School etiquette rules

You need to come to school about h before the start of classes. In winter, during this time you need to have time to hand over your outerwear to the wardrobe and change into clean etiquetteThe rules of school etiquette need to know even a first-graderPhoto: Getty A schoolboy needs to take notes on himself the following tips:

  • All entries in notebooks and diary should be done carefully. It is desirable that the diary was completed 2 weeks in advance, and all homework should be recorded in the appropriate box.
  • It is best to collect a briefcase from the evening in order not to waste time on it in the morning. In a hurry, you can forget the most important thing.
  • The sound on the mobile phone must be turned off so that calls and messages are not distracted by classmates and teachers.
  • Educated man will never allow himselfuse rude expressions and use indecent gestures. Even if everyone around you says bad words, you have to control yourself and not allow yourself to do such things.
  • When a teacher, principal, or other adults enter the room, school etiquette instructs students to stand and greet them silently.
  • During classes it is forbidden to talk with classmates, spin and leave the premises without asking. If you need to ask the teacher a question, you just need to raise your hand.
  • There must always be order on the desk. It is better to have only necessary things on it. If the teacher asks for help, he must help. It is good if the students themselves realize the help themselves and offer it.

Permission to get out of classteachers or nurses. You can not skip classes without a reason. After the absence, you must bring a certificate from the doctor or an explanatory note from the parents.

How to behave in class and school during recess

During the changes, you also need to behave with dignity. During the break, it is forbidden to:

  • run up the stairs and corridors, move down the rails;
  • push and scramble;
  • use indecent gestures and words;
  • throwing objects at students;
  • slam doors;
  • sit on the windowsills, even if the windows are closed.

Change is the time that is givento rest, prepare for the next lesson, have a snack, go to the toilet or library. Calm behavior during a change indicates that the student respects himself and others. Although there are many rules, it is not difficult to comply with them. Over time, this becomes a useful habit, so you do not even need to think about the observance of etiquette. A well-mannered person always makes only a favorable impression.

