Probably, it is very difficult to find at least onea new-born mother who would not have dreamed of being able to sleep peacefully even at night without waking up from a child's crying. And in some cases dreams come true - young parents sleep throughout the night without waking up even once. And the rest of the parents make every effort to adjust the baby to the adult mode of life. But is it so safe and will not such a mode of the day cause harm to crumbs? After all, the dream of a newborn child is a very subtle substance. For the harmonious development of a newborn baby, two main components are needed - a sound healthy sleep and breast nutrition. The baby is sleeping a lot and that's the norm. It is this relationship between food and sleep that will be discussed below. Of course, that the baby, who during the whole period of the newborn, which is considered the first six weeks of life of the crumbs, sleeps a lot, and does not wake up, causes delight and affection from his parents, grandmothers, grandfathers and other relatives. And few people in the head comes to the question of whether it is normal that a child sleeps a lot? After all, at first glance, the child seems healthy, full and absolutely satisfied. However, if a child sleeps a lot, most often pediatricians face certain, often dangerous to the health of the baby, violations. Such a "convenient" for the mother and father, the crumb has some problems with breastfeeding: the baby is small and little by little sucks the breast, as a result of which it receives less than the required amount of milk. Because the body lacks nutrients, and the liquid in general, the child becomes even more passive and quiet, simply speaking, losing strength. Due to dehydration of the body, the baby's jaundice can worsen during development, or even develop hypoxemia, which causes pathological drowsiness. No less dangerous for a newborn baby and possible dehydration of the body. Such complications often lead to hospitalization of the crumbs, because they require the most intensive medical intervention. In fact, the natural features of a newborn baby are such that it must suck the mother's breast as often and longer as possible. A healthy child can be applied to the chest every hour - one and a half. But, alas, most parents are not delighted with the almost round-the-clock finding of the baby at the mother's breast, mistakenly considering such a crumbs spoiled and problematic baby. But such a physiological need of the child for food has a scientifically valid explanation. The stomach volume of the newborn baby is very small - no more than the baby's own cam. Breast milk has its own peculiarities of chemical composition, due to which it is digested very very quickly - literally within one hour. And no child will not sleep at a time when his stomach is empty. That is why it is so important for a child to frequent breast sucking - it indicates that the baby is absolutely healthy and develops as it should, without any pathological deviations from the age norm.
Danger of underfeeding
But a rare sucking - once every three hours and less often- is a deviation from the norm. A similar eating schedule greatly increases the risk of health problems of crumbs. In addition, a rare breast sucking leads to the emergence of concomitant problems, as a result, the pathological circle may close and break it will be very difficult, often without the help of physicians and is completely unrealistic:
- Immunoglobulins.
The child, in the first weeks of life, little suckingthe mother's breast, first receives colostrum, and then early breast milk, which contains a huge number of various immunoglobulins. But these very immunoglobulins protect the children's body from the invasion of infections and other enemy agents.
- Difficulty of the act of sucking.
A kid who did not suck his breast in the first fewdays, when there was colostrum in the chest, may experience serious difficulties with the very process of breast sucking after the milk appears in it. This problem is especially relevant for those crumbs whose mothers have nipples flat or are drawn in.
- Jaundice of newborns.
As is known, for the successful cure of a child fromthe newborn's jaundice should be given as often as possible to water the baby, in order for bilirubin to be excreted from the body together with the liquid. That is why it is easy to guess that in the event that a child sucks badly at the breast and receives less liquid, the flow of the jelly becomes more pronounced and heavy.
- Delayed arrival of milk.
Because the baby does not suck very much in the first few days after birth, the nipples do not get enough stimulation. As a consequence - the arrival of milk is significantly delayed.
- Risk of developing mastitis.
A large number of women are facingwith such an extremely unpleasant phenomenon as mastitis. Especially often mastitis in women develops precisely in the period when the first tide of milk is noted. And in the event that the crumb bad sucks the breast, the risk of the disease increases many times.
- Increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage in the mother.
Stimulation of the breast, which occurs during breastfeeding of the baby, stimulates active contraction of the uterus. And, as a consequence, bleeding decreases in the early and late postpartum periods.
- Increased risk of hypoglycemia.
If the crumb gets insufficient quantitymaternal milk or a mixture, the blood glucose level is significantly reduced in its blood. Accordingly, at times the risk of development in a child of hypoglycemia increases, which is manifested by the following symptoms:
- The child is pathologically drowsy - it is almost impossible to wake him, he sleeps almost all the time.
- The child is very sluggish, does not care about anything.
- Parents may notice that the baby's undershirts and sheets become wet too quickly - the child sweats very actively.
- A baby can very often shudder in a dream.
- Breathing in crumbs can be very frequent and superficial.
- The skin and mucous membranes of the child acquire a very pale color.
- A baby can have problems with sucking, and therefore completely refuses food.
When a newborn child has one or more of the symptoms described above, parents should contact the doctor as soon as possible.
Other causes of increased drowsiness of a newborn baby
Above described only a few reasons for abandonment and increased drowsiness of the crumbs. However, this is not a complete list:
- Features of the generic process.
In the event that the birth process was toodifficult and protracted, especially if any pharmacological preparations were used during childbirth, the child can also sleep asleep all the time and, consequently, skip feeding. In especially severe cases, these children lose the ability to coordinate the processes of breathing and swallowing in the maternal breast.
- Incorrect application of crumbs to the chest.
In the event that the child takes a breastwrongly, he can quickly get tired and fall asleep at the breast. In order to correct this problem, the mother needs to seek help from a breastfeeding consultant, or, in his absence, a pediatric nurse or at least an experienced friend who has successfully nursed their own babies. By the way, very often the right breast grip is prevented by the first rush of milk. From the arrival of milk, the breast swells, the nipples become coarse and the crumbs are difficult to grasp with their lips. A crumb, after several fruitless attempts, simply becomes tired and again falls asleep without getting the food he needs. In order to avoid this situation, the mother before each feeding should express a small amount of milk in order for the breast to become softer and the baby could grab the nipple.
- Environmental factors.
There is an opinion that a newborn child maysleep only in the dark and almost complete silence. However, this opinion is mistaken - bright light and loud sounds make the crumb fall asleep almost instantly. Thus, the baby's body is protected from stress and nervous system overload. Doctors noticed an interesting pattern - if the house is noisy, then the child wants to sleep constantly. However, remember that in a noisy environment, the infant is restlessly asleep, and this infant sleep can not be considered complete. If your newborn baby sleeps a lot and is not going to wake up at the time of feeding, you need to wake up the crumb and feed it. By such actions, the mother will be able to develop an associative series of "hunger - discomfort" and "a sense of satiety - pleasant sensations." And most importantly, what you achieve is providing your crumbs with everything necessary for normal growth and development. To date, all doctors - pediatricians and specialists in breastfeeding unanimously believe that the maximum allowable time for a sleepless sleep can not be more than 5 hours. However, parents need to take into account the fact that all children, without exception, are individual, so the time between feedings for all babies is different. Someone can eat in five hours, and someone - every hour - two should suck my mother's breast.
- A baby breast does not sleep much during the day
If for some reason the baby does not sleep muchin the daytime, it is only natural that at night he will sleep soundly. In such cases, try to lay the crumb more often in the daytime. If the child has become more sleep in the evening and night time - watch him sleep during the day.
How to wake the crumbs?
Probably, any mom knows how hard sometimeswake up the crumbs. In order to wake up the crumbs was easier, doctors recommend waking the baby in a period of superficial sleep. Determine this very period is quite simple on the following grounds:
- The child's eyelids begin to shake, open slightly, looking closely, parents can notice how the eyeballs move.
- Handles and legs of the baby begin to twitch, slightly shudder.
- The child begins to make sucking movements, especially if the child's face is concerned.
- A facial expression appears on the face of the sleeping crumb.
As mentioned above, a bright light is capable ofMake the crumb close his eyes and he will fall asleep again. Therefore, before waking up the crumb for feeding, be sure to make sure that the room was muffled, soft lighting. After that, remove the blankets, unfold the baby. Remember that in the event that the baby is hot, he is unlikely to suck his mother's breast. Some mothers change their diapers before feeding. However, this is only worth doing if the child has been obfuscated. But if the crumb does not cough, it is advisable to change the diaper after feeding, as during the meal the child pisses several times.
Sleep as an alarm
In all the cases described above, the condition of the childrequires consultation with specialists on breastfeeding or with pediatricians. However, the situation is not so dangerous. But in the event that you find the following symptoms in your crumb, immediately call an ambulance:
- The child sleeps more than 5 hours in a row, practically without stirring or changing his posture, all attempts to wake him up do not bring success.
- The sleeping baby has a bluish skin and mucous membranes
- The baby got a fever.
- The child's breathing became heavy and superficial.
All these symptoms can serve as a signal for severediseases and in no case should not be left without attention from the parents. For procrastination, you can pay too high a price. Doctors will accurately determine why a child sleeps a lot and what are the associated symptoms. In general, pediatricians advise you to seek medical advice in any situation that causes doubts among young parents - the child began to sleep a lot, eat less and so on. It is much better to sound the alarm in vain than to miss the real danger. A very short time will pass, and you will become familiar with the role of your parents, which is still new for you, you will recognize your crumb, and he will you. You yourself will not notice how the crumb will have a stable regime of the day, which suits the whole family, and the question of how much a baby needs to sleep will not be relevant for you. But a healthy and restful sleep is necessary not only for a newborn child, but for any person throughout his life. And it is in your power from the earliest childhood to teach a child to the correct mode of sleep, which will allow him to avoid many problems in the future. We advise you to read: