subcutaneous pimples Subcutaneous pimples - a muck rare. They very much spoil the appearance of the skin, causing painful sensations and getting rid of them is quite difficult. But it is possible, if to observe a number of recommendations and to be engaged in treatment on a regular basis, instead of from a case to case. But let's take care of everything in order. Appear acne in the ducts of the sebaceous glands - their development is very slow. Most often, subcutaneous pimples are located on the back, face and in particular on the chin. First there is a red seal, which slowly increases in size and becomes white. Inside the acne develops a white abscess, which is very painful when pressed.

Why do subcutaneous acne occur?

As you know, no smoke without fire - if you havethere were spots, first of all it is necessary to establish the cause of their occurrence. It is best for this to consult a dermatologist, who will conduct a necessary examination and make an unmistakable diagnosis. But in general terms the causes of subcutaneous pimples look like this:

  • Hormonal changes

The most common cause of any skinrashes, including subcutaneous acne - a violation of the hormonal background of the body. And the reasons for the violation of the hormonal background, in turn, is also very much - this is puberty, and pregnancy, and breastfeeding, and menopause, and, of course, any diseases of the endocrine system.

  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene rules

Despite the fact that a modern person with awater and soap no problems, not all people remember the need to comply with basic rules of hygiene. Dirty body, stale clothes sooner or later lead to the appearance of subcutaneous acne.

  • Bacterial infection

In some cases, the cause of subcutaneous acne- the presence in the human body of a pathogenic microflora. In this case, subcutaneous acne is also inflamed, which complicates the course of the disease. Yes, and treatment is more complex, taking quite a long time. subcutaneous acne treatment

Treatment of subcutaneous acne

Getting rid of subcutaneous acne is very similar totreatment of any other skin rashes - comprehensive care, compliance with certain rules and appropriate therapy. Please note that only a dermatologist should prescribe medications. Self-medication in this case can lead to the emergence of a wide variety of health problems. Immediately remember the simple truth - never, under any circumstances and under any pretext, do not try to squeeze out subcutaneous pimples. Firstly, it is unlikely that you will succeed. Secondly, if you succeed, you will greatly damage the soft tissues. And this is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes and even the formation of scars.

  • Compliance with hygiene rules

Be sure to take a shower twice a day, andideally - both times with antibacterial soap. Every day, change the underwear, which, by the way, should be made solely from natural fabrics that let in air. And this applies not only to underwear, but all clothes in general.

  • Adjusting the diet

You want it or not, but the dietmust be reviewed without fail. Eliminate from your menu all artificial preservatives and dyes, fatty foods, fried foods, pastries, sweets, cocoa and cocoa containing foods, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, and coffee. To replace these products will come porridge, cereals, sour-milk products, low-fat varieties of meat and fish.

  • Cosmetical tools

Girls should pay special attention to theircosmetics. First, it must be of proper quality. And secondly, it is desirable to give up tonal creams and powder - they very much hammer in the pores of the face. It is easy to guess that this is fraught with the development of new subcutaneous acne. subcutaneous acne causes

Aids for the treatment of subcutaneous pimples

The main treatment you need to appointdoctor-dermatologist. Depending on the degree of severity, it can be external agents, tablets, and sometimes injections. However, it is not necessary to write off the means of traditional medicine, which are available and very effective.

  • Iodine

Iodine is perhaps the most effective remedyIf subcutaneous acne starts to become inflamed. Every evening, treat each pust with a cotton swab soaked in iodine. And this procedure can be done even if the pimples in the open areas of the skin - overnight the brown shade will disappear.

  • Vishnevsky ointment

If the skin has inflamed pimples, at nightIt is worth doing compresses with Vishnevsky ointment. To do this you will need the ointment itself, gauze fabric, polyethylene film and adhesive plaster. On a small gauze napkin, apply a thick layer of ointment, attach to the inflamed pimple, top cover the plastic wrap and fix with a sticking plaster, leave a compress for the whole night. The ointment will pull out the abscess after about two days.

  • Lemon juice

A very good tool that not onlyeliminates the already existing subcutaneous pimples, but also prevents the appearance of new ones. Preparing the lemon lotion is very simple - grate a medium-sized lemon with a peel on a small grater, put it into a glass bottle and pour half a glass of vodka, cover and put it in the fridge for a week. Then necessarily strain it and add half a glass of clean cold water. The resulting lotion should be wiped with problem areas of the skin at least once a day. And do not forget to use moisturizing cream - lemon dries the skin very much.

  • Aloe vera

And, of course, it would be wrong toto ignore aloe - it perfectly removes inflammatory processes and has a powerful antibacterial effect. True, the plant should be older than three years - the younger one does not work so effectively. In a water bath, melt three tablespoons of natural honey. While the honey is heating, pass through the meat grinder well-washed aloe leaves, then add the gruel to honey and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. After the product has cooled, place it in a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator - it retains its healing properties for one month. Once a day, apply honey from the aloe to the problem areas of the skin, covering it with a gauze cloth. The duration of this procedure is 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and allow to dry naturally, without wiping. It is enough three procedures a week, that only in a month the skin condition improved at times. And remember - the treatment of subcutaneous acne - the process is not fast. In the first few weeks, it may seem to you that the deal is off the ground and does not think to shift, because there can not be any improvement. And most importantly - do not stop treatment! We advise you to read:

