sachets aromatic Fashion for these fragrant pads came to us fromFrance. Of course, in practically all countries dry spicy herbs, flowers and seeds were used to flavor the premises. But it was the French who not only came up with such fragrant bags, but gave them the name and turned the aroma sachet into a fashionable piece of furniture. Today this method of aromatization is popular also because everything is natural and "environmentally friendly" in fashion. What can you do: modern people are so detached from nature that they try in every way to compensate for this isolation by any available means. In addition, no one denies the special energy of plants (even dried plants), so these herbal pads and bags are also actively used as amulets and neutralizers of negative energy. And the last argument in favor of the sachet is the opportunity to make it yourself and fill it at your own discretion. Let's find out how this can be implemented in practice. sachets aromatic composition

How to make sachets?

To make an aromatic sachetalone, you will need dried herbs, flower petals, spicy seeds, spices and essential oils. All this must be placed in a pre-sewn pouch or make such a container in another way. Here is one of his options:

  • a napkin made of organza is placed on a flat surface and glued in the center of how small the small silk flowers (facing the fabric), and pour a mixture of dried flower petals on top;
  • fold the napkin along, so that a rectangle is obtained, and the fabric completely covers the dry mixture in the form of a rectangle, glue the fabric along the seam.
  • Put a napkin with petals suture down and move the petal mixture to the center so that the ends of the rectangle remain empty;
  • fasten the ends with a double cord, tying them with a beautiful bow.

As a result, you will get an improvised "candy" from organza, filled with fragrant petals. Here is another way of making sachet-suspension from Scottish fabric:

  • Fold the fabric in half, aligning the checkered pattern, mark the crease line with a pin and straighten the slices;
  • Turn the fabric and apply glue along the sides from the top to the crease line;
  • once again fold the fabric and press the sides so that they are glued together;
  • In the resulting bag pour an aromatic dry mixture;
  • tie the neck of the bag with a cord and tie it to a knot;
  • make a loop from the same cord and glue it on the back of the bag.

aromatic sachets with own hands

How to fill a sachet?

The goals of making a fragrant bag are determinedits composition: a sachet aromatic for an amulet or just for the aromatization of air or things. First about what to fill a sachet, if you use the magic power of plants for certain purposes.

  • To attract love and happiness, we makelove sachet. To do this, mix equal parts of the petals of the rose and cloves, add the peel of orange and gypsophila flowers. A bag for a love sachet is made from any pink fabric.
  • For well-being in the house, we mix three partsdry leaves of basil and rosemary, three parts of seeds of dill and one part of leaves of bay leaves and fern. Add to this mixture a pinch of salt and put it all in a red pouch. We own the sachet in the highest place of our house.
  • To attract money and wealth, make a green sachet and fill it with a mixture of three parts patchouli, two parts seed cloves and one part cinnamon.
  • To protect ourselves from evil eye and negative energy, we make sachets from white or red cloth and pour seeds of cumin, flax, dill mixed with salt into it.
  • From insomnia or restless sleep we use a mixture of colors of lavender and hop cones. The color of the fabric for the bag is chosen calm, and the bag itself is put under the pillow.
  • If we make a sachet air freshener orflavoring clothes, then in addition to natural mixtures of dry plants, you can use special powders and aromatic oils that have a more pronounced odor. As for the combination of components for the perfume sachet, here are the most common ones:

    • lavender, rose, ylang-ylang;
    • rose, lavender, lemon;
    • lemon, rosemary, cloves;
    • incense, lemon, rose, lavender,
    • lemon, cloves, mint, rosemary.

    In addition to the recommended combinations of sachets,fill with any composition of your favorite fragrances, for example, with mixtures of chamomile, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg or wormwood. And the main thing is that it is not difficult to make an aromatic sachet with your own hands. Such fragrant bags will be a source of pleasant aroma and freshness. They will decorate not only the house, but also the car salon or workplace in the office. They will attract positive energy into your house, create a good mood and become a good gift for close (and not very close) people. We advise you to read:

