traces of acne What do we know about beauty? Most often this concept refers to women. For many centuries, beauty was perceived in different ways and praised by mankind. So, during the Stone Age, women were considered to be the standard of beauty, whose weight exceeded 100 kilograms. In Japan, there was an opinion that a shaved forehead and teeth polished with varnish - this is very attractive. And in China, women tortured feet of their feet, chasing them into wooden pads, in order to stop their growth and achieve a miniature size. In the 21st century, beauty became a relative concept, so there is no longer any clear ideal or standard. But today, as well as thousands of years ago, the girl had to watch and take care of herself and her skin. After all, it is unlikely that someone will turn the tongue to call a beautiful woman, if she has any flaws, defects, traces of pimples on her body or on her skin. And one thing, if they appear for reasons independent of the woman, and another - if she herself is to blame. One thing is clear: beauty consists of many factors: appearance, good figure, inner flame, blazing eyes, dazzling, sincere smile and radiant and healthy skin. Naturally, nowadays in urban conditions with terribly polluted air and harmful external factors, it's not easy to maintain skin health. For this you need to work hard, forget about laziness and pity for your person. Remember that it is you who must do this for yourself. Many of us know the problem of traces of acne on the skin. Most often they can be observed in the form of scars, scars, asterisks from small vessels or small red spots. Anyway, but there is not much beauty in this. If with scars and scars to us, in principle, everything is clear, then what about the spots that remain in place of the pimple? Let's try together to answer the question "Why are there traces of acne?" From a scientific point of view, but in an accessible language. The main reason for the appearance of this scourge is in our own organisms. Her name is the pigment of melanin. Acne, this is also inflammation, but not large. The human body is designed in such a way that a large amount of melanin pigment begins to be produced at the site of inflammation. If the pimple is not cured in time, it is bad to disinfect the wound, or (God forbid) squeeze it, the protective mechanism of the skin begins to work, and pigment spots remain on the site of the inflammation. The more complex the situation with the damage on the skin, the more intense the color of such a spot. Another factor that contributes to the formation of pigment spots on the spot of acne is everyone's favorite sun. Yes, it is this source of vital energy that has a very negative effect on our skin, and especially if it is predisposed to the appearance of spots. Red marks of acne are amenable to treatment, so do not "put a cross on them." The global network is dotted with a wide variety of recipes and methods to combat such an unpleasant phenomenon. Typically, this salon procedure, but recently, the adherents of the "product nature" have increasingly shared with us the experience of fighting the traces of acne in the home. mask of pimples

We fight with traces of acne on our own

We propose to use in combating this"Misfortune" popular recipes. As you know, clay has a mass of positive cosmetic qualities. So in this case it comes to our aid. It will help to permanently remove traces of acne. To do this, take a teaspoon of clay and stir in two tablespoons of cold water. In the resulting creamy mass, drip a few drops of essential oil (take the one that you like most). This mass gently apply to all places where there are traces of acne on the face, and soak for 10 minutes. This time is quite enough to treat the consequences of acne. After, use warm water to wash off the mask. Apply a moisturizer. One course of this treatment includes 4 procedures every two days. You can repeat it in about a couple of weeks. White clay will help to remove spots from acne not only effectively, but also quickly. Just mix one teaspoon of this clay with one tablespoon of lemon juice. The resulting gruel is applied to the stains and held for 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with water at room temperature. It is desirable to apply a moisturizer. The same curative effect has a honey-cinnamon mask. To make it, you need to grind a teaspoon of cinnamon in the same amount of honey. The mask is applied to all visible traces after acne and soak it for about 20 minutes. There is a possibility that you will feel some tingling. But, if the mask caused a burning sensation, you should stop using it. It is washed off with warm water. After apply a nourishing cream. You yourself will notice how quickly the spots on the face go. In the event that acne left behind a reminder in the form of scars, they can be removed by cucumber juice. It has an excellent whitening effect. This vegetable can be used for such a procedure as ground up to the state of gruel, and in the form of circles. The cucumber variant you choose is aged for about 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. Then apply a light cream. It would seem that can make essential oil with the skin? It turns out that alternating oils of tea tree and rosemary is an excellent remedy for traces of acne. When applied to traces of acne, it has a very strong healing effect. Sometimes they are mixed with a small amount of lemon juice. If you perform this procedure for one week, then a positive result will be obvious. Traces of acne pass very quickly and painlessly. It should be remembered that the abuse of the use of essential oils can lead to disorders of the nervous system and increased blood pressure. To get rid of scars after acne, you need to try to use folk healing curds. One of them is prepared simply: pour a large bunch of parsley with a glass of water and boil. The resulting broth is infused for a couple of hours. Then it should be poured into small containers and frozen in the refrigerator. Formed ice cubes should be wiped scars from acne two times a day. You can also use a tincture of a glass of alcohol and two tablespoons of St. John's wort kept in a dark place for 10 days. Scars from acne should be treated with this tincture in the morning and in the evening every day. The trouble with the skin is pretty fast. For the night, apply a nourishing cream. Each housewife faced apple cider vinegar, but not everyone knows that with his help you can forever get rid of the chronic traces of pimples and scars. It's enough just to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and wash every day. You can also use impregnated with this solution lotions on the damaged places (keep no more than 5 minutes). Many women are aware of such a problem as pigment spots. Their formation is also due to acne. In order to clarify such spots, you should use folk recipes. Try using a mask based on the egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The mass obtained after mixing, apply to the problematic skin and stand for 20 minutes. After rinse with warm water. The same effect is possessed by medical paraffin. By the way, you can buy it in any pharmacy. The melted paraffin is applied to spots from acne and is removed only after it has completely dried. The used solidified mass is suitable for repeated procedures. Skin, which has been treated with medical paraffin, should be moistened with a special cosmetic product, which includes vitamins A and E. Do you want to get rid of the problem of acne spots, using national recipes forever? Then the following recipe is for you. Just note that working with him will have a fairly long period of time - about a month. But the result will all say for yourself. So, let's get started! In the evening, before going to bed, wash with warm water and treat the skin, for example, with a sauna mask, to open the pores. A small amount of powdered spaghetti is poured into a ceramic plate and diluted with hydrogen peroxide until the foam forms. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the skin according to the scrub principle - all the problem areas. After all the mass is used, you need to gently wash your face with warm water with a special cosmetic. After this procedure, the skin will be a little annoyed, so we recommend using a lot of nourishing cream, that is, to open the entire surface of the face with a thick layer of it and hold it for a couple of hours, then wash off the rests with warm water. The next morning, be sure to wash with warm water. This mask should be done 2-3 times a week. In between the procedures, in the morning, in addition to traditional washing, you need to additionally clean the skin of black spots with a cosmetic tonic with the addition of a small amount of your favorite essential oil. Then apply a cream with UV protection on your face. The full course will take approximately 1 month. Remember that hard work will necessarily bring positive results. anti-acne remedy

Salon procedures

We all know that any medicine canhelp, and hurt. The same principle applies to the ingredients for the preparation of therapeutic masks at home. You never know in advance how the organism will behave at this or that minute, especially if it has been exposed to the outside. To avoid possible unpleasant side effects when treating the skin at home, try to get a consultation with a doctor who specializes in skin diseases, or visit a beauty salon. There you will be helped to get rid of traces of acne in more radical ways. The most common and effective way to eliminate these defects on the skin is the so-called skin cleansing. It is done in many ways. And of course, in the beauty salons there is an age-old rule - the more modern the procedure, the higher the price. The most sought-after option for cleansing a face is ultrasound. Its action is aimed at purifying the pores, smoothing out fine wrinkles and removing dead cells with the help of sound vibration. This procedure is sometimes called a micromassage. For some time, such procedures as chemical, manual and mechanical skin peeling are also popular. All of them require special knowledge and skills that are exclusively available to specialists in the field of medicine and cosmetology. They will help determine what caused the problem, and which way to fight the traces of acne and acne is appropriate in your individual case.

Cosmetic creams from stores and pharmacies

Let's just say, an ordinary cosmetic cream isnot the most effective option for dealing with acne marks. But if you still want to use the cream, then be patient, because the course of getting rid of age spots with its help promises to be very long. In the pharmacy assortment, you can find a lot of ready-made medicinal cream or ointment designed to get rid of acne marks. As practice has shown, the level of their effectiveness is slightly higher than that of store-bought creams. If you are interested in this option, then consult with the pharmacist right there and choose the cream that is suitable for your case. A large number of people do not even think about the problem disclosed in this article, since their skin type is completely calm and goes through such periods without visible traces. But for those who really suffer from a predisposition to the appearance of marks from acne and acne, the most useful advice would be this - just do not allow the cause itself to appear and remember three simple rules: do not squeeze out, disinfect and smear with a remedy. Love yourself and your skin!

