strengthening nails at home Beautiful strong nails - a matter of pride of anywomen. But maintaining the health of nails is not so easy. Ecology, malnutrition, household chemicals - all this does not contribute to the health of nails. Yes, and nail polish, too, are not useful, as well as the means to remove it. Under the influence of all these negative factors, the nails fade, peel and become brittle. Therefore, nails require care and careful care. And the purpose of this article is to tell you how to strengthen your nails at home. The most important in the issue of strengthening the nails is prevention. It is very important not only to take vitamin and mineral complexes on a regular basis, but also to limit as much as possible contacts with household chemicals - washing powders, cleaning and detergents. Home affairs are best done in rubber gloves, and before dressing gloves should be smeared hands glycerine or hand cream. In vitamin-mineral complexes must necessarily be present calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, iron and iodine. You can, of course, do not buy vitamins, but just make a diet correctly. You should eat more almonds, dates, figs, dairy products (especially cottage cheese and hard cheeses), fish, meat, carrots and carrot juice, spinach, fruit. Also, you should regularly use special curative lacquers and creams for nails and cuticles. You can nail nails with nail oil, with special attention to the contour of the nail. In the base of the nail, it is necessary to rub the cuticle agent in a circular motion, after which it, softened, should be removed with a special stick. And only then lubricate the nails with oil. The composition of nails strengthening the nails includes a variety of components, the main of which are panthenol, allantoin, liposomes, amino acids, keratin, vitamin C and proteins. Panthenol and allantoin accelerate the regeneration of the cuticle, liposomes accelerate the growth of nails, and the remaining of the above components improve the resistance of nails to the negative effects of the environment. The modern cosmetic market is able to offer a huge selection of strengthening products for nails. The most popular among women are the gel-strengthener "Smart Enamel", reinforcing film from Mirra, strengthening varnishes from Belweder and from the Platinum Collection. The maximum nails can be strengthened using the "sealing" procedure. This procedure involves the layer-by-layer application of funds, which contain trace elements, proteins and vitamins. First, the nails are polished, then the strengthening cream is rubbed into them, and then - the oil is strengthened. Useful substances obtained by nails during the "sealing" are stored in them for two weeks, after which you should repeat the procedure. But in addition to strengthening means of various brands, you can strengthen the nails at home using various folk remedies, paraffin therapy, and also with the help of massage. In addition, to maintain the strength of nails is able to correct manicure.


In the matter of strengthening the nails at homemanicure plays a rather big role. To nails longer remained strong and healthy, you need to abandon the edging manicure, as well as from metal nail files. Instead of a metal file, it is better to use a teflon-coated file. To remove varnish, do not use products containing acetone. Do a manicure at least once every two weeks, and every five days, you should give nails a two-day rest from the varnish. It is very useful for some time not to use ordinary varnishes - they should be replaced with curative varnishes, they do not differ from ordinary colorless varnishes. In addition, therapeutic varnishes will not be superfluous to apply under normal varnish in 2-3 layers - so the nails will not only receive additional food, but they will also be well protected from the negative effects of the usual varnish. For brittle nails, you should choose a therapeutic varnish with calcium, and for exfoliating nails - with fruit acids.


Paraffinotherapy can be called, perhaps, the mostpleasant cosmetic procedure. This procedure is done in the salons, but you can also do it yourself. Strengthening the nails at home with paraffin therapy has a number of useful qualities - the nails are not only strengthened, but also the hands receive excellent hydration, improve blood supply and improve the overall appearance of the hands. To perform this procedure at home you need to have cosmetic paraffin, heat guns and protective plastic bags. Before the procedure, you should do a hand massage with a peeling cream, which should then be removed completely. After this, five times, you should immerse your hands to the middle of the forearm, each time waiting for the paraffin to stop dripping from your hands. Then on hands it is necessary to put on protective plastic bags, and then to dress термоварежки. After 10-20 minutes, remove the heat guns and massage your hands, then remove the bags and discard them with the paraffin remaining in them. After the procedure, you should apply a moisturizing hand cream on your hands. Do not do paraffin therapy if:

  • The integrity of the skin is broken;
  • Blood coagulability is disrupted;
  • Sensitive skin is broken;
  • There are neoplasms.

Before applying paraffin on the hands should be on the inside of the wrist - paraffin should not be too hot, otherwise you can get light burns. strengthening nails folk remedies

Nail massage

Nail massage is also very useful instrengthening the nail procedure. Thanks to massage, the nails become stronger and more elastic. Do massage with a soft brush in the cuticle area, and first it should be soaped with baby soap or glycerin. During the massage the cuticle is released from the dead skin cells, which prevents the appearance of unpleasant and ugly cracks. A great benefit from the massage can be achieved by doing regular baths with oceanic or marine non-flavored salt. You can do the baths for 10 days with interruptions per month, and you can do it once, but every week. Baths with sea salt are made as follows: for 0.5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of salt is laid. Keep hands in the bath should be 15-20 minutes, after which they must be wiped and put on them a nourishing cream. But this bath refers already to folk recipes for strengthening the nails, which we will discuss in the next section of the article.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails

As we said in our article, strengthenNails can be not only in salons, but also at home. And folk recipes for strengthening the nails will help you with this. There are a lot of different recipes - from compresses and trays to various masks for strengthening the nails. In addition, a huge role is played by a special diet, the purpose of which is to saturate the body with useful substances that are necessary for nails. Such a diet includes:

  • Gelatin - jelly, jelly and jellied. Gelatin is also found in the bones and cartilages of birds and fish.
  • Calcium - this useful ingredient is in dairy products, dates, almonds and figs.
  • Iron - is in the yolks of eggs, red meat, red vegetables and fruits, pomegranates, legumes, oranges, vegetable oil, beet and carrot juices.
  • Zinc - is in fish, you should eat it at least once a week.
  • Manganese and magnesium - are available in bananas and rice.

Strengthening nails with folk remediesis popular among women, as it is not only very effective, but also very cheap. After all, all recipes are prepared from the fact that there is practically every kitchen - fruits, vegetables and the like. To strengthen the nails, there are a lot of different recipes - baths, rubs, compresses and masks. We will consider only a few recipes for strengthening the nails. Baths are a great way to not only strengthen the nails, they are very useful for the skin of the hands. We offer three variants of the baths:

  • Wine bath. 200 g. red dry grape wine and 1 tbsp. l. the salts are mixed, then the mixture should be slightly heated. The mixture should not be hot. In the resulting bath should be 15 minutes to keep hands, after which the hands should be slightly soaked with a towel and apply a nourishing cream. The bath should be done once a week.
  • Herbal bath. To prepare the tray should use infusions of nettle, plantain, celery, sage or chamomile. It is better to alternate the herbs. The bath is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. l. sage medicinal or 1 tbsp. l. any other herbs pour one liter of water, then infuse the boil for 5 minutes (celery should be boiled longer - 30 minutes), let the broth cool down to 40-420C and for 15-20 minutes put your hands there. After the bath, do not wash your hands, but only get soaked with a towel and apply a nourishing cream on them.
  • Soda bath. 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. water, 3 drops of iodine, 5 drops of glycerin to mix and lower there hands for 15-20 minutes. Hands get wet and put a cream on them. After the bath before going to bed, you should dip your fingertips into melted beeswax, let it freeze on your fingers and leave for the night.
  • In addition to the trays,strengthening of nails. By time, the mask takes almost as long as the baths - from 5 to 30 minutes. As well as after the baths, the use of a mask to strengthen the nails implies the subsequent application of a nourishing cream. So, here are some variants of masks:

  • Mask of beeswax. Melt beeswax on a water bath. It should not be hotter than 420C. In the melted wax, lower your fingers for 1-2 seconds and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Olive mask. To prepare this mask should be mixed 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2-3 drops of iodine and a few drops of lemon juice. In the resulting mixture, lower the fingers and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Peppermask. Mask for strengthening the nails is prepared from 1 tsp. hand cream, 1 tsp. red ground pepper and a few drops of water. The mixture is applied to the nails for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.
  • Beer mask. In half a glass of beer, add half a glass of slightly warmed vegetable oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. In the mixture, put your hands down for 20 minutes, after which you should not wash your hands - just get your hands wet with a napkin. After the mask, you should massage the cuticle and do not wet your hands for two hours. This prescription for strengthening the nails should not be used more than 2 times a week for a month.
  • There are, of course, many more recipesmasks for nails, we have resulted in our article only the most accessible and most effective. As you can see, for the strengthening of nails folk remedies do not require unnecessary expenditure, you just need a desire to have beautiful strong nails. That, strictly speaking, on this our article ends. We hope that it will help you to keep the beauty of your marigolds and to support it. After all, a beautiful manicure is impossible without healthy nails, and their health is in your hands. We advise you to read:

