vaginismus Vaginismus. This issue is not spoken out loud. Moreover, this problem is rarely addressed to a doctor - it is so delicate. Meanwhile, if a woman has vaginismus, treatment should begin immediately. In order for the treatment to be started in a timely manner, the woman must clearly understand what is happening to her and not to miss the first alarming symptoms, indicating that there are certain problems. What is vaginismus? Physicians give the following definition: vaginismus is an involuntary spasmodic contraction of all the muscles of the pelvic floor, as well as the muscles of the vestibular vestibule and its lower third. These abnormalities occur at the time of the attempted introduction of the penis into the vagina. From the point of view of psychology, this process is nothing more than a reflex protection against the invasion of a foreign body. And to search for the causes of vaginismus is necessary, as a rule, in the mind of a woman. That is why, when deciding how to treat vaginismus, a woman simply needs to turn to a sex therapist. If a woman has vaginismus, the symptoms are as follows:

  • During an attempt to insert a penis into the vagina, a sharp spasm occurs, and the woman feels a sharp sharp pain.
  • When trying to gynecologic examination on the armchair with the help of mirrors, the same situation occurs.
  • A woman experiences difficulties when using hygiene tampons. When trying to insert a tampon into the vagina, the woman also feels muscle spasms and pain, although less severe.

Doctors believe, if a woman has vaginismus, causesshould be sought deep in the subconscious. Most often, the cause of vaginismus is the first sexual intercourse. In the event that a woman is very much afraid of pain associated with the process of defloration, she subconsciously seeks to avoid it. This is what explains the spasms of the vagina. In such a case, advice on how to get rid of vaginismus is only one thing: a man should show tolerance and understanding. Only in this case it is possible to overcome the fears of a woman before sexual intimacy. However, if the man showed excessive perseverance, he was rude, and the process of defloration nevertheless occurred, and even if very painful, the situation is greatly aggravated. And in such a situation, such a task as getting rid of vaginismus becomes practically impracticable on its own, without the intervention of a gynecologist and sex therapist. The psychologist will conduct the necessary work with the woman, find out whether this is true vaginismus and the reasons for its occurrence. In some cases, the problem is rooted in adolescence, and even childhood. After all, a psychological trauma can be caused by anything:

  • Accidentally seen in childhood sexual intercourseparents. He can cause a serious psychological trauma to the fragile child's psyche, because the child does not understand what is happening and why his beloved mother screams.
  • Puritan education of the girl. If the mother inspires the girl from childhood that all men are not worthy, and in adolescence suggests that sex is an unpleasant duty and dirt, such education will certainly turn into serious psychological problems for the girl in the future.
  • Getting knowledge about the sexual aspect of life from peers, from pornographic literature and films.

In addition, according to psychologists, the mostoften observed vaginismus symptoms in women with a weak type of psyche and the presence of obsessive phobias of water, height, darkness and other things. As a rule, such women need a psychological correction of their consciousness. Vaginismus as a treat, depends on the extent to which it is expressed. There are three degrees of vaginismus:

  • An easy degree. With this form of vaginismus, the penis penetrates the vagina without visible effort, but the woman experiences only unpleasant, slightly painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • The average severity. At a given degree of vaginismus, the penis can also penetrate the vagina, but even with the most gentle and smooth movements, the woman experiences severe pain in the pelvic area.
  • Severe form of vaginismus. A woman experiences panic fear of one thought about intercourse. Spasms of the vagina are so powerful that it is impossible to insert into the vagina not only the penis, but even the tip of the finger.
  • Whatever the degree of vaginismus, the womanrefers to sex as a duty, and feels frank fear of him. With an easy degree of vaginismus, a woman and a man may not even guess the existence of the problem, just a woman on a subconscious level will strive, in all possible ways, to avoid sexual intimacy. However, in such cases, women, at first glance, live a full life, and even give birth to children. It should be noted that vaginismus after childbirth passes independently. During the delivery process, the cervix relaxes, and the muscles of the vagina stretch. Of course, after a few months they will return to their previous state, however, this time, as a rule, is enough to stop the woman from experiencing fear of intercourse. In addition, another important reason for the disappearance of vaginismus after childbirth is self-esteem, which increases after the birth of a child in any woman. However, very often vaginismus is confused with pseudo-vaginism. Very often there is such a thing as bacterial vaginismus. In this case, the pain is caused by inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the vagina. This, as well as adhesive processes, malformations of the reproductive system and cause pseudovaginism. In this case, if a woman has signs of bacterial vaginismus, the treatment should be performed not by a psychologist, but by a gynecologist. In addition, before deciding how to cure vaginismus, the physician must differentiate from the so-called fear of sexual intercourse without contracting the muscles of the vagina. For this, a woman must visit a gynecologist's doctor. Some doctors advise women who have vaginismus, exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the vagina. However, with vaginismus such exercises can only exacerbate the existing problem, as spasms of trained muscles will be even stronger. Much more reasonable do not suffer from the question of how to cure vaginismus, and at the first symptoms of the problem, seek qualified help. If a woman observes difficulty in using tampons or when having sex, she should immediately consult a sex therapist and, in his absence, with a gynecologist. To my great regret, some gynecologists do not notice the obvious problem and deny the existence of such a phenomenon as vaginismus. In this case, you should not give up, but it's worth to turn to another doctor who knows what vaginismus is, and how to treat this unpleasant disease. As a rule, vaginismus treatment is always quite successful, although it can take quite a long time - from one to three months. Gradually, the sexual function of a woman will be fully restored. The first, most often, there is sexual arousal, after it is added to the moistening of the vagina. However, to successfully get rid of the existing problem, the help and understanding of the sexual partner is very important. Man, in order not to allow relapse of the disease, in no case should rush things. We advise you to read:

