In the wardrobe of every woman there are shoes with heels. Although the legs are not very comfortable on a high heel, we can not deny ourselves the desire to look more attractive. After all, you agree, any woman in shoes with heels looks more slender and sexy. We take an example from the main characters of the series "Sex and the City", which almost never part with the heels: they go not only to work and parties, but even run and walk with a dog. According to statistics, every tenth modern woman wears shoes in heels at least three days a week, and does not consider that she is harming her health. According to British scientists, regular walking on stiletto leads not only to damage to tendons and joints, curvature of the foot, pinching of the vertebral nerves, but even to the weakening of mental abilities. Now let's talk about everything in order. First, shoes with heels deform the forefoot. Due to the increased pressure during walking, the fingers have to unnaturally contract. At the same time, a narrow shoe block only aggravates the situation. All this leads to the appearance of "bones" and outgrowths. It is enough to look at Victoria Beckham's legs to see what leads to excessive passion for high-heeled shoes. Now she has an operation to remove cones. Unfortunately, Victoria is not alone in her sufferings. The same problem with the legs of the models Iman and Naomi Campbell and actress Tilda Swinton. Lovers of high heels await another problem with their legs - the Achilles tendon, which most often makes itself felt not immediately, but after about ten years of regularly wearing high pins. Because of the unnatural position of the tendon, which runs from the heel to the muscles of the calf, it shrivels and becomes less flexible. Therefore, with age, it becomes increasingly difficult to walk in shoes on a flat sole (the tendon is already accustomed to lifting), fast walking or running brings the same pain as when stretching. High heels have a negative effect on posture. And also increase the risk of pinching the vertebrae, which leads to sharp pains in the neck and lower back, and then to radiculitis. Not to mention the fact that when you fall, you can earn not only the broken joint, but also a broken ankle. We advise you to read: