beautiful bow of hair If you are a happy ownerfine long hair, but do not know what haircut to think up to please yourself, surprise friends and attract the attention of others, then the best option for you will be a stylish hairdo. It is the bow of hair that will give your image a newness, lightness, childish immediacy combined with feminine elegance. A bow of hair is a godsend for those who value their time and originality in everything! This hairstyle is suitable for walking in the park, meeting in a cafe with friends, any solemn event. Even an ordinary bow of hair will undoubtedly attract attention and will not leave you unnoticed. Well-groomed hair is a sign of good taste, a beautiful hairstyle on such hair is a sign of good taste. If you want to look fashionable, stylish and unusual, boldly make a bow of hair. Many stars have already tried the bow as a memorable element of their image. Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson and Paris Hilton appreciated the bow at its true worth. Now it's up to you! self-bow of hair

Is it worth it to make a hair bow itself?

Often girls abandon the idea with a bow,because they consider the process of its creation as labor-intensive and almost impracticable at home. But in vain. Of course, if you call a friend, mother or sister to help, and use the arsenal of all sorts of means to straighten your hair, fix it and give it a special shine, then the bow will look the best. However, do not give up trying to try to create something special on your head with your own hands. Let it be simple at first sight. After all, in addition to clear, flawlessly smooth lines of an ideal hairstyle, no one canceled the options with a slight kind of negligence, giving your appearance a kind of sophistication and youthfulness. You can begin to train with a simple bow, moving to more complex and intricate options. This is also a good way to paint the gray everyday life of everyday rainbow colors of mood. Are you bored and tired of your loose hair, braids, tails? Do you want a new and at the same time forgotten old? Actual, but with a touch of childhood memories? Do you want to be the laughter Minnie Mouse, the clever Malvina or the elegant heroine Audrey Hepburn in the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany"? Arrange yourself a week of bows! A new day - a new hairstyle with a bow! Variants of the sea! Surprise, shock, admire! bow of hair with flowing hair

The easiest and fastest way to make a bow

  • Well comb your beautiful hair.
  • Using a rubber band, assemble the hair into a high tail.
  • Do not remove the tip of the tail from the gum, but leave it as it is. The size of the bow is determined at will and leave the appropriate length of the tip of the tail.
  • Divide the beam in the center into two equal parts.
  • The tip of the tail is transferred through the middle of the beam forward and fix it under the elastic band with the help of an invisible or hair clip. A bow of hair is ready!
  • Variations on the theme of the bow can always be imagineditself. For example, you can leave a part of the hair loose, from the other part make a bow on the back of the neck or on the crown, you can braid the braids and from them make a bow, fastening it with the help of the pegs, you can make three or four bows at once, using the method described above. Everything is simple and fast. Saving time and money (no need to run to the salon and pay money). In a few minutes, any girl can be transformed into a princess, ready to accept compliments. Experiment, try new things, include fantasy and be the most beautiful!

