what you need to do to get pregnant Very often, for one reason or another, beforea woman raises the question of how you can quickly become pregnant. Each of them has its reasons for such a rush. In this article, we will not consider the moral and ethical side of this issue, and also how responsible and deliberate is the woman's acceptance of this decision. Therefore, we will take as a basis the questions "how fast to get pregnant?" And "why can not I get pregnant?". Especially often these questions arise in the group of women who have different health problems - both in the reproductive sphere, and in general. Recurrent and chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitals, regular malfunctions of the normal menstrual cycle, various dysfunctional uterine bleeding and endocrine disorders - all these problems cause serious fears in those women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future. There are questions about whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cyst, after an abortion and others, what you need to do to get pregnant. This will be discussed below. So, who can quickly get pregnant? Usually, if neither the woman nor her partner does not suffer from any diseases, does not complain about any ailments, and the woman undergoes regular preventive examination at the gynecologist, the chances of getting pregnant at first are very, very high. Below are some of the parameters, evaluating which, you yourself can give an approximate assessment of their chances of a quick pregnancy. In the event that the answers to all questions are negative, the percentage of rapid offensive by default is zero. Every positive answer is minus 10 percent.

  • Your menstrual cycle is irregular, very often there are significant changes in it both in one direction and in another.
  • Menstruation takes place very hard - they can be very painful and plentiful, or, on the contrary, too scarce, with excretions of the mere syphilis alone.
  • You notice any pathological, atypical discharge from the genital organs, possibly having an unpleasant smell. And this aspect concerns both men and women.
  • At you periodically there are allocation from mammary glands, any color and a consistence.
  • You suffer from regular headaches, often migraines.
  • You either have exhaustion or too much excess weight.
  • You are in a state of constant stress, suffer from a syndrome of chronic fatigue.
  • You suffer from any endocrine diseases.
  • You often experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Your sex life is disorderly.
  • In all cases, except the last, a woman,who wants to become pregnant, should go through a full examination and get advice from the appropriate specialists: gynecologist, urologist, endocrinologist, neurologist. These specialists will help to establish the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment that will help to eliminate those having difficulties for conception of the baby. In addition, if all of the above symptoms are absent, but in spite of this you can not become pregnant within one year, or within six months if your age exceeds 35 years, be sure to seek help from gynecologists. And to delay the reference to the doctor it is not necessary - you can lose that precious, which is so necessary for the onset of such a long-awaited pregnancy. By the way, one can not fail to mention one very interesting, on a little-known fact. Very many couples use abortive intercourse as a method of protection. However, numerous studies have long proven that interrupted intercourse does not protect against pregnancy. That is why bear in mind the fact that if you did not become pregnant with a similar method for one and a half to two years of protection, the likelihood is that the desired pregnancy without medical assistance will not come.

    The process of fertilization

    So, what problems can impedethe natural process of ovulation, fertilization and successful implantation in the uterine lining? As everyone knows, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of certain hormones, the maturation of the egg begins. After its maturation, under the influence of another hormone, the follicle bursts, releasing a ripe egg - this process is called ovulation. In place of the follicle, a yellow body forms, which produces the hormone necessary for the proper further development of pregnancy. The entire process is very subtle and its normal course can be affected by a variety of factors. The most powerful influence is the hormonal background - the onset and development of pregnancy is possible only under the condition of an adequate corresponding hormonal background of the woman. If the level of a hormone is lowered in her body, the normal course of the menstrual cycle may be disrupted, the process of conception, the subsequent movement through the fallopian tubes and the implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine mucosa becomes impossible - the egg can not ripen, the follicle does not burst, but the mucosa the membrane of the uterus should not be ready to accept a fetal egg and maintain the conditions necessary for its normal development. In addition, the violation of hormonal balance in the female body can lead to various other disorders. So, for example, mucus, located in the cervix, under the influence of certain hormones in the middle of the menstrual cycle becomes less viscous, so that spermatozoa can penetrate into the uterus without any obstacles. If the content of certain hormones in the blood is too high or, conversely, low, if the acid-base balance in the vagina is broken - the spermatozoa simply can not penetrate into the uterine cavity and, consequently, conception in such a situation becomes simply impossible. There are also physiological obstacles to the onset of pregnancy. So, for example, the pathological structure of the uterus - two-horned or having a pronounced bend - the possibility of rapid onset and further development of pregnancy may not turn out in a natural way, without medical intervention. No less dangerous are the adhesive processes occurring in the fallopian tubes. In the event that the fallopian tube is soldered as a result of any inflammatory processes, spermatozoa can not get from the uterine cavity into the tubes, where, in fact, the fusion of spermatozoa with a mature egg occurs. Or perhaps even more deplorable development of events - spermatozoa will fall into the fallopian tubes, where the fertilization of the egg will occur. However, the ovule is hundreds of times larger than spermatozoa, therefore, if there is an adhesive process in the fallopian tubes, a fetal egg may not pass through the tubes and can be fixed on the wall of the tube itself. As a result, an ectopic pregnancy develops, which is a huge threat to the life of the mother and can not be saved in any way. In the event that a woman suffers from a soldering process of the fallopian tubes, she must undergo a complete gynecological examination. Often, in order to prevent the onset of an ectopic pregnancy, the attending physician-gynecologist decides to perform laparoscopy. With the help of a laparoscope, the doctor will restore the normal patency of the fallopian tubes, thus eliminating the root cause of secondary infertility in women. In the event that a woman has such inflammatory processes of the uterine mucosa, as endometritis or endometriosis, a woman may face another problem. Let's consider a specific question - is it possible to become pregnant with endometriosis? Spermatozoa, without any obstacle, penetrate into the uterus and fallopian tubes, fertilization of the egg takes place. However, the fetal egg, having descended into the uterine cavity, can not be implanted into the mucous membrane, as it has undergone pathological changes as a result of the disease and has lost the ability to take on the fetal egg.

    How quickly to become pregnant?

    In order for such a long-awaited pregnancythe fertilization of the ovum with the male sperm occurs. And, as already mentioned above, the egg ripens only once a month, so it is extremely important not to miss the process of ovulation. To do this, any woman should know her so-called fertile period - those days of the menstrual cycle, in which it is easiest to get pregnant. As a rule, these days can be calculated by measuring basal temperature and plotting. In addition, virtually any pharmacy sells special test strips, with which a woman without any labor, at home, with absolute accuracy determine the day of ovulation, which greatly increases the chances of pregnancy. In addition, when deciding to become pregnant, future parents must completely revise their entire lifestyle. It is very, very important to observe a number of conditions that will increase the chances of pregnancy, its successful course and the birth of a healthy baby:

    • Be sure to stop using coffee and other caffeinated drinks.

    Scientists have proved that caffeine is the most unfavorableIt affects the work of the entire reproductive system, both male and female. A woman with an excess of caffeine disrupts the menstrual cycle, the eggs can not ripen to the required stage or not ripen at all. In men, caffeine significantly impairs sperm quality, as it reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize and their overall viability.

    • Completely eliminate the use of alcohol.

    In no event in the planning periodthe onset of pregnancy and, of course, directly during and after breastfeeding, do not consume any alcoholic or low alcohol drinks. Alcohol acts on both the male and female organism in an extremely negative way - the sex cells are destroyed during maturation, and if they mature, the conceived child can have a huge number of various health problems, vices and deviations in development in the future.

    • Refuse from smoking.

    Nicotine also brings significant healthdamage, worsens the work of the nervous, circulatory and other body systems. And smoking during pregnancy can lead to such complications as spontaneous interruption, intrauterine fetal hypoxia, premature birth, the birth of a child with low weight.

    • Drug use.

    Talk about what harm the body canbring narcotic substances, it makes no sense - this in our time knows any schoolboy. Narcotic substances cause extremely severe damage to all vital systems of the body.

    • Observance of the correct regime of the day.

    In the event that the woman has made a decision,to become a mother in the very near future, she must observe an adequate, correct regime of the day. Carefully watch your sleep - you must sleep strictly at night to prevent the failure of the natural biological rhythm of life inherent in a person. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day - lack of sleep can negatively affect the work of the hormonal system, resulting in a violation of the overall hormonal background of the female body.

    • Nutrition when planning pregnancy.

    Also, a woman planning a pregnancy isseriously revise your diet. As already mentioned above, a woman should completely exclude coffee and alcohol from her diet. In addition, doctors also do not recommend drinking strong tea and any fizzy drinks during the preparation for pregnancy. Also, whenever possible, refuse to eat all those products that contain artificial colors and preservatives. In addition, it is worth trying to abandon flour products made from high-grade flour, as well as excessive amounts of salt and sugar. You can not eat too salty, sharp and smoked dishes, as well as overly fatty foods - all this places an increased strain on the liver. The liver, working on wear, stimulates the production of an unnecessarily large number of hormones such as androgens. Androgens have the ability to largely suppress the course of the natural process of ovulation, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. The entire diet of a woman should be carefully thought out and drawn up with the following requirements:

    • Vitamin and mineral composition.

    For a future mother, it is extremely important that her bodyreceived a full set of vitamins, micro and macronutrients and nutrients. Many women realize this and ask a question about what to eat to get pregnant. Frankly, the very fact of conception does not directly affect the process of conception. But the diet is most directly reflected not only in the course of pregnancy, but also in health, both mother and baby. Be sure to eat enough vegetables and greens. For example, parsley and potatoes are very rich in folic acid, carrots - keratin. By the way, dieticians have long proven the fact that folic acid helps to get pregnant.

    • Contents in products of vitamins A and E

    Vegetable oils (note - notanimal fats), supply the body of a woman with essential vitamins A and E. These vitamins are extremely necessary for the full development of the future baby.

    • Sufficient protein content in food.

    Very many women for one reason or anotherrefuse to eat meat. However, during the period of pregnancy planning this step is extremely unreasonable. Proteins in the diet of a future mother are needed as sharply as vitamins and minerals. In the event that the future mother categorically refuses to eat meat, for example because of ethical beliefs, you can use an alternative option - vegetable protein. The greatest amount of protein is found in nuts and beans (beans, peas). Please note that the use of soy in this case is undesirable for a number of reasons.

    • Do not use diets to reduce body weight.

    When planning the onset of pregnancy,that you can not go on a diet in any case, because it contradicts all the above requirements for a woman's diet at the time of conception of pregnancy. And, in addition, weight loss on the eve of the expected pregnancy is simply - completely devoid of any meaning - anyway, but for 9 months of pregnancy a woman will gain weight in any case. So leave dreams of the ideal figure until you give birth to your crumb.

    • It is extremely important for a man to give up drinking beer.

    It has been repeatedly mentioned above thattime of planning of pregnancy, both spouses should refuse from drinking alcohol. However, very often men neglect this need, mistakenly believing that low-alcohol beer will not do any harm. However, in fact, this is not so: beer in large quantities contains substances that provoke the production of a certain group of hormones that significantly impair the quality of male sperm. Can I get pregnant with endometriosis?

    Recommendations for men

    Most often a number of rules and time limitsconception and pregnancy concerns women. However, a man who wants to become a happy young dad in the near future should sacrifice some amenities and desires. After all, the role of the pope in the process of conception is as important as the role of mother. Pay attention to the following doctors recommendations:

    • Correctly choose pants and underwear.

    In order for the development of a full-fledgedsperm, it is very important that the testicles are not subjected to overheating and excessive overtraining by clothing. Pay attention to this fact - for the period of attempts to conceive a child, give up narrow trunks and trousers in favor of wide clothing.

    • Do not visit saunas and baths.

    As it was said, overheating of the testicles is extremely negativeaffects the ability of a man to conceive. That's why a man should temporarily refrain from visiting baths and saunas, as well as taking hot baths.

    • Limit the number of sexual acts.

    Of course, such a recommendation can causeReaders easy perplexity. However, it has a completely scientific basis. After all, the more often a man has sexual intercourse, the less the amount of spermatozoa is produced the next time. The optimal number of days of abstinence before sexual intercourse, which is necessary to produce full sperm - about three days. If you use the method of calculating the day of ovulation, keep in mind this physiological feature of the male body.

    Pregnancy after hormonal contraceptives

    Very many women fall for the bait widelythe widespread erroneous myth that the preliminary intake of hormonal contraceptives gives almost a one-hundred percent guarantee of the onset of pregnancy immediately after the end of their admission. In fact, the chances of getting pregnant after taking contraceptives are increased? This method of conception of the child has two sides. On the one hand, this method really increases the chances of a woman for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. In medicine, even there is a similar way of treating infertility. A similar effect occurs due to the accumulation in the body of certain hormones, which after the withdrawal of the drugs are activated. But on the other hand, this method of treatment is not suitable for all women, and not all types of oral contraceptives are suitable for this purpose, therefore, the opinion of women about whether it is difficult to get pregnant after taking hormonal contraceptives, is so strikingly different. Such treatment should be carried out only at the doctor's prescription and under its strictest control. Otherwise, you not only will not become pregnant, but also put high risk not only your health, but also, perhaps, life. So, for example, if a woman has infertility due to the presence of adhesive processes in the tubes, a similar method of stimulation with a very high probability may lead to the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

    Pregnancy after abortion

    Another very frequent problem with whichit is sometimes necessary to encounter women - this is a pregnancy after the abortion preceding it. Can I get pregnant after an abortion? If yes, how many months can I get pregnant? Unfortunately, even the most successful and without any complications, the abortion substantially reduces the woman's chances of a repeat pregnancy. It is abortion very often causes the development of a woman's secondary infertility. Unfortunately, not always abortion is a conscious choice of the woman herself. Sometimes there are cases when there are categorical contraindications to childbirth - for example, diseases of internal organs, oncology, disorders of the nervous system. And in any case, any abortion can lead to the development of secondary infertility. That is why women who have done at least one abortion in the past should treat their health with increased attention. If the desired pregnancy does not occur within six months, a woman should seek help from gynecologists as soon as possible. Only a doctor can most reliably assume what the probability of getting pregnant after an abortion in each particular woman. What complications after the artificial termination of pregnancy, reducing the possibility of becoming pregnant after an abortion, are the most common? Let's consider their basic them:

    • In the process of expanding the cervix to insert a tool into it, which actually removes the fetus, often there are cases of various injuries, up to ruptures.
    • Approximately the same risk of injury is exposed and the uterine cavity itself.
    • Development of adhesive process of pipes.
    • Development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, up to the endometritis.

    However, the cunning of the consequences of abortion isnot only in the development of secondary infertility. Quite often there is a situation in which the subsequent pregnancy occurs without any special problems and difficulties. However, it is worth it for a woman to breathe a sigh of relief, having found out on the test two coveted stripes, how the transferred abortion does not slow down to remind oneself. Unfortunately, the complications can affect the course of the pregnancy that has already come:

    • Rupture of the uterus.

    Abortions, especially repeated ones, lead tothinning of the walls of the uterus and even its perforation. All these factors can lead to such a formidable complication as rupture of the uterus. But the rupture of the uterus, whether it happens during pregnancy, or during childbirth, jeopardizes the health and life of not only the mother, but also the baby.

    • Spontaneous miscarriage.

    As already mentioned, in order to the doctor in the course ofcarrying out an abortion could extract a fetal egg from the uterus, he forcibly expands the cervix. In subsequent pregnancies, the cervix, once uncovered violently, can disclose completely spontaneously. This leads to a miscarriage, because normally the cervix is ​​tightly closed and reliably keeps the baby in the uterus cavity right up to the very birth. That's why a pregnant woman who has had at least one abortion in the past must undergo regular checkups at a gynecologist. After all, if the doctor sees the beginning of the cervix opening in time, he will take the necessary measures - he will put on the cervix either a special ring or stitches that will not allow the cervix to open ahead of time and thus preserve the pregnancy. They will be removed immediately before delivery.

    • Placental insufficiency.

    During the artificial termination of pregnancythe doctor not only removes the fetal egg, but also scrays the entire mucous layer of the uterus. Of course, this does not always go unnoticed - often during the following pregnancies, various abnormalities of the placenta structure are formed. With such complications, the fetus can not get what it needs for full growth and development. This situation leads to a delay in the development of the baby.

    • Improper fixation of the fetal egg.

    The fetal egg is normally fixed to the endometrium. However, the endometrium is the inner mucous layer of the uterus, it is thinned during the artificial termination of pregnancy. The fetal egg is usually implanted into healthy tissue, avoiding damaged areas. That is why during pregnancy after a previous abortion a fetal egg is very often implanted in the lower part of the uterus. And such implantation most often entails the presentation of the placenta, which is an unambiguous indication for delivery by cesarean section. An even greater danger to a woman's health is the case when a fetal egg is implanted into the cervix. The cervix is ​​not intended for bearing a fetus and, accordingly, it is impossible to preserve a similar pregnancy. A similar phenomenon doctors - gynecologists call cervical pregnancy.

    • Psychological factor.

    Quite often during the offensivepregnancy after a preliminary abortion a woman has a pronounced complex of guilt. It would seem that psychological problems in no way should influence the course of pregnancy. However, in fact, this is not the case - the constant stressful state in which a pregnant woman lives, can not only worsen her well-being, but also lead to a spontaneous abortion. If you can not cope with the problem on your own, a woman needs to ask a professional psychologist for help as soon as possible. In addition, it is necessary to mention one more important point. Often doctors - gynecologists hear the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant after scraping, which was diagnostic. Unfortunately, diagnostic scraping of the uterus entails almost the same consequences as an artificial termination of pregnancy. In the event that the pregnancy has already occurred, be sure to inform your doctor - the gynecologist that you have had a diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity in the past. Very many women, due to a variety of circumstances, often wonder how quickly to get pregnant after an abortion. However, in this case, do not rush events and adjust the time. Abortion is the greatest stress for the body. And he, of course, takes time to recover. After a short period of time after abortion, pregnancy can cause significant damage to the female body. Yes, and this pregnancy itself falls under the real threat of spontaneous interruption or the development of a variety of deviations from its normal course. But in any case, remember that almost all types of infertility, with rare exceptions, are successfully treatable. More information you can get - from this material you will learn howcorrectly and quickly become pregnant. And remember the most important thing - even if you did not get pregnant immediately, you should not despair - the most important thing is believing that everything will be fine. Believe and love your unborn child! And the kid will definitely come to you - the best parents in the world! We advise you to read:

