Karkade tea is known since the time of the pharaohs. Sudan's rose, from whose petals it is prepared, has powerful antioxidant and stimulating properties. In fact, this is hibiscus, which has long been known in northern Africa. The popularity of karkade in the summer months is growing quite strongly. And no wonder, because it is difficult to find the best time for drinking drinks using the Sudanese rose. Karkade tea is very pleasant to drink, especially in the heat, because it can be cooked and hot, and very cold. It has a luxurious taste, both sweet and sour. This drink is officially recognized as national in Egypt. And it is no accident, because the indigenous people are preparing a wonderful tea from the petals of a plant called hibiscus.
Some useful information
Hibiscus refers to the mallow. This family is characterized by luxurious flowering and very bright, fragrant flowers. Hibiscus is a very unpretentious and grateful plant. It is absolutely easy to grow it even at home. It grows in many countries. His homeland in the first place is Egypt. But hibiscus is also found in China, Mexico, Thailand, Java and Ceylon. So it can be argued that the plant is international. And in every corner of the world hibiscus has its own name:
- in the countries of Africa it is called Sudanese tea
- in Jamaica - red sorrel or roselle
- in Mexico - flor de Jamaica
Hibiscus has more than 150 species andgrows in various forms: in the form of a lush bush or tall tree. For making tea, use Hibiscus Sabdariffa. The first mention of carcade tea can be found back in 1576, in the works of a certain Mattias de L'Obel, a botanist who documented the existence of this curative drink. Sudan's rose is a plant not only fragrant and tasty, but also very useful. The quantity of useful substances, vitamins, microelements and acids of organic origin is very high. The drink, in which hibiscus is present, has a pleasant sour taste and aroma, which indicates the presence in the tea of a sufficiently large amount of citric acid. In general, hibiscus is a name that goes back to Africa. It is also called red sorrel, Sudanese rose or mallow of Venice. It should be noted that not all share the fervent love of the Egyptians and other peoples of Africa to the carcade. Some are very negative to tea, in which at least a small amount of hibiscus is present. And meanwhile, true connoisseurs of refined taste and healthy nutrition, not only celebrate its remarkable properties, but also the tremendous effect that can be achieved by regularly eating it. Hibiscus is a very grateful product, helping us to maintain health, youth and energy. It is absolutely natural, because in order to grow it does not necessarily apply fertilizers. Any of the one hundred and fifty species of this plant can grow absolutely calmly in different parts of the world, only the climate should be warm and tropical. But the best is still considered hibiscus, which is growing in Egypt.
Useful properties of carcade
Hibiscus has a number of useful qualities. It contains anthocyanins - special substances that give the leaves of the flower a luxurious red tint. It is these components that have a very high concentration of vitamin P, responsible for the normalization of pressure and the improvement of the vascular state. If you have high blood pressure, then drink cold tea karkade, and if low - hot, taking advantage of our recipes. Karkade is useful to drink even during pregnancy. Hibiscus has spasmolytic and diuretic qualities. In addition, the effect on the body of known anthocyanins is enhanced by quercetin, another priceless substance found in leaves of hibiscus. Both of these elements work fine as powerful stimulating substances for purification and toning of the whole organism as a whole. In addition, the resistance of the liver increases, its walls and protective functions are strengthened, which is caused by the inflow of bile. And consequently, immunity and metabolism are enhanced. Cups should be collected at dawn. After that they are dried for three or four days in the open air. After that, the hibiscus petals can be considered usable. Although you can eat not only cups and hibiscus petals. Seeds, leaves, root - everything goes on for the future and serves for the benefit of human health. Contraindications in this case are practically absent. As in everything, taking karkade, do not get too carried away and drink it in very large quantities. Hibiscus is also used to get rid of parasites. How does he work? Due to the lack of oxalic acid in it, carcade can be used even by people who have kidney problems. It is very useful to take directly the hibiscus, which remained after you brewed the tea. These leaves are useful for chewing small amounts. The therapeutic properties of hibiscus do not decrease at the same time, and their gentle and pleasant taste and smell will make you think about something pleasant. Hibiscus quite well removes any inflammatory processes in the body. It promotes digestion and increases appetite, beneficially affecting the entire gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it calms the nervous system and improves sleep. It is a powerful psychostimulant, which helps to cope with many problems that arise due to stress, nervous disorders or mental overstrain. Hibiscus is useful for pancreas. Drink karkade helps get rid of not only the slag, but also from cholesterol. He relieves migraines and helps with a hangover. The Sudanese Rose copes with the temperature quite well. Hypertension can use this drink as a means of normalizing the pressure. True, it is not worth it, because it can have the opposite effect. If there are urolithiasis or problems with bilious, then karkade also should be postponed. In general, this drink is very useful and remarkably helps to quench your thirst, since it has an acidic taste. The Sudanese rose contains:
- protein - 7.5 - 9.5%
- amino acids - 13 species, six of which are extremely necessary for health
- pectin - 2.4%
By the way, the last element helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from the intestine and the entire human body.
