Why was once a caring and loving manturns into a cruel, dangerous person, terrorizing the whole family? Whose fault is that the husband beats his pregnant wife, mocks her feelings, drives her mad? Many of the fair sex suffer from such relationships in the family. Husbands brandish their fists, insult, humiliate not only their wives, but also small children. At first, it is perceived as an accident - accumulated stresses and other troubles, but soon such behavior becomes "norm", and women fall into despair. Some of the unfortunate wives continue to suffer and forgive their torturing husbands even after bruising under the eyes and other injuries. Remember the proverb: if a husband beats his wife, then - he loves her. They are ready to blame themselves, believing that they made a mistake themselves - they could not calm down, help, caress in time. Wives believe the oath of the second half that he will never do so again. Representatives of the fair sex continue to hope and live, fearing new beatings. Beat, beats and will beat. As a rule, if a man at least once raised his hand to his woman, it will be repeated again and again. They break a certain moral barrier, when they suddenly realize that you can beat without receiving any punishment or rebuff. There are rare cases when a husband really realizes his action, repents and does not repeat mistakes - if he acted in a state of affect. Although even this does not justify it either.
Aggressive men: who should avoid
Men raising their hands on their wives, conditionallyare divided into two types: "pitbulli" and "cobra". The first type, pitbulli, occurs most often. They themselves gradually wind up their rage, harassing his wife with sarcastic remarks and insults. Husbands "plant" themselves until the moment when you can rush and hit. Typical behavior of the dog. Such men often depend psychologically on their wives. It is no longer love, but a disease engendered by the desire to humiliate and put into place a loved one. Wives of such people have to watch every gesture, glance and word, so that God forbid not to wake up aggression in them. Such families are shut off from friends and relatives and live in complete isolation, alone with their problems. "Cobra" - men are much rarer, but their behavior is difficult to predict. They do not need to inflame themselves - on the contrary, they attack silently and unexpectedly. During the impact they have a completely calm, even absent appearance. At the same time, neither the temperature nor the pressure rises. At the slightest occasion, they absolutely coolly beat their wives to half-death. They beat, despite your state of health or position. Raising a hand on a pregnant woman is easy. These are very dangerous and cruel men, although their rage is easier to redirect to a calmer course. Realizing that the victim does not react to his bullying, they can find another object to relieve irritation. But you should not rejoice at this: your relatives, relatives and even children can become such a source.
Why does a man dissolve his hands?
The idea that all the representativesfair sex, battering from men - timid, submissive and downtrodden, is not always true. Most often, wives themselves actively participate in skirmishes, sarcasm, insult and even beat their partners. To their credit, it is worth saying that all this is happening in response to threats from her husband. They, just like men, quickly catch fire and become aggressive even over trifles. Representatives of the fair sex lose their heads and get their husbands even stronger, which as a result leads to a fight. And at a time when men are fighting for power in their home, women are fighting for life. What happens to men? Why does the husband beat his wife? How do they become tyrants and who is to blame for this? There is an explanation for everything. And the origins should be sought in the past (in childhood, previous relationships, etc.). From now on a man does not become a tyrant and a sadist.
- Children's psychological trauma
The most common case is memories ofbehavior of the father in his own family. If your husband had the same problems with his parents as a child, the likelihood of ill-treatment of his own family is very high. As a small boy, he watched in horror the furious father, who humiliated and beat his mother. He was deeply afflicted with fear and injustice and swore to himself that he would never in his life be the same as his father. Nevertheless, this model of behavior is the only thing he has learned since childhood. He simply does not understand how to solve the conflict differently, because of what he repeats the actions of his father on a subconscious level. After all, if my mother beats her husband, why does not he even put a wife to it. If your young man from such a family, while he is already beginning to show signs of aggression - persuade him to go to a psychologist. Explain the complexity of the situation, tell us how much you love him and how you do not want your child to see what he saw. If your spouse has a desire to keep the marriage loving and strong, he will surely agree to your proposal. Although, unfortunately, this only works if the husband is burdened by his behavior and wants to change himself. Be careful while you can fix it. If he already beat you at least once, he will be more difficult to cure his beloved. Plus, you will need to forgive him. And can you do it?
