causes of urethritis Urethritis means inflammation of the urethra -urethra. Urethritis is considered a very common urological disease, which affects both men and women. Treatment of urethritis must necessarily be comprehensive. Urethritis is divided into two large groups: non-infectious and infectious. Infectious urethritis can be caused by various specific pathogens (gardnerella, gonococcus), as well as nonspecific (E. coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus). The most susceptible to this disease are those people who have a promiscuous sex life, suffer from urolithiasis, diabetes, underwent instrumental research of the bladder and urethra.

Urethritis: treatment and prevention of disease

Like any other disease, urethritis is from acuteform can go into the chronic. It is for this reason that it is very important to diagnose this infection in time and cure it. Urethritis can be non-infectious (traumatic), infectious, metabolic (with gastrointestinal diseases), allergic. So, infectious urethritis is always caused by viruses that are transmitted sexually. But sometimes infectious urethritis can develop due to chlamydia, fungal infection, mycoplasma. At the time of sexual intercourse, the infection in the urethra occurs. As a result of injuring the urethral cavity with various foreign objects, traumatic urethritis may develop. As a rule, the symptoms of the disease are easy to recognize, because they are specific:

  • rezi in the lower abdomen;
  • burning during urination;
  • swelling of the urethra sponges;
  • abundant discharge during urination.

As a rule, the symptoms of the disease in menare expressed brightly, but in women, very often the infection goes unnoticed, which can lead to further complications. To establish an accurate diagnosis, a urine sample must be made and microscopy taken from the urethra can be made. Treatment of urethritis should begin with the elimination of infection within the urethra. Such treatment includes antibacterial therapy, and sometimes phytotherapy, which in complex has an effective effect. antibiotic therapy

Urethritis: treatment at home

Very important role in the treatment of this diseaseplay non-pharmacological measures. First of all, it is observance of a drinking mode and a special diet. This diet implies the exclusion from the diet of acute, acidic and salty foods and alcohol. It is recommended to consume liquid in large quantities. Very useful in urethritis simple clean water without gas, lime-colored tea and cucumber juice, which are good diuretics. Anti-inflammatory effect will have cranberry or cranberry juice, fresh juice of black currant. Treatment of the disease with a medicamental method should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. Very often patients with this infection are engaged in self-medication, using antibiotics of the general spectrum. As a result, such treatment leads to the fact that the disease will pass into a chronic form, its symptoms will disappear, and there may even be the illusion that the disease was cured. Treatment of urethritis should be carried out with the help of special drugs, to which the infection is sensitive. To begin with, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of the disease, and then to prevent the recurrence of the inflammatory process.

Chronic urethritis: how to treat?

As already mentioned, urethritis, like any otherthe disease, if it is not treated on time or not treated to the end, can become chronic. Treatment of the chronic form of the disease is the most time-consuming and long-lasting, rather than treating acute form. To begin with, it is necessary to pass a number of tests, to conduct an extensive medical examination. This will select the most effective medications. There is no universal scheme for treating the disease, it is necessary to take into account many factors of the disease and individual characteristics. That is why the treatment of the disease is carried out privately. Solve the problem, and cure the disease in men is a urologist, women also need to seek help from either a urologist or a gynecologist. It is necessary to be examined and at the dermatovenerologist. Treatment of this disease must necessarily be comprehensive, therapy and other associated diseases should be conducted. correct treatment of urethritis

Urethritis and its treatment in men

The main weapon in the fight againstchronic form of the disease remains antibacterial therapy. But treatment should include not only medicines consumed through the mouth, but also medicinal fluids introduced through the canal. It can be preparations "Hydrocortisone", "Dimexide", preparations of silver. But it is worth noting that the introduction of drugs through the urethra should be carried out only in the chronic form of the disease. In acute urethritis, any local therapy is contraindicated. Treatment of chronic infection must necessarily include immunotherapy. This is due to the fact that during any long-term disease the protective functions of the body noticeably weaken and require an increase. Antioxidants, B and PP vitamins are of particular importance here. In the event that a man who has a urethritis has a narrowed urethra and urination becomes very difficult, and sometimes impossible, one has to resort to a very unpleasant, but necessary method of treating urethritis, which is called bougie. Its name was given to this method by means of metal tools, which are called bougie. Using these tools, the urethra in men is expanding.

Treatment of urethritis in women

Treatment of female urethritis is similar with treatmenturethritis in men. Antibacterial and immune therapies are also given a special place here. To protect the natural microflora, probiotics are prescribed, which must be used along with antibiotics. Treatment of the chronic form of urethritis in women includes douching, baths, warming procedures, washing, the introduction of vaginal suppositories and tampons that have an anti-inflammatory effect. If this disease is not treated in women, it can result in the development of vaginitis, cystitis and other inflammatory diseases that affect the urethra. If your intimate partner gets sick with urethritis, then treatment should be done both, otherwise the risk of re-infection with the infection is possible. To avoid the development of this disease, it is recommended to stay warm all the time and avoid hypothermia. Excessive physical exertion can also provoke the disease. The use of spicy and salty foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, irregular sexual acts - all this can cause urethritis. If you have changed your sexual partner, visit a gynecologist or urologist 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse. This will allow you to avoid or cure the disease in a timely manner. Remember that untreated urethritis can cause infertility in both men and women. Keep track of your health.

