causes of alcohol dependence A lot of people around the world have already got into "paws"alcohol dependence, from which they themselves suffer and make their relatives and relatives suffer. It is alcohol dependence that often leads to various quarrels in families and divorce as a consequence. Alcoholism is a really terrible phenomenon, as dependence pushes people to scary things, forcing them to put on the first place not moral or material values, family, children, work, and alcohol. For most alcoholics, there is only one problem: what to do to get uninterrupted access to the "bottle". In the end, this behavior causes a person suffering from alcoholism to descend lower and lower. It is simply impossible to describe what stress the family experiences in which there is an alcoholic.

Alcoholism is a verdict or not?

Many believe that this problem isjust a harmful habitual, but leading psychologists and doctors-narcologists consider pathological craving for alcohol disease. At present, the number of people suffering from alcoholism is increasing every day, and the adults of this "bad habit" are adults and smart, experienced people, and adolescents who want to look more mature. According to psychologists, the increase in the number of people who are dependent on alcohol is associated with the specifics of modern life, because in alcohol people are looking for an outlet from stress, eventually getting used to this drink and its action, starting to think that without such doping life will become terrible. consultation with a doctor for treatment choice

How does alcoholism work?

The problem of alcoholism is not only psychological,but also medical, so at the moment there are a number of drugs that are widely used to treat alcohol dependence. The effect of drugs on alcohol dependence can be different, and it is on the basis of the method of influence that these medical devices can be divided into the following groups:

  • Medicines designed to reduce cravings for alcohol;
  • Medications that cause alcohol rejection;
  • Medicines that promote the neutralization of alcohol and the excretion of its decay products;
  • Medications from hangover syndrome.

The main thing to remember is choosinga drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence, is that some drugs are compatible with alcohol, others are strictly forbidden to apply with alcohol. That is, in one case, drugs can be treated only with the consent of the patient, in another case, you can use tablets and without the knowledge of alcoholism. Mostly alcoholics do not believe that they are addicted and can not cope on their own, refusing the help of psychologists and narcologists, so relatives of such a person have to act without his knowledge.

Drugs to reduce cravings for alcohol

In drugs for alcohol dependencetype need those people who themselves have come to the fact that they are addicted and sick, so they need medical treatment. Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol, contribute to the removal of a person from the state of "drinking", as well as reduce the psychological burden of refusing alcohol. When taking medications of this type, the patient experiences less stress due to lack of a bottle, but, ultimately, these drugs are only an aid to the will of the person. Drugs of this type include Litonin, Biotredin, Glycine and some other drugs. The effect of these drugs is aimed at reducing the unpleasant abstinence symptoms that occur after a sudden cessation of alcohol use. The composition of these drugs includes components aimed at the normalization of metabolism, a complex of vitamins, and in addition, substances that have a sedative effect on the central nervous system, which ultimately leads to the fact that people do not feel so much all the hardships of deprivation of the habitual dose alcohol. Medications that reduce cravings for alcohol are ineffective in cases when a person does not want to undergo treatment and to give up his dependence. Hangover Tablets

Drugs that cause a persistent rejection of alcohol

The second type of drugs are those thatare used to develop a patient's persistent aversion to alcohol. Medicines of this type are potent and have a rather aggressive effect. If a person who takes this kind of medicine, consciously or not, then drinks at least a small dose of alcohol, there will be a violent reaction in his body. As a rule, with the joint use of alcohol and drugs that cause alcohol rejection, the alcoholic sufferer has bright symptoms of alcohol poisoning. The most common manifestation of confusion, severe vomiting, rashes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, thirst and other unpleasant sensations. Drugs of this type include Ester, Furazolidone, Teturam, Disulfide, Alkofobin, Antabus, Refezal, Tetradin and so on. All these drugs are strong medicines, therefore they are appointed as a last resort, when other means did not bring the desired result. These drugs with prolonged use produce intolerance to alcohol in the body, so a person is strongly resistant to the smell and taste of alcohol. With prolonged use of such drugs, patients develop an allergy to alcohol and they can no longer use it physically. Drugs that cause alcohol rejection, sometimes are the only way to force a person who does not recognize his dependence, refuse to take alcohol, so these drugs, as a rule, mix the patient's relatives in food or drinks.

Drugs that neutralize the effects of alcohol

There are a number of drugs that arethe strongest detoxicants. These drugs are designed to remove a person suffering from alcoholism, from a long drinking-bout. Detoxicant drugs not only help to eliminate the existing alcohol from the body, but also allow the fastest possible release of alcohol decay products and accumulated as a result of prolonged abuse of slag. In fact, this type of medication is optional, not basic, that is, they are used to help a person recover faster from prolonged alcohol abuse. It should be noted that the independent use of detoxification medicines is not always possible at home, and basically these drugs are widely used in specialized clinics and institutions. Many may think that these drugs can quickly sober up a drunk person, but this is not so, in fact detoxification occurs slowly enough, but all slags and toxins that inhibit metabolism and worsen the functioning of all body systems are eliminated. To drugs that have a detoxification effect, include Matadoxil and Limontar. drugs for alcohol rejection

Medications that relieve the symptoms of hangover syndrome

Medicines that fight withthe symptoms of hangover syndrome, do not treat the underlying problem, that is, alcoholism, and in some cases even exacerbate the case, as dependent people stop experiencing discomfort from drinking, which allows them to feel faster the need to get to the binge. Drugs of this type there are many, and mostly they can get rid of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and the products of its decay. Such drugs include Allochol, activated charcoal, lignin-based sorbents, Pikamilon, magnesia, Mexidol and so on. These drugs are effective in the treatment of poisoning, but they can not cure alcoholism alone, alas, impossible. Such drugs are good for people who have a family who is suffering from alcoholism, as there are situations when a person urgently needs urgent medical help because of alcohol poisoning. In addition, such pills, in combination with sedatives, can be an excellent help for a person who wants to give up alcohol alone. Of course, in this case, willpower will be needed and support of relatives, but, in general, it is possible. In specialized institutions, such drugs are an additional means in the fight against alcohol dependence.

Features of treatment of alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease that does not affectonly on the body of a person, causing a break in the refusal to drink alcohol, but also psychological dependence, which is even worse. In order to save the patient from cravings for alcohol, it is first of all necessary to change his distorted worldview, which is simply impossible without his assistance. The path to cure always begins with the realization of the existing problem by the patient himself. To really help a loved one, get out of the bondage of alcoholism, you need to convince him to turn to specialists, since only in specialized institutions a person can get qualified help from a psychologist, an expert in narcology and other necessary specialists. In order to completely cure a person, a number of drugs that have a comprehensive impact are assigned to specialized institutions at once. The problem of treatment of alcoholism is currently so acute because the patient needs to be treated in a comprehensive way: both physically and psychologically. The outcome of this case depends not only on medical means, but also on the desire of a person who is addicted, that is why at the moment there is no pill that can completely rid the person of alcoholism.

