cystitis in women Cystitis is an infectiousdisease. It often occurs in women due to the fact that Escherichia coli bacteria from the large intestine get into the bladder. As a rule, this happens in connection with the weakening of immunity or supercooling. It is important not to postpone the treatment of cystitis in women, otherwise complications may occur.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Symptoms in cystitis are many. So, during it you can observe pain while urinating. They are usually sharp and strong. There may also be spasms above the pubis. Another symptom of cystitis is urine with an admixture of blood. At the same time, visits to the toilet are becoming less productive for a woman: the bladder can not be completely emptied, and urges arise more often. Noticing such symptoms, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible. It can be carried out at home using drugs and folk methods. mini-diet with cystitis

Tablets and solutions will help get rid of the infection

To date, there are drugs thatallow to conduct effective treatment of cystitis. But since they are presented in a wide range, it is often very difficult to make a choice in favor of any one. To purchase drugs did not turn into a real problem, you should know which ones are the most effective. Phytolysin. For those who prefer to take medicines on a plant basis, such a drug will become a real find. Phytolysin is made on the basis of the root of parsley, birch leaves and the root of the wheat grass. It is an excellent tool in the treatment of urinary tract infections. The drug has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic effect. Phytosylin is offered as a solution. It should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. A woman should consider that this medication has side effects. During its use, nausea and dizziness may occur. It is not recommended to drink it to those who suffer from glomerulonephritis, phosphate lithiasis or are allergic to the main components of Phytosylin. Monural. If the cystitis has passed in an acute form, then it is better to treat it with this drug. Then the treatment will be more effective. The main active substance of this drug is phosphomycin trometamol. Drink it must be 2 hours before meals, and before going to bed after the bladder has been emptied. Dosage should be appointed by the attending physician. Use the Monural only one day. If the next day the symptoms of infection do not go away, then it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment again. Side effects of this drug are: diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, skin rash. Furadonin. This antimicrobial agent has a wide spectrum of action. It helps quickly get rid of cystitis. Its main active substance is Nitrofurantoin. Furadonin is produced in tablets. Use it is necessary for the doctor's prescription. The duration of therapy should be at least 7 days. If after that the symptoms of the disease do not go away, you should drink Furadonin for another 3 days. Side effects are: drowsiness, nausea, headache, cough, hives. It is not recommended to use furadonin to a woman if she is breastfeeding or pregnant. You can also drink the drug Cyston. It is a herbal medicine that has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect. The drug allows you to effectively remove the bacterium Escherichia coli from the bladder. It is important that it can be used by pregnant women, but before using you need to consult a doctor. He will help to choose the dosage, so that the medicine does not exactly harm the fetus. folk remedies

Folk ways will fight infection

Cystitis can be treated withpeople's means. But you need to choose only those that are highly effective and are safe for health. Excellent in the treatment of cystitis sage. To do this, take the leaves of this plant and mix with 2 parts of the string and 2 parts of the currant leaves. Then all you need to grind, take from the resulting collection of 2 tablespoons and pour a liter of boiling water. All this is left to insist on an hour. Ready infusion filtered through cheesecloth and taken half a cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment should be 7 days. If any symptoms remain, you can hold it again. You can prepare a remedy for cystitis from aspen buds. They should be taken in the amount of 100 g and pour a liter of vodka. Tincture will need to be left for 5 days. Then pass it through the sieve. After this, the resulting preparation will be ready for use. The woman should use it inward from the morning on an empty stomach for 30 drops. They can be diluted with 2-3 tablespoons of water. The course of treatment is 15 days. Cranberries and honey will help you get rid of cystitis in just a week. Prepares from them every day. To do this, take cranberries, squeezed out of her juice in an amount of 3 tablespoons, and then added to it a teaspoon of honey. Further, all this is poured into 50 ml of water and thoroughly mixed. You should drink this medicine immediately after preparation each time before eating. The course of therapy is 7 days. Cystitis can help infusion of clover. To make it, you need the flower heads of this plant. They must be taken in the amount of 3 teaspoons and pour a glass of boiling water. Then it will be necessary to close the container tightly and leave for an hour. Then you need to strain the composition through gauze. You need to eat it before meals half a cup 4 times a day. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of flower honey to the infusion. The course of treatment is 10 days. Often, women drink with cystitis decoction of the roots of dog rose. Using it, you can get rid of this disease in just 5 days. To cook it. it will be necessary to take the roots of the dogrose and crush them. Then 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured into a glass of boiling water. Then the container is put on a slow fire and aged for 15 minutes. After that, the broth is left for 2 hours. You need to drink it 4 times a day for half a cup before meals. From cystitis the leaves of cranberries are excellent. From them it is necessary to prepare a decoction. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of leaves of this plant and pour a glass of boiling water. All this is put on the fire and aged for 20 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and cooled. It must be drunk during the day. You can use the horsetail field. It is taken in the amount of 2 teaspoons and poured with a liter of hot water. Then the infusion should be boiled for 10 minutes over medium heat, then left for 20 minutes. The broth is taken 2 times a day in a glass. The course of treatment is 12 days. Infusion of aura is excellent for cystitis. It must be prepared from the rhizome of this plant. It must be crushed, and then 2 teaspoons pour boiling water and insist half an hour. You need to use ready-made infusion before meals 4 times a day for half a cup. The course of therapy is 14 days.

