salads without mayonnaise Mayonnaise can be considered as the greatestinventions of mankind. Most of us already do not represent home cooking without mayonnaise. We put mayonnaise in soups and borsch, cook pastry in mayonnaise, use it as a sauce for second courses, fill with mayonnaise salads. Some are so used to mayonnaise that even the most ordinary everyday meal, not to mention the festive feast, can not imagine without it! Meanwhile, the cunning and not very conscientious producers have so changed the traditional recipes of this famous sauce that it not only ceased to look like the original, but also lost any useful properties, and also turned into a real food drug due to all additives and flavor enhancers . But there are recipes for delicious salads without mayonnaise. Everyone, of course, knows the classic vinaigrette, a traditional vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes and the Greek salad that is gaining popularity with us. But this is not the only salads without mayonnaise. And if in your home menu not so many light salads with an alternative dressing, then we offer you a choice of interesting recipes for this dish. Some of them success will be replaced by holiday mayonnaise salads, and other delicious and light salads will complement the recipes of your everyday menu. So, choose!

Salad "Ease of Being"

If you are worried about struggling with extra pounds,if you consider yourself to be a fan of delicious and healthy food, if you just need to cook a delicious salad in a hurry, then this recipe is for you. Ingredients:

  • Cabbage white - quarter of a small fork
  • Celery stalk - 1 stem
  • Green peas (canned) - half a can
  • Sugar - a quarter teaspoon
  • Salt - a quarter teaspoon
  • Vinegar - tablespoon
  • Water boiled - one third glass

Preparation: Cabbage for this salad should be taken white: crunchy and juicy. Winter varieties with dense dry leaves are good for souring, but you can not cook delicious salads from them. As an option - Peking cabbage. So, cabbage finely (the smaller, the better) shinkuem and put in a bowl. My stalk of celery and cut it with thin plates or small cubes (not fundamentally!). Spread the celery in a bowl with cabbage, add sugar, salt, vinegar and water. And now we begin to grind vegetables, so that they become softer and give juice. It remains to add green peas to the salad, mix everything again and serve it on the table. If desired, you can put in the salad: finely chopped tomato, fresh cucumber, Bulgarian pepper, greens. All these ingredients are added after rubbing the cabbage. Fans of salad dressing from vegetable oil are not forbidden to finish the cooking with salted sunflower or olive oil. Fans of acute dressing can recommend French mustard, mixed with lemon juice and vegetable oil. In general, try. Look for your version, make a salad, and the ease of being will be provided to you! salads without mayonnaise recipes

Mediterranean salad

Mediterranean cuisine is famous not onlypizza or pasta. Italians, for example, are also fans of fresh vegetables and seafood. They prepare and very tasty vegetable salads. In general, in Italian cuisine, this French sauce is not particularly popular: the Italians love their own sauces. Here, for example, is a ginger sauce for a salad. By the way, this salad just will be to the liking of lovers of fresh vegetables and seafood. Ingredients:

  • 200 g of peeled shrimp
  • Avocado
  • Fresh cucumber (large or a pair of small cucumbers)
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • Fresh greens

For sauce:

  • Ground ginger
  • Table vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Mustard powder
  • Ground black pepper
  • Garlic
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Sugar

Preparation: Avocado cut along into two parts and take out the stone. Then remove the skin and cut the flesh into small cubes. Cucumber, we dry and cut with narrow brusochkami, just cut and cheese. We shift the cut ingredients into a salad bowl and add shrimp there. Now it remains only to prepare the sauce and season the salad. For the sauce you need to take all the dry ingredients in equal amounts (except for sugar and salt), for example one teaspoon. Vinegar, water and lemon in this case take two teaspoons. That is, the volume of liquid ingredients should be twice as large. Salt and sugar we put in sauce to taste. Mustard powder, if desired, is replaced with a ready-made mustard. All the ingredients of the sauce we put into a blender and beat. By the way, no less delicious sauces are obtained without a blender, but with the usual stirring and thorough trituration with a tablespoon.

Italian salad

Continue the Mediterranean theme and tryto cook a delicious Italian salad. Which, by the way, can be considered a dietary dish. In addition, some holiday salads, which we are accustomed to cook with mayonnaise, can be replaced with this unusual salad - bright, juicy and stunningly Italian. Ingredients:

  • 100 grams of broccoli
  • 100 g of cauliflower
  • 2 oranges
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Capers
  • Chilli
  • Salt
  • Mixture of peppers

Preparation: Cabbage boil for five minutes and cool. With the orange we remove the zest and put it in the saucepan. From the second orange squeeze the juice and also pour it into the saucepan. Next, add olive oil to the sauce, which we take three times less orange juice, pepper and salt to taste. Finally, put a very finely chopped chilli pepper into the sauce. If you do not like spicy, then you can give up pepper. Now the sauce should be mixed and shaken. To do this, you can simply pour it into a jar with a screw cap. Let's start cooking salad. We clear the whole orange without the peel until the end, taking off the peel from it, and cut into thin circles, which we put into a flat salad bowl. For oranges, put the cut inflorescences of cauliflower and broccoli. Sprinkle with capers (can be without them). Generously pour the salad with orange sauce and enjoy the fresh taste of a bright and unusual Italian salad.

Salad "Kamchatka"

You can cook delicious holiday salads withoutmayonnaise, but, for example, with sour cream. One of these dishes for a festive feast is a salad "Kamchatka". Of course, ideally this salad should be cooked with real crab meat. But most of us are content only with his imitations, however, very successful. So, for the salad "Kamchatka" we need the following ingredients:

  • Packing of crab meat
  • 3 stalks of celery stalk
  • Avocado
  • Salt and sour cream

Preparation: First, it is necessary to defrost the crab meat and cut it into large pieces. Washed and dried celery stalks are also cut large. Avocado is halved with a knife, remove the stone and cut the flesh (not finely). We shift all the ingredients into a salad bowl and season with sour cream. Solim to taste. lettuce without mayonnaise

Salad with rocket salad

Rukkola - rare for our kitchen greens,like sorrel and a green salad at the same time. However, recently recipes with this surprisingly useful grass are becoming more popular. Not an exception and holiday salads, and dietary. Try to cook one of them. Ingredients:

  • 2 bundles (standard packaging) of arugula
  • 4 slices of rye bread
  • 3 tomatoes
  • Half a teaspoon dried oregano
  • Half a glass of olive oil
  • A spoonful of soy sauce
  • Half a lemon
  • Half a teaspoon dried basil

Preparation: From rye bread, make crumbs in the oven or microwave. Rukkolu mine, drying and ripping your hands on small "rags." Wash fresh tomatoes cut into thin slices. We put everything in a salad bowl and prepare a refueling. To do this, mix olive oil with soy sauce, dried herbs and freshly squeezed lemon juice in a saucepan. Dress salad with sauce and take a sample. Tasty, fresh, low-calorie!

Salad "Exotic"

Holiday salads come in two varieties: very tasty and exotic. Tasty, as a rule, we cook with mayonnaise, and exotic with unusual ingredients or an unusual set of products. And, incidentally, recipes for exotic salads often do not include mayonnaise - well, do not call this sauce exotic! But, for example, mango and cherepkovy celery, although sold in every supermarket, still continue to be for us exotic products. Ingredients:

  • Mango
  • Half a pod of bell pepper
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 100 g of lettuce
  • 200 g of cherry tomatoes
  • Fennel bunch
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Preparation: Leaves my salad and let them dry. In the meantime, we remove the peel from the mango, extract a bone from it and cut the flesh into cubes. Slice narrow slices celery and bell peppers. Small cherry tomatoes are simply cut into halves. Salad we lay out layers:

  • torn sheet of lettuce,
  • celery (on top of the salt),
  • tomatoes,
  • Bulgarian pepper,
  • mango.

Pour the salad with lemon juice and decorate with dill leaves. By the way, if fennel seems to you too common ingredient for an exotic salad, replace it with basil. recipes for salads without mayonnaise

Salad "Dessert"

Everyone is used to the fact that vegetable salads performin the role of light snack or garnish. And we are used to the fact that recipes for salads from raw carrots include garlic and mayonnaise. However, salads with vegetables can become an original dessert. And if not dessert, then a very unusual snack. Try, for example, to prepare such a dessert salad. Ingredients:

  • 2 large carrots
  • 2 large apples
  • A handful of raisins
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation: Carrots should be thoroughly washed, cleaned and rubbed on a large grater. The apple must be peeled, and a hard core with seeds, and then cut into cubes. Raisins, pre-soaked and washed, you need to sort and dry, and squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Carrots, apples and raisins are put in a salad bowl, season with lemon juice and lightly salted. Carrot salad is ready as a snack! If the lemon juice is replaced with sour cream, then the salad will turn into a dessert. Try these recipes and choose what you like best!

Hepatic salad

Recipes of hepatic salads are, probably, inarsenal of any mistress. But, as a rule, all holiday salads with a liver are filled with mayonnaise. And we will try to cook a liver salad without this traditional sauce. Ingredients:

  • 300 g of chicken liver
  • Head of onions
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Vegetable oil

Preparation: Chicken liver boil, cool and grind with a large grater. Eggs cook hard-boiled, we also cool them, clean and cut into small pieces. Bulb shred (the smaller - the more delicious salad) and pour for five seconds of steep boiling water, and then cool it under running water. When water comes from the chopped onions, we spread it into a salad bowl, where we also add grated liver and chopped eggs. We put to the taste the black pepper and salt and season the salad with vegetable oil. For lovers of salads with a piquant taste, we recommend you use French mustard diluted with boiled water and vegetable oil as a dressing. Here are such different recipes. Try it! Prepare weekdays and festive salads without mayonnaise and have fun with the process and the result. Enjoy your appetite and success in the culinary field! We advise you to read:

