how to improve vision with myopia To date, many modernrepresentatives of the fair sex are interested in the question of how to improve eyesight with myopia at home. Who wants to risk health and fall under the knife, if you can resort to less dangerous methods. But, unfortunately, this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, if you follow all instructions clearly, after two or three months you will be able to see perfectly. However, there is always a risk that something will go wrong. And then without a scalpel, the surgeon is definitely not enough. Therefore, in the beginning, you should weigh the pros and cons, consult with a specialist. Only after this you can start experimenting with folk methods.

What is myopia and how dangerous it is

Myopia or myopia is an anomaly, withwhich refracted light rays do not converge on the retina, but in front of it. In this case, a person does not distinguish between distant objects, and closely located ones can be considered in the smallest detail and detail. Distinguish such types of myopia, as weak, medium and high. The representative of the fair sex can be born with such a defect that it shows up in the first classes, or acquires it during life. With this disease, there is an increase in the eyeball, which in turn leads to stretching of the retina. Correction of nearsightedness is a whole complex of procedures, during which full vision is returned to patients. The main thing is to notice the problem in time and start treatment. how to improve vision with myopia causes

Causes of myopia

Today you can firmly say that myopia -the problem of the twenty-first century. Practically every second person has some kind of pathology or trouble with eyesight. This is due to the fact that such gadgets and technical devices as our TV, computer, PDA, tablet, mobile phone have become firmly established in our life. They surround us at home, at work. And even on vacation, we can not do without them. Undoubtedly, the latest technologies allow creating such liquid crystal screens that are convenient for users. However, with prolonged contact, fatigue and dry eyes are inevitable. But the problem is not even in the technique itself, but in how we use it. Take, for example, a book. If you read it without rest breaks, by the evening your eyes will turn red and sore. The same thing happens when you sit at the computer for eight hours.

How to get rid of myopia

Prophylaxis of the disease and the development of myopiaMyopia is easier to prevent than treat, so recommendations for preventing this disease are given below. If you follow the precautions, the risk of myopia is minimized. But do not forget to visit the oculist every six months.

  • Reading

The first rule of prevention of myopia is knownthe fair sex still from school. It says that you can not read lying down. Even to look through the newspaper or magazine it is possible only sitting. Please note: the book should be at a distance of 30-35 centimeters from the eyes.

  • Monitor

As mentioned above, it is long to sit in oneposition and look at a certain point - it is impossible. It is necessary to spend in front of the TV or monitor no more than two hours a day. To fulfill this rule in our time is very difficult, since many women sit at work time at the computer. You will not tell the head that you have not fulfilled the annual report, because your eyes are sick. Such people are encouraged to alternate the mode of work and rest. That is, after every 45 minutes of work at the computer, be distracted. Rest should be at least 5-10 minutes (preferably with closed eyes). Do coffee breaks to stretch your muscles and relieve tension.

  • Healthy Eating

Another effective way to preventMyopia is eating raw carrots. This orange root vegetable contains a huge amount of beta-carotene and antioxidants that help prevent such eye diseases. You can drink every morning freshly squeezed juice or prepare fruit salads with the addition of this ingredient. Another popular healer is spinach. According to experts, the content of vitamin A, it is not inferior to carrots. Plus, the number of dishes where this product can be added is significantly larger. Treatment for myopia: how to restore vision to myopia Myopia develops gradually. It can not be that you saw everything perfectly today, and the next day your vision deteriorated very badly. If you notice that it became difficult for you to consider the faces of passers-by, the numbers of cars, to read the text of the advertising signboard, it's time to turn to the ophthalmologist. It is impossible to delay a visit, because only a specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis. Only after the necessary research, he will be able to establish that you have this disease. And the table with the alphabet will not do. Glaucoma and cataract may be masked for myopia, so do not delay the trip to the ophthalmology department of the polyclinic. Most likely, you will be recommended wearing glasses or lenses. However, such a means, designed to correct vision, is not always convenient and practical. Lenses are good for mild to moderate myopia. To improve accommodation, that is, the ability of the eye to adapt to different distances when examining an object, special training exercises are prescribed. Most of them women can perform every forty minutes, without being distracted from work.

  • Concentration on the subject

Sit on a chair, concentrate your eyes onany object (at least for 3 seconds). Try not to blink, do not strain your eyes. Then you will need to extend your hand in front of you and hold your finger on the finger for 3 seconds. After that, you can lower your hand and look into the distance. Exercise should be repeated 8-10 times.

  • Follow the finger

You should take your hand to the side, extended fingeralternately move to the nose and remove back, without taking his eyes off him. We do everything slowly and carefully. And so do about 15-20 times. To start such exercises should be at least three times, otherwise there will be no effect. The second option: you need to stretch out your hand, putting your finger, five seconds to concentrate on it with both eyes, then close one, the other to look for five more seconds.

  • Draw figures and figures

A good and easy-to-implement complex, whereExercises are carried out only by the eyes. So, for example, you can draw a figure eight. Repeat at least five times, changing directions (for example, from top to bottom, bottom-up, left-to-right, right-to-left, diagonally). This exercise you can do not only at work, but also in public places (standing in line, waiting for the bus, going home, etc.). When doing this exercise, you do not need to move your head. You should first look in the lower left corner, then move diagonally to the right. Repeat 6 times in one direction, as many in the opposite direction. In the end, to distract yourself, often blink for several seconds without effort. how to improve vision with myopia treatment

Treatment of myopia in the hospital

To prevent the progress of myopia,doctors usually appoint special medicines to women. They are such biostimulants as an extract of leaves of aloe, placenta, and liminal mud (FBS). In order to prevent the outflow of blood in the retina in time, almost all patients are prescribed rutin, ascorbic acid, calcium. For maintenance of vision apply riboflavin, vitamin B. At complications enter ATP and nicotinic acid. If such therapy is ineffective, scleroplasty corrective operations are performed. Pay special attention to the fact that representatives of the fair sex with a high degree of myopia are contraindicated in any type of work associated with lifting weights. You run the risk, if every day you need to look at small objects for a long time, stay in a bent position. If you are diagnosed with this, you should transfer to another position. At a weak and moderate degree of myopia the capacity for work is usually maintained. As mentioned above, it is much easier to prevent short-sightedness than to treat it later. Watch your health and well-being, let's rest your eyes. Try to take breaks in work at the computer, and watch TV as rarely as possible. Modern representatives of the fair sex from school know how much infrared waves are harmful to vision and well-being in general. Include in your diet fresh carrots, spinach, blueberries. Take care of yourself, but if you lose sight, contact the ophthalmologist immediately for the correct diagnosis. Myopia is treatable, the main thing is to perform simple exercises and believe in a victorious result. Preventive maintenance plays an important role in preventing short-sightedness. But you need to do this from school years, and not when you turned 50 and sharply began to deteriorate your eyesight. While reading and writing, you need to sit flat, do not bend too close to a notebook or book. Keep track of workplace lighting. In the twilight, use table lamps. Do not save electricity. Sitting at the computer in complete darkness, women strain their eyes. So you very quickly plant vision. Important in this case, the overall strengthening of the body (hardening, taking multivitamins), as well as treatment and prevention of chronic diseases, which can give complications in the form of myopia.

