The hormone testosterone in women is produced inovaries and provides regulation of adipose and muscle tissue, as well as sexual desire. According to studies of experts, the testosterone level in women can be different depending on age. In girls who have not reached puberty, the blood contains about 10 nanograms per deciliter of blood - a low enough figure for girls of childbearing age. In this case, after the onset of the first menstrual period, this indicator grows to 70 ng / dl. It is noteworthy that at the first signs of menopause, the testosterone level in women rises. Pregnancy also strongly affects the testosterone content in the blood: the concentration of the hormone can grow 4 times! What explains such fluctuations? The fact is that testosterone is an indispensable hormone of the female reproductive system.
Why does a woman need testosterone?
Thanks to testosterone, developmentthe follicle in the ovaries, this hormone participates in the formation of the skeleton, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, affects the sexual arousal and even improves the mood of the girls. The quality of muscle mass also directly depends on it. Low level of the hormone leads to the fact that the muscles are depleted, the body becomes flabby, and the volumes are increased due to the formation of a fat layer in the body. If the hormone is normal, the metabolism is optimal, and exercise and proper nutrition will lead to the formation of beautiful and elastic muscles, and not fat. The state of bone tissue largely depends on the level of testosterone. In this case, the female hormone estrogen - performs a protective function, prevents damage and fractures of bones, and testosterone in women affects the structure of the skeleton, strengthening it. It is for this reason that it serves as the prevention of osteoporosis. This disease in most cases overtakes women during the menopause, when their body loses the lion's share of testosterone and estrogen. It is necessary to maintain the level of these hormones in the norm, in order to keep the bone tissue strong and healthy. Testosterone is a hormone of good mood. This hormone allows the girl to feel cheerful cheerful, to struggle with overwork, fatigue. Even with the systematic intake of vitamins, proper nutrition and good rest, a girl can feel weak and lethargic - these are possible symptoms of hormonal imbalance. It is possible that this condition is caused by a shortage of testosterone in the body, so it needs to be increased. The work of sexual receptors is impossible without this hormone. It is he who activates sexual attraction, working on certain areas of the brain. This same property allows you to improve brain activity in general, as well as to prevent depression and absent-mindedness. Girls who are constantly in a bad mood, feel insecure, you should check the concentration of the hormone in the blood. Correct its level in the body can be by taking hormonal drugs. However, it is necessary first to pass the appropriate tests and get a consultation of a qualified medical specialist, who will talk in detail about the norms of hormones.
Excess testosterone
Despite all the unique positive propertiestestosterone for women, an excess of this hormone can lead to even more unpleasant consequences than a deficit. External signs of its increase in women are masculine signs: increased hairiness of the skin, absence of pronounced waist and hips. There is excessive skin greasiness, the appearance of acne. Many women notice a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, or even a lack of menstrual cycle, which can also serve as a sign of increased testosterone. Hair on the head may fall out, and in the chest and abdomen fat is stored. In this case, a woman may suffer from insomnia, unreasonable mood swings, pain in the lumbar region and ovaries. To confirm or refute their suspicions about an elevated level of this hormone will help a blood test. Normally testosterone in women fluctuates between 0.45 and 3.75 nmol / l. This indicator may vary depending on the age of the woman, during pregnancy and during menopause. Excess testosterone in women can be a sign of diseases of the reproductive system: polycystic ovaries, tumors in the adrenal gland and others. Diagnosis of the disease will help further research: ultrasound, MRI, etc. Factors that increase testosterone in women can be hormonal drugs, chemical additives. The causes of this phenomenon can serve as: genetic predisposition, long-term use of specific drugs, irrational nutrition, pathology of the endocrine system, leading the level of the hormone to deviation from the norm. Elevated male hormone in women should not be left without attention in order to avoid further complications of health. Excess hormone leads to dysfunction of the ovaries, provokes malfunctions during the menstrual cycle. Lack of timely control of the testosterone norm may lead to the development of diabetes in the elderly and other serious diseases. Violation of the process of ovulation, inextricably linked with the activity of the ovaries, can lead to infertility and chronic miscarriage. With increased testosterone in women due to improper operation of the pituitary gland, the development of obesity is possible.
Normalization of testosterone levels
Unfortunately, increased testosterone in womentoday is considered one of the most frequent pathologies of the endocrine system. However, timely detection and treatment of the disease can minimize the unpleasant consequences of this imbalance of hormones and bring it to normal. A qualified endocrinologist will select appropriate treatment by using antiandrogenic drugs. A woman can take measures that contribute to bringing the hormonal background as a whole to normal. It is necessary to adjust the diet, give preference to dietary and natural products, give up alcohol and bad habits. Then, increased testosterone in women can be adjusted.