Many today do not pay attention to the fact thatthe smell from the nose can be unpleasant, taking it for granted. But this phenomenon should cause a logical question: why and from where can there be a foreign smell? Here there are a number of clear problems, which are the causes of the appearance of a bad smell from the nose. It is not only the common cold, but also many purulent diseases, infections, impaired sense of smell and foreign objects in the nose, which often happens in children. Therefore, if you start to feel a bad smell disturbing you, or your child complains about this phenomenon, be sure to consult a doctor for a survey. It is necessary to prescribe a treatment, which at the initial stages will easily and quickly cope with the problem. Remember: an unpleasant "scent" from the nose can not be a normal phenomenon, it is a sign that there is some kind of disorder or disease that requires attention.
What smell from a nose happens?
Unpleasant "scent" from the nose is different, muchdepends on the cause of its occurrence. In addition, it is not necessarily permanent, a bad smell can appear sporadically, for example, only in the morning or several times a day. But in any case, when such symptoms appear, care must be taken to eliminate the cause. There are such types of unpleasant odors from the nose:
- putrefactive - usually observed either sporadically or permanently;
- the smell of burning - appears sporadically;
- the smell of pus - appears with infectious diseases, can be observed constantly.
The causes of the smell of rot from the nose
So why does an unpleasant odor from the nose appear? Consider the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon:
- ozena, the so-called malodorous rhinitis. The causes of this disease are not fully understood today, but experts believe that this is a heredity. With such a disease, the nasal mucosa and bone tissue become inflamed, which leads to the formation of dry crusts in the nasal cavity in large quantities, which become the source of the appearance of an unpleasant "odor" from the nose.
- bacterial infections. Often the body begins to react actively to a variety of infections, including allergic irritants. This phenomenon causes the appearance of a rather unpleasant aroma, but this phenomenon is episodic, it can not disturb a long time;
- acute rhinitis can causethere is a strange smell. With this disease, the nasal mucosa begins to become quite seriously inflamed, and pus is released from the nose. It is he who becomes the cause of unpleasant "odors" from the nose. After treatment, this phenomenon completely passes and does not bother anymore;
- sinusitis is a disease that inflamesaccessory sinuses of the nose, it is accompanied by a purulent runny nose, headaches, and poor health. Unpleasant "scents" appear sporadically, but they can cause discomfort. In any case, sinusitis requires treatment, since it can cause other serious illnesses;
- parosmia, or impaired sense of smell, isa disease in which various abnormalities are observed, often a person feels persistent non-existent smells, including the smell of rot. This disease is associated with the condition of the upper respiratory tract. If you feel the phantom stench, you should immediately go to the doctor, as in some cases this may be due to impaired brain activity, that is, it requires urgent diagnosis and the appointment of the right treatment;
- foreign body. In young children, often an unpleasant odor from the nose is caused by falling into the cavity of the nozzle of a variety of objects. Peas, pieces of foam or paper can lead to inflammation of the mucous and painful sensations, the child begins to complain about discomfort, the first sign is an unpleasant smell. Therefore, it is necessary not to try to remove this symptom on your own, but immediately consult a doctor.
The same applies to the appearance of a bad smell from the nasal cavity in adults - do not try to engage in self-medication, as unqualified treatment often causes deterioration.
What factors provoke the appearance of odor from the nose?
The appearance of a bad "flavor" from the nasal cavity can be influenced by a variety of factors, among which it is necessary to distinguish such as:
- recent surgical intervention or disease of the nose;
- adverse environmental and environmental conditions;
- poor housing conditions, the presence of a permanent allergen;
- wrong, meager nutrition, weakened immunity.
If the survey did not find the causewhy there was an unpleasant odor from the nose, then, perhaps. it is necessary to begin the strengthened, balanced food, to be more on fresh air, to air a premise.
Ozena - one of the reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant aroma
Ozena is a fetid runny nose, or atrophicrhinitis. The disease has a vague etiology, is characterized by a loss of smell, a fetid aroma from the nasal cavity, progressive atrophy of nasal concha, nasal mucosa, dystrophic changes in cartilage, bones. Experts believe that this disease is of an infectious nature, others are convinced that one can get sick due to penetration into the mucosa of the infection. But it can be caused by factors such as:
- heredity - that is, if one of the parents had atrophic rhinitis, then with a high degree of probability, it can be in the child, if not to comply with preventive measures;
- purulent runny nose - often occurs in poornutrition, when the body lacks vitamins A, B, D, K. If you are at risk, then you need to include in your diet products that contain all the necessary trace elements. It is advisable to see a doctor who can give the necessary recommendations for a preventive diet;
- poor sanitary conditions - often cause a purulent festering runny nose.
Symptoms of nasal cavity disease
The onset of the disease manifests itself, as a rule, inthe age of seven to eight years, with most often in girls. There is a constant stuffiness, a fetid odor from the nose, there may be a discharge of pus. In addition, there is a constant fatigue, headaches. Parents usually believe that this is the most common common cold, and the treatment is appropriate. This leads to the fact that the disease simply goes into another phase. In adolescence, there are no more abundant pus, there is pronounced dryness, multiple crusts appear in the nose, which eventually become denser, covering the entire nasal cavity from the nasopharynx to the trachea. Over time, the number of crusts increases, with their reduction, the odor from the nose disappears. But in any case, it is fairly well visible to others. If you do not start treatment, then the sense of smell is quickly reduced until it is lost. At the same time there are severe headaches in the parietal and frontal areas, which are very difficult to remove, there is a constant dryness in the throat, breathing is difficult, the voice becomes hoarse. This suggests that the trachea and larynx are greatly affected. If you do not begin urgent treatment, the disease will go to chronic atrophic rhinitis.
How to treat and where to start?
To stop the secretion of pus and the appearance of fetid "aroma", apply several types of treatment:
- conservative, aimed at eliminating crusts, fighting infection;
- medicinal local, including washingnose, lodging of turunda with a proteolytic enzyme to soften crusts and remove them. Locally introduce a drug such as streptomycin, xanthinal nicotinate;
- general medical treatment includes the use of antibiotics;
- physiotherapy in the form of electrophoresis with potassium iodide, UHF, diathermy;
- phytotherapy for washing the nasal cavity;
- operative intervention to narrow the nasal cavity (it is very rarely prescribed).
The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the nose can beis caused by various causes, among which rhinitis, foreign bodies, sinusitis. Often in the treatment of physiotherapy procedures, washing the nose at home. In any case, with such symptoms, it is extremely undesirable to delay contact with a specialist, especially when a child begins to complain of a bad smell and discomfort.