We sit down on a mini-diet

A big role is played during the treatment of nutrition. From the diet it is necessary to exclude sharp seasonings, canned food and smoked products. Include it should be fish, cheese, meat, pumpkin, garlic and carrots. It is recommended to cook as much stew and boiled dishes from vegetables as possible. But do not add vinegar or mixed spices in them. If the summer is in the yard, then the woman should eat as many melons and watermelons as possible. Still need to add to your diet of dairy products, which contain bifidobacteria. They are easy to buy at the grocery store. From marinades and pickles, a woman with a cystitis should abstain during the treatment. You can eat flour and confectionery, but in small quantities.

We take additional measures

In order for a woman to recover as soon as possiblefaster, it is necessary to drink not only antibiotics and to provide therapy with folk remedies, but also to adhere to a certain way of life. So, she should drink more fluids. This will help to remove the pathogenic bacteria from the body much more actively. At least a woman should drink 3 liters of liquid. It is desirable, if it is compotes, fruit drinks and phyto-tea. Excellent mineral water, but you should give preference to the one that goes without gas. In this case, you must completely abandon alcoholic beverages and coffee. Otherwise, the treatment will take a long time. Cystitis and heat are incompatible things. Therefore, it is so important to wear tight clothes during illness. You have to put socks on your feet. The waist should be tied with a shawl. Still need to take a bath. The water temperature in them should reach 40 degrees. You can make a sedentary bath based on milk. To do this, take it in the volume of 5 liters, preheat and pour half of it into the basin. Then the woman needs to sit in it and wrap herself in a blanket. Periodically, you should pour the remaining milk. Take such baths every day. Already after the third time, many symptoms of the disease will go away. In addition, it is recommended to apply poultices on the stomach. For their preparation you can use hot bran, steamed horsetail, boiled potatoes in a uniform. They need to be put in a pre-prepared bag of cotton fabric. Keep the poultices until they cool down. Then the woman should go to bed. Going out or doing some kind of homework is not recommended. You can still conduct an effective procedure, where the use of bricks is envisaged. It is necessary to take an ordinary red brick and split it into two parts. Then everyone should be heated on fire and put in a bucket. Then the woman needs to take off her underwear and sit on it. To heat from the bricks did not go away quickly, it is recommended to wrap up the lower body with a blanket or blanket. Sitting on a bucket is necessary until the bricks remain hot. At the end of the procedure, you should dress and go to bed. They should be held several times. After recovery, you should try to avoid constipation. They often lead to the spread of infection in the bladder. In the cold season it is necessary to avoid hypothermia and to ensure that immunity is not weakened. It is important to carry out daily hygiene. It is better to use a soap for washing. If it can not be bought, then take special means for intimate hygiene. Water should be taken only boiled, and it should be warm. The above prescriptions and recommendations will help you get rid of cystitis. So, you will soon be able to return to a normal lifestyle and feel "excellent".