How to make delicious and healthy tea
Hibiscus is absolutely universal. From it you can cook everything. Hibiscus perfectly complements the recipes of many salads. Its seeds are used to make delicious coffee or added to the soup for more taste and piquancy. Only they need to be pre-fried. On the petals make wine and tinctures, brew sweet syrups, puddings and delicious marinades. Cups of the flower are suitable for making sherbet, cake, ice cream or jelly. And from the very root manage to create a pipe. The healers and doctors from Sudan advised almost all diseases for tea, in which hibiscus is added. And modern discoveries and research only once again convince us of the rightness of the healers and the power of karkade. However, that hibiscus does not lose its medicinal qualities and properties, it should be prepared in a special way, adhering to certain rules. Sudan's rose in no case can not be brought to a boil and boiled. If the carcade is digested, then the drink will lose its attractive color and become a greyish-dirty shade. In principle, karkade can be brewed like ordinary tea, just fill with hot water a little dry leaves of hibiscus. Just do not use dishes made of metal, as it will simply destroy both the color and taste of the tea. Correctly brewed karkade must be a ruby, bright red color. Carcade is usually given with sugar. So much tastier. To seize it is recommended by the same colors that were brewed before. Keep dry flowers of hibiscus away from moisture and light, in an impermeable container. Sudanese rose allows you to prepare several options for tea and drinks. As we said above, you can serve tea karkade both hot and cold.
The recipe is the first "Classic"
- 2 teaspoons of leaves of the Sudanese rose
- 150 ml of boiling water
To prepare a wonderful and useful tea carcadeyou will need very little time. Just brew in boiling water pink leaves in proportion. You will need two teaspoons of dried leaves per 150 milliliters of boiling water. Leave to infuse for five minutes. Important: A big role in how you get your drink taste dishes, in which you brew it and the quality of water. It is best to take the softest and cleanest water. And it is recommended to brew hibiscus exclusively in glass or porcelain dishes. Do not use dishes made of metal, as the tea simply turns green. The main quality of properly prepared carcade can be called a sweetish taste and aroma. In hot weather, leave the brewed tea in the refrigerator for several hours, and then put a little ice in the glasses. It not only perfectly refreshes, but also tones up, gives vivacity, strength and energy.
Recipe for the second "Cold"
This version of carcade preparation will take a minimumeight hours. Simply pour the necessary amount of pink petals with cold water and send to the refrigerator for about eight hours to insist. If you leave karkade tea all night long, then in the hot summer you will have the opportunity to drink a cold and invigorating drink. Summer is generally a great time for drinking karkade. It can be used not only in its pure form. Hibiscus can be added to the compote of dried fruits or fresh fruit. Drink not only enriched with a huge amount of useful vitamins, minerals and substances, acquiring a pleasant, slightly sour taste and delicate aroma of roses, but also become much more attractive due to the color effect.
Recipe for the third "Sudanese"
Carcade should be placed in cold water for twoday. Then strain and drink. It does not need to be boiled. And here is another recipe, in which the ready-made infusion from the leaves of the Sudanese rose is used as a component.
Cocktail "Health"
You will need:
- strong broth of fresh crockery - 4 cups
- lime juice - one or two
- freshly squeezed, natural orange juice - 1 glass
- ginger, pre-grated on a fine grater - 1 teaspoon
- orange peel - 2 teaspoons
- sugar
All the above components should be mixedin one bowl, gradually bring to a boil and boil exactly three minutes, after which the broth should be carefully filtered, add sugar to taste and drink to health.
Hibiscus in different countries
And now we will go on a journey afterhibiscus and learn how it is treated in certain countries of the world. Philippines Here, hibiscus is used as a wonderful means to stimulate appetite. Previously, the root of hibiscus, which is very bitter in taste, is cleaned, fried and grinded. Burma In Burma, hibiscus generally has an extremely important purpose. Here he is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and generally has almost magical properties. Guinea In this country, the Sudanese rose is considered to be a powerful sedative, and also copes well with stomach disorders, such as diarrhea. Angola Hibiscus here is applied directly to the wounds, since it is believed that it has antibacterial, disinfecting and healing properties. From the leaves of this plant, juice was first obtained, which differs in a rather dense consistency and density. India In the west of this country the Sudanese rose is put in jelly, pudding, sherbet, curry or syrups. Preliminarily soaked for several hours, the petals of the rose perfectly complement the recipe of almost any salad, adding to it piquancy and acidity. Senegal This country supplies hibiscus to Europe in the form of huge balls, 80 kilograms each. In Europe, Sudanese rose is used in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and industrial production. In addition, hibiscus in some countries is simply fried with onions. In general, this plant is widely used in cooking both fresh and dried. It is perfectly suitable as a natural food color. We advise you to read: