.
  • In the morning - green tea. It is known to be very useful for losing weight. "Sweeten life" can be dried apricots or raisins. In the afternoon - beetroot and a salad of fresh vegetables. For salad, take cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes and, of course, more green. For dessert - figs and herbal tea. At noon, cook the compote. To him, fresh fruit. In the evening, you can eat a salad of fresh cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil. Cabbage, drink compote, which was left with a snack.
  • For breakfast - green tea and fresh fruit. In the afternoon - broth from vegetable soup, vegetable salad and mineral water. For a snack - again compote. Before going to bed - raw carrots and mors from cowberry or cranberry.
  • In the morning - green tea. This time without fruit. In the afternoon - fresh vegetables, one orange and again tea. The second breakfast is half a green apple and compote. For dinner - a salad of white cabbage and still mineral water.
  • In the morning - all the same. Green tea and fruit. Lunch - a favorite dish of many - borsch. To it - vegetable salad. To drink, of course, follows the mineral water. Snack - compote. For dinner - again vegetables. Any, but fresh - without heat treatment. Herb tea.
  • In the morning - tea of ​​your choice. Herbal, green, black - whatever you want. To it - dried fruits. In the afternoon - vegetable soup, vinaigrette, fruit and green tea. At noon - either compote, or any tea with a seasoning of dried fruits. In the evening - fresh vegetables, compote and fruit - fresh or dried.
  • vegetable diet

    "Kings and cabbage"

    However, not so ... Queen and cabbage! This vegetable diet also promises very good results - up to five kilograms per week. An invariable component of the vegetable diet menu, in this version, is cabbage soup. It must be eaten every day. As it turned out, cabbage is very useful for losing weight - because it has a negative calorie content! Soup is prepared very simply - you can add other vegetables to cabbage. Suitable carrots, onions, tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers - yes anything, except potatoes. This is probably the only vegetable that is harmful for weight loss. So, an approximate menu for a week - except for cabbage soup during the day you can eat the following foods. First day:

    • raw or baked fruit;
    • yoghurt or skimmed milk;
    • unsweetened tea or coffee.

    Second day:

    • any vegetables;
    • baked potatoes seasoned with low-calorie sauce;
    • tea.

    The third day:

    • fruit;
    • vegetables;
    • milk or yogurt;
    • tea or coffee without sugar.

    Fourth day:

    • bananas - as long as you want;
    • yogurt or milk.

    Day five:

    • boiled chicken breasts and low-fat fish - without restriction;
    • sauce with a minimum of calories;
    • tomatoes;
    • yogurt;
    • coffee or tea.

    Day Six:

    • chicken and fish with sauce, no restrictions;
    • fresh vegetables. Preference - tomatoes;
    • milk;
    • tea.

    Day Seven:

    • any vegetables and fruits;
    • milk;
    • coffee.

    Perhaps, the most tempting in this vegetable dietthe fact that the effect of weight loss persists for a long time. Well, of course, provided that you do not "jump" at once to various "buns", cakes and fried potatoes. diet for weight loss vegetable

    "Vegetables fruits"

    The meaning of this vegetable diet is very simple - a dayyou can eat about one and a half kilograms of vegetables. It is also acceptable to use skim milk products. The energy value of all products should not exceed 1200 kilocalories per day. If you clearly follow the menu - and the recipes are simple enough - and adhere to the correct diet, the results will not be long in coming. Take food is recommended five to six times a day, in small portions. Since this option does not apply to hard vegetable diets, it is considered that it is possible to "sit" on it for more than a week. The maximum allowed period is one month.

  • For breakfast, prepare a salad of apples and cabbage. To him - compote of fresh berries. In the afternoon - vegetable soup and green tea. Soup, of course, should be cooked on water, and not on meat broth. On a mid-morning snack, grate the carrots and add a spoonful of olive oil. In the evening, you can pamper yourself - stuff the pepper with tomatoes and eggplant and bake in the oven. You can drink everything with berry compote.
  • In the morning - low-fat yogurt. Add to it, for taste, fresh berries. In the afternoon - vegetable salad. Slice the Bulgarian peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. Add the brynza and olives. Slightly sprinkle it all with vegetable oil. It is recommended to drink fruit jelly. At noon you can eat one apple baked with honey. For dinner - cabbage soup and tea. Better, green.
  • In the morning - a salad of greens and radish. Green tea. In the afternoon - bake potatoes and eat it with sauerkraut. Cabbage is very useful for losing weight, remember? And again green tea. For a snack - baked turnips. In the evening - vegetable stew and compote of dried fruits. Day four. For breakfast - broth from cabbage and herbal tea. For lunch - vegetable soup. You can drink green tea. For a snack - boiled beets with prunes. Before going to bed - a salad of fresh vegetables. Ingredients can be chosen according to your taste. Mug of yogurt. Better - one percent. It is better suited for weight loss.
  • Since morning, low-fat yogurt and one banana. In the afternoon - vegetable ragout and herbal tea. A little later you can eat one fresh apple. For dinner - vegetable broth. If you want to drink - you can make a compote of dried fruits. Just do not add sugar.
  • For breakfast - a cup of vegetable broth and compote fromfresh berries. Unskillful. For lunch, cook the soup on a cabbage broth. You can drink green tea. For a snack - a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. In the evening - baked pumpkin and herbal tea.
  • In the morning - fruit salad and tea. As usual, green. Afternoon - pea porridge and again tea. For a mid-morning snack - a grated carrot with olive oil. For dinner - stewed squash and zucchini. A glass of yogurt. As you can see, this vegetable diet is one of the most pleasant. Despite the fact that all recipes are very simple to prepare, the menu turns out to be quite diverse, the dishes are tasty, and their low caloric content almost guarantees you weight loss.
  • As you can see, a vegetable diet is not at all scary. And in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to constantly experience an obsessive feeling of hunger. A little bit of fantasy and desire and you, for sure, will be able to come up with your personal recipes for low-calorie and healthy vegetable dishes. This is what distinguishes a vegetable diet from any other. However, before you embark on this "journey", do not forget to consult your doctor. After all, any diet has its own contraindications. And the most important thing is not to harm your health. We advise you to read:

