different signs of monthly The human body is a complexsystem, especially - female. After all, the main function for the continuation of the human race lies precisely on it. The female organism is adapted to conceive, bear, give birth to a child, and feed it with milk. Cyclic processes (ovulation, menstruation) in the body accompany a woman throughout the reproductive period of her life. The signs of menstruation are known to all women, thanks to them they learn about the approach of menstruation.

Some regularities

In most girls, the first menstruation and,accordingly, signs appear at the age of 11-14 years. In connection with the processes of acceleration (that is, early puberty), the appearance of the first menstruation is observed at 9 and even 8 years. Now this is a variant of the norm. Earlier, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had a monthly visit at the age of 14-16. First, the monthly can be irregular, that is, the cycle is only being established, then, with time, become regular. Sometimes the menstrual cycle can be resolved after the first pregnancy and childbirth. The interval between menstruation can vary from 24 to 35 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Plus or minus a few days. The menstruation can be delayed due to hypothermia, infection, stress, physical activity, illness, abortion and, of course, due to pregnancy, during breast-feeding. The hormone prolactin released during breastfeeding inhibits ovulation (maturation of the egg). anticipated forecast of the beginning of monthly

First signs

Symptoms of the approaching first menstruation in girlscan appear long before the first bleeding - menarche. These changes occur under the influence of female sex hormones. Mammary glands are enlarged, hair appears in the armpits and pubic area, the figure of the girl gradually acquires female forms, that is, narrow shoulders, a wide basin. The appearance of menstruation in the girl indicates the possibility of pregnancy. But this does not mean that the girl's body is ready to endure pregnancy without harm to health. And does not give rise to enter into an early intimate relationship. The beginning of menstruation in girls should signal that in life there are new rules that should be observed during menstruation for all girls, women:

  • Overstrain should be avoided.
  • Heavy physical activity is unacceptable.
  • Avoid overcooling and overheating.
  • Avoid intimate relationships.
  • Observe the hygiene of the genital organs, change the linings in time.
  • Do not take a bath so that contaminated water does not penetrate the vagina.
  • It is good to apply for genital hygienespecially designed for this tool, they are now sold in a large assortment of pharmacies and specialized stores. For example, "Epigen-intim", "Lactacid-femina", "Saforel", etc. It is also suitable for ordinary children's soap. The girl's mom should prepare her for these inevitable events, teach her personal hygiene rules, explain what the first signs of a month are, what advice should not be neglected. The organism of each person is individual and about the beginning of menstruation can testify to various signs. Common signs that speak about the approach of menstrual are often pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back: they can be insignificant in some and strong in others. Also, a woman can experience muscle pain, headaches, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. The abdomen may slightly increase, puffiness may appear. To reduce swelling (swelling occurs with a delay in the body fluid), you should limit salt in food. If the diet does not help, the doctor will prescribe diuretics. Very often, especially in adolescent girls, there are changes in the skin: in the period before the onset of menstruation acne appears. This is due to the influence of hormones: the skin secrete more secretions, it becomes more easily contaminated, the pores become clogged, inflammation occurs. To alleviate the condition of the skin, you must follow a diet, eat less sweet, fatty, salty, spicy. Use skin care products against acne. Another sign may be a slight increase in body temperature by 0.5-1 ° C. The temperature rises after ovulation and thanks to the work of female sex hormones: progesterone, estrogens. Progesterone affects the system of thermoregulation in the body. Many women before the onset of menstruation experience a feeling of anxiety, irritation, differ in tearfulness. During this period you can apply soothing teas, infusions based on lemon balm, willow-tea, peony, valerian. If signs of the approaching monthly interfere with a normal lifestyle, you should seek help from a doctor. The specialist will prescribe medications to help ease the condition. It can be a means of reducing pain, hormonal, anti-stress drugs. Some women tolerate premenstrual syndrome (PMS) well: without any special pain and mood changes. Symptoms of approaching menstruation may appear a few days before the start of it, and may even occur within 1-2 weeks. They disappear with the onset of menstruation or 1-2 days after the onset of bleeding. All signs characteristic of changes during the menstrual cycle, entirely depend on the work of endocrine glands secreting sex hormones into the blood. A woman can affect the alleviation of various symptoms through diet, compliance with certain conditions, so that this period is most comfortable for her.

