The desire to have healthy and beautiful skin is quiteNaturally. Various cosmetic products are designed to maintain its beauty: cleanse, refresh and nourish. But not only natural factors, but also various diseases have a negative impact on the appearance of your skin.
Kuperoz skin of the face
Couperose of the skin of the face is redness caused bydilation of blood vessels, which occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the skin. With increased blood circulation in the vessels, they dilate, but the connective tissue presses on them from the outside, causing a "clamping" effect. Over time, the elasticity of the vessels and the connective tissue itself decreases. Subsequently, the vessels remain dilated and become very noticeable on the face. Couperose on the face most often appears on the cheeks, nose and chin, less often on the forehead; goes through several stages and creates a "pattern" on the face. Itching and inflammation may occur as accompanying reactions.
Causes of couperose skin
The cause of rosacea of the skin of the face is weakvessels. This may be a genetic feature of the body or caused by hormonal changes. Bad habits (alcohol, overeating and smoking) can also cause "red spots". Climate is one of the influencing factors: in winter, when entering a warm room from the cold, the vessels undergo a sharp change in temperature. Impaired functioning of internal organs can affect the appearance of this disease.
Treatment: basic care
How to treat rosacea on the face, how to care for itskin and what should be avoided? These questions are very important, since great caution is required. If red spots appear, aggressive care products should be immediately excluded, that is, those that increase blood circulation: rubbing creams, