Long hair helps them happyowners to change the images every day, focusing on the mood or the upcoming event. Very unusual and extravagant look graded or torn haircuts such as a cascade or a ladder. Such creative hairstyles are adored by young girls, and some ladies of Balzac's age and older prefer it to them. The essence of the ragged haircut is that it is performed with a razor. This creates the impression that the hair is torn off. Most successful ragged haircuts of any type look on thick and straight hair. But for ladies with long curly locks, the ideal option is a cascade. Especially today it is so popular and suitable for hair of any type. This same hairstyle is also common among girls whose curls are of medium length. You can add a long, short or asymmetrical bangs to look even more stylish.
The most common options
A real adornment of a woman is herwell-groomed curls. To always remain attractive and irresistible, you need to take care and care for your hair. Monthly haircuts of at least tips will make them look healthy and strong. And to change the appearance you can resort to various haircuts. For long hair, a sufficient number of different styling and hairstyles have been created. You can change your image in salons and at home, using scissors and combs of medium size. If you have experience in hairdressing, then for you it will not be difficult. you can easily try on a new image or create an unusual style. Compared with the average curls or short haircuts, with long strands you can experiment a lot, coming up with different options. One of them is a haircut in a cascade. It consists of smooth and stepped lines that pass from the top of the head to the very tips. Suitable for girls with any type of face, perfectly harmonizes with both bangs and without. A great alternative for giving volume is a ladder. Like the cascade, a gradual transition occurs here, but not across the entire head, but only at the base of the face. Shaved stairs are located near the shoulders, and if there is a bang, then the strands smoothly pass into it. Of course, the cascade allows you to increase the volume of hair, if you have medium or thin hair. A haircut in the form of a ladder does not give you such a chance. And in this case, a daily hairdryer is required. For girls who adore experiments and extraordinary reincarnations, it is recommended that the haircut be cap. Its principle is based on a combination of two hairstyles. From the bottom leave long strands, and at the top of the hair cut as a cap. This version of the hairstyle looks very impressive on the ringlets of medium length, but looks longer and longer on the long ones. Let us turn to the very highlight. Individuals who do not want to look like others are definitely going to get an asymmetrical haircut. The line can be created according to your individual desire, the same applies to the length. She is very presentable on long hair. Note that such a bold decision has become popular among television stars and singers, and some of them shave one part of the head.
Advantages and styling
Make any haircut - this is only the first stepto a new image. Since it is necessary to take care of it, it is absolutely necessary to do the laying. This is due not only to the change of style, but also to ensure that your hair does not get bored and always looks spectacular. With the help of simple and very valuable advice, you can achieve an amazing result and create from the hair the most real masterpieces. Dared at the ragged cascade of girls will be delighted by the proposed options for reincarnation. In fashion, now the coloring in bright and catchy colors, and still you can apply coloring on the tips. If you have blonde hair, then it's better to use dark, but bright colors: purple, pink. The ashy, reddish hues will well fall on the dark hair. It is easy to lay torn strands, when they are straightened, you can use the iron for this. For these hairstyles are unacceptable protruding and sloppy curls. Therefore, before you decide on such a creative haircut, think through all the details. Decide if you can lay your strands daily, if there is enough time and energy for this. If the haircut assumes the presence of a bang, then this is even better. you will not only look younger, but also be able to hide the flaws of the face, if any. Using special techniques, you can visually extend the face, if it is too round in shape. To do this, you just need to cover your straightened strands too wide cheekbones. Ragged locks give the girl a pretty shocking look, and not everyone can take such responsibility. Therefore, such a hairstyle among young girls and teenagers is popular. Each has its pros and cons, but before making a decision, consult a professional.