- Alcoholism
How many families in Russia suffer from this ailment! The husband drinks and beats his wife, being in a deranged state most of his life. Sometimes a woman begins to stifle her grief in alcohol with him, unable to find a way out and preferring to forget herself from spiritual and physical pain. And two drinking spouses in the family - this is a disaster, destroying everything in its path. Even if a woman does not drink alcohol, she still falls out of life and completely depends on the condition of her husband. Eternal expectation - whether he will come home drunk or sober, will he break again or leave her alone. The psychic of alcoholics is disrupted, they are not able to control their own behavior, their actions are inadequate. Most injuries and homicide killings occur precisely at the time of alcohol intoxication. It is very difficult to treat such people, but if you want to save the relationship and get your husband back to normal - it's worth a try. The main thing - try to solve this problem together. If a man does not have a sincere desire to stop drinking, then nothing will happen. All advertised means, allowing to remove alcoholic dependence without the knowledge of the patient - myths and fairy tales of experts in marketing. Remind him of the best that was in your life together. Try to convince you that you need him healthy and adequate, that you and your children do not want to suffer anymore. Explain that if a husband beats his wife and mocks her, all family members suffer. If the degree of alcoholism is not too neglected, your spouse may decide to be treated and stop drinking. If, however, the physiological and psychic dependencies are so high that they become instinct for him, he will rather prefer the bottle to his family. In this case, take care of yourself and the health of your children, and stay away from the alcoholic
- Humiliated and offended
Another example of a tyrant's husband is a man with a lowself-esteem. He is not lucky around, people treat him mockingly, he does not respect and does not appreciate the team. Not being able to satisfy their, as a rule, high ambitions, such men throw out all their negative at home - the closest and loving people. Here they just can not get a well-deserved rebuff and, finally, rise in their own eyes. The main thing is superiority, at least over weak women and children. They need proof of their "dominance" in the house as air, for only in this way do they have something in their own eyes. They take revenge for insults, for disrespect, for laughing at oneself. Usual losers, unable to realize themselves in life, trample in the dirt of relatives and relatives. That's how they live. He is an energy vampire. If your husband is a tyrant of this type, then immediately escape from him. Egoism is incurable, promises to reform are false. It is not necessary to become a pear-pear for the sake of a person who wants to raise personal self-esteem in this way. He has beaten you, and will continue to dismiss his hands.
- The darling of fate
A husband who beats his family can becomea man who was very spoiled as a child. He is used to the fact that everyone around him indulges his desires, any his "want" - the law of life for others. A person simply does not fit into his head, why the wife does not immediately fulfill all of his demands and does not stand at attention when he approaches. If they do not get what they want, such people can fall into uncontrolled aggression and long "punish" their relatives for the offense they inflicted. Since childhood, not accustomed to independence, they demand from their wives what they can not do themselves. This is not only male work at home, but also the solution of financial, domestic issues. Change, as a rule, they do not consider it a sin at all - after all such "wonderful people" are allowed absolutely everything! And if suddenly the wives decide to tell them what to do, then you just have to teach them a lesson and show who is the master in the house. Lovely women, if your husband is like that person - run, without looking back. No love is worth such mental and physical pain. And if you have children - protect them from mental trauma, give them the opportunity to grow up worthy, happy people!
What women suffer bullying and humiliation
Why women are readyeternally forgive their cruel husbands and be with them? What is it - fear of loneliness or incomprehensible masochism? Is love so blind that it allows them to shackle themselves into a lifelong imprisonment of humiliation and pain?
- Naivety or greed
As mentioned earlier, women think: "When my husband hits me, he shows his feelings like this." This tale has long lost its relevance. Once upon a time, our great-grandmothers married by agreement of their parents, even without seeing the groom before the wedding. And they lived all their life together - whether it's a successful marriage, or an unhappy existence. Once the divorce was impossible, the sentence "a husband beats his wife means he loves" was a salvation and an explanation for what was happening. What now? Even now, despite the propaganda against violence, women are confident that beatings are the norm for almost every modern family. After all, both neighbors and relatives have scandals. The husband beats them, and then repents, gives flowers, gold, diamonds and vows, what was the last time. It comes to the fact that some wives see a split personality in their husbands: they regard the good and flowers with the present as real, but with aggression and with kulaks as an accident, illness, circumstances. By the way, sometimes the representatives of the fair sex are subconsciously provoked by the spouse, so that next day he asked gifts. But, unfortunately, in such cases fights happen more often, and apologies - all less often.
- Threats to suicide
Sometimes men blackmail their wives by ending themwith them, if they abandon them and leave. Often such words do not contain a real threat, it's just an excuse to keep you always with you and be able to control you. Plus, women become pliable and begin to fear even their own shadow. Who wants to be the cause of someone else's death, even if this person brings moral and physical pain. Live in constant fear and tension, fear for the possible death of a loved one "through your own fault" - was this what you expected when you married? If you succumb to such blackmail, you will forever be without guilt a guilty and deeply unhappy woman. And after a couple of decades, this "male" can go to another, and you will be left without anything. Because of the constant experiences and nervous breakdowns, your hair will start to turn gray before the time starts, wrinkles will appear and the glint in the eyes will disappear. You need it? Do not feel sorry for your husband, be a fatal woman - give him the opportunity to do as he sees fit. Only units are capable of taking such a terrible step as suicide. The most that they can do is simulate an attempt to keep you on a short leash. In the rest, they only develop in the wives a sense of guilt and despair. By the way, all suicides are registered in a psychiatric hospital. And in some cases he will have to be very tight, especially if he wants to change jobs or get a personal transport. Do not forget to inform your spouse about this.
- Children need a father
Many of the fair sexconsider that the tyrant father is better than no father at all. Here they are cruelly mistaken. Seeing the constant scandals and fights of parents, the children are deeply traumatized by the psyche. It is dangerous for boys - becoming adults, they copy the behavior of the father in their family. It's hard for girls - in the future to create a family they will subconsciously look for cruel men, like their father. In the end, the tyrant spoils life not only for you, but for innocent children. Sometimes, husbands raise their hands even on them, which can not but affect the mental and physical health of the kids. Do you know that most of the young killers are convicted of killing fathers who beat their wives and children? And public opinion condemns in all this a mother who did not protect the child from such a "loving" and "caring" pope.
- Material dependence
One of the frequent reasons why wives do not go away frombeating their husbands - financial dependence. They have nowhere, and nothing to live on. This situation often develops in families where the wives either do not work, or they get a very small salary. What if the husband hits you in this case? Despite such difficulties, if you want, you can find a way out. Ask for help from relatives and friends, explain the situation and ask for help. You will definitely be supported and will help to hold out the first time until you find a job. Understand that the safety of children is also in your hands. Many successful, financially independent women also started from scratch. And they were in the same terrible circumstances (and even worse). And if they could get up, then it will work out for you. Right?
Aggressive husbands - the problem of the twenty-first century
If you are still thinking about whether to continue living in torment, or think that the beating husband is your karma, think about the following information:
- In Russia, at the hands of her husband or cohabitant, a woman dies every 40 minutes. Each year a terrible number varies from 12 to 14 thousand people;
- The risk of dying by the hand of a stranger in our country is lower by an order of magnitude than in one's own family;
- Every day, every 36,000 women are beaten by their husbands and roommates;
- More than 50 thousand children run away from home, fleeing from beating up their parents;
- About 2,000 children take their lives every year. The reason - they were beaten by one of the parents.
Perhaps, these data will push you to the right decision and will help to understand whether it is worth living with someone who is a threat to you and your loved ones.
When an adequate man can raise his hand
A real man never and under no circumstancescircumstances should not raise a woman's hand. This is the rule that every member of the stronger sex should know. But, as always, there are exceptions. A young man can strike, if, for example, his life is in danger. It is laid down on the level of instinct. Aggression is manifested if the same applies to his children. Therefore, do not rush to the husband with a frying pan or children with a belt. The consequences can be sad. It is also possible for a man to get out of himself from adultery. Especially if he devoted all his life to the family, and she walks, say, with his best friend. Unfortunately, because of jealousy, many murders are committed. The person is in a state of affect. There is no justification for this, but you still have to be honest with your loved one. And be careful. We advise you to read: