how to fall in love with her husband again Well, what kind of woman does not think about how to re-createfall in love with her husband so that he could not think about other women for his whole life? So that he constantly feels for his own interest and attraction, so that she would like to like and again try to evoke admiration and respect from his wife? To give gifts, regularly dragged huge bouquets of flowers, cared for, guarded, guarded? Who of the representatives of our beautiful sex does not want to have a holiday of love in the house? That's right, there are none. However, to our great regret, the ecstasy of falling in love with our spouses dies pretty quickly, and they, our spouses, become boring and obese. Endless nagging believers, instead of trying to drag us some star from the sky, are lying on the couch, and flowers are given only on holidays. It's a shame ... After all, they used to be such romantic lovers, promising that from now on we will move from place to place only in their hands! And where is all this, where ?! And how to fall in love with your own husband, so that he again went insane, as in his youth? Well, not to run away to the women, in fact? No, it's probably not worth it to the women. Maybe they will bewitch the faithful, only this true love holiday will not work. The husband will wander around the house like a zombie. And we need a lively, active, truly loving man. Therefore, we try to do without grandmothers, on our own. Let's talk about how to get your husband to love his wife again and again.

How to keep the love of her husband?

How to fall in love with her husband every day and whether it is possiblethis? You can, if you cut yourself in the nose - men can not stand obsessive women. And, if we start to follow the faithful on his heels, blow off dust particles from him, constantly call him, wondering where he is and when he will come home, or, what's more, try to command them - dreams of an eternally enamored wife can be buried in the woods and forget about the place of their burial. At best, the faithful will tolerate us, secretly raging, at worst - will escape, taking only a toothbrush and a razor. In such ways to force a husband to love his wife can not in any case. In order to know exactly how to keep the love of a husband, you should always remember that men (if they are real, not effeminate) passionately want to win the woman by themselves. Therefore, we will give them the opportunity to call themselves to show off their exploits or to ask how such a serious we are, wait in anticipation when we light up with friends in a bar, and try to attract more of our attention when we are solely engaged in ourselves, our beloved. In a word, the answer to the question: how to fall in love with your own husband, there will be only three words: female unpredictability and mysteriousness. No, of course, there are men who prefer women to simple and understandable. But, firstly, there is no talk of passion and love in this case, and secondly, this is a completely different story. So, back to our sheep, namely - how to keep the love of her husband. Let him win us and try to please us all his life. And for the husband to love, what is needed? And for this it is necessary that we always be on top and evoke interest and desire to please us. It's not about not wearing notorious dirty gowns and not going around the house unkempt. Contrary to the advice, never do this, so as not to think then how to make a husband fall in love again, experienced, beloved husbands for many years, the wife maintains - sometimes you can. Because nothing so warms the love and interest of men, as contrasts. Did we always meet well-groomed, extremely effective, very economic, but at the same time abandoned women, from which husbands fled? Met, and not one. And why are they lonely? Firstly, because even the most perfect beauty, if it has nothing to compare, is boring. And secondly, because, next to a lady like this, almost never relaxes and does not feel himself. And this is sometimes necessary for him, because a constant tension leads to nervous breakdowns. So, dear ladies, we keep in the locker a worn-out dressing-gown and occasionally flaunt it in front of the faithful, becoming for him for a time nearer and nearer. After all, true love implies, first of all, spiritual intimacy. Always inaccessible queen in the house is interesting for the time being, and then she starts to tire. Because the wife should be a native person, with whom one can always share the painful, and what kind of intimacy with the queen can there be? Let's go further. If we want to make love the foundation of our family, then, in addition, to force our husband to constantly win, we must learn to listen carefully and understand it. Let him tell us about all his ideas and problems, ask for advice and complain about something, turning from an indomitable lion to everyone in a tame kitten for us. Talk about such a metamorphosis will not be anyone - no mom, no close girlfriends. Hand kitten is only ours. For others, he remains a formidable lion. We cherish our happiness, cherish it and protect it from prying eyes. Even the most benevolent, they can involuntarily bring in a family discord. how to fall in love with her husband again

How to make a husband love his wife every minute?

To know exactly how to keep love in the family,It is necessary to clearly imagine who we should be for our spouse. Mistress? Not bad, but not enough. A caring wife? Also good. And also not enough. We should be both a mistress, a wife, and the closest friend, and a friend. With a wife who is genuinely interested in the affairs of her husband, he is never bored. A husband who is friends with his wife will not seek understanding from other women - this is simply not necessary. Women who believe that the question of how to maintain love in the family, there is one answer - virtuosic sex - are deeply mistaken. Sex, of course, is very important for a harmonious relationship in the family, but one he can not in any way serve as a pledge of the husband's eternal love for his wife. Men are very sensitive to reality and want a woman nearby to understand them. If not, they will go in search of understanding, and, most likely, find him in some other, albeit not very sexual, woman. Therefore, a wife who dreams of the enduring love of her husband should learn to hear the husband and speak sweet words to the beloved husband, be interested in his affairs and plans and support him in all, even the most fantastic endeavors. And if she also has sex with her husband to do with great pleasure, enduring love in the family is assured. In such families, contrary to the popular opinion that "all muzhiks are incorrigible males," there is no question of male betrayal. In such families, there is no question of how to return love to the family, because it does not go away. No, you can not, of course, say that the feelings of the spouses always burn with a hot flame. They become smooth, calm, and flare up again after separation and quarrels. Yes, yes, quarrels, without which in a loving family can not do. Infrequent quarrels between spouses and their disputes is an indicator of a favorable microclimate within the family, such a psychological game of two independent personalities. But if quarrels are absent altogether or occur too often, it means that either love is completely dead, or the couple have played, and it's time to beat the alarm. Otherwise, the family will fall apart. how to fall in love with anew her husband

That my husband loved forever

We have already said that one sex basisThe family can not be, although it is also difficult to do without it. A normal man (however, like a woman) loves quality sex. However, he is too concerned with it only in his youth, with age, usually men prefer to have sex only with a woman who is dear to them. With the one with which it is warm and calm. With the one that is comfortable and safe in bed. With the one with which you can spend cozy family evenings. With the one who does not spare tender words to her beloved husband. And if we want to have love in the family, we should try to become "that". "Aha", - someone from the fair sex will say, - "Again, we must for them ... And they have something for us?" Of course. But so are men - when a woman refuses to understand them, they are closed and categorically do not want to understand a woman. At the same time, when it seeks spiritual closeness, men not only reveal themselves, but also begin to show concern and try to solve the problems of their beloved. What does it mean to "strive for spiritual closeness"? It means waiting for your husband with impatience, meeting him with joy and tenderness, listening with interest to all the news and allowing him to praise himself, beloved, with might and main. Well, even if he gets a little better, you'll think about it! He so wants to appear intelligent, brave, strong in the eyes of an adored wife! Here's the husband and fantasizes sometimes, coming up with another feat. After all, you can not do them every day! Tea, not Hercules ... Therefore, if we think about how to fall in love with a husband every day, we do not want to convict him of this harmless lie and criticize. This is a completely innocent deception, the purpose of which is to fascinate us. Often there are husbands who are not always able to wait for the evening to post news to their beloved wife. They can call her in the middle of the day and enthusiastically talk about what just happened. Annoyed and declare at such a moment that it is too busy, if we want a family holiday, love and faithfulness, it is impossible. The faithful will take offense, go into himself, close up and decide that he is ignored. We will have to cherish with a vengeance. If the darling called us in the afternoon, and we have force majeure at work, we still need to find a couple of minutes to listen to his enthusiastic or angry maxims. Work is work, and family is more important. And let the authorities look fiercely - you can change your boss, but you do not have a beloved spouse! In a word, we listen to the couple for a couple of minutes, we tell him that it is very interesting and in the evening we will discuss everything in detail, gently say goodbye and put down the phone. And in the evening we carefully listen to the formidable lion who has become a tender kitten, showing genuine interest and understanding. And let him pepper us with unknown terms, the main thing here is not knowledge, but the essence of what is happening, which can be fully grasped even in the most inconsistent narrative. We are trying! Because in the family we need love and loyalty. Some ladies, trying to get from their pious attention, reproach him for not being interested in the affairs of his wife. In part, they are right - many men find it difficult to understand women's experiences, born, mainly, by a rich emotional world. However, if we try to understand as much as possible the inner world of our spouse, he will reflexively open up and also begin to explore our spiritual impulses. Do not immediately devote it to all the nuances of your own experiences - men can not immediately realize so much psychological information. After all, we, the ladies, in the inner world, have a lot of everything! And if we want the spouse not to get confused in this "everyone" and not lose interest in it, we dedicate it to our world in a dosed way, little by little confiding daily. With the waterfall of women's experiences, it's difficult for men to cope. And now again we will return to our rams. Namely, to how to fall in love with a husband for life. We started with the fact that men want to win a woman, and then suddenly switched to her eternal readiness to listen to her husband, to understand and accept. How can this be combined? You just need to gently but persistently tell your husband that his wife is a self-sufficient person, she has her hobbies and her own affairs. And go sometimes, choosing the right time for this, on these matters, leaving the faithful for an hour or two. Do not be afraid that something will happen to him. Not small, does not need nannies. Let him realize that his wife is not a comfortable accessory, but a person who has her own interests. Otherwise, he will not respect us, and this is so necessary for true love! The conclusion: in order that a husband always loved and sought after work home, and not in the nearest pub, you need to have a wife:

  • Unpredictable and mysterious;
  • Understanding;
  • Sexually enough.

Only three conditions, our dear women! But can we not cope with them? And it was not like that! So let's fall in love with ourselves husbands, and then the eternal feast of love and loyalty in the family we are provided. We advise you to read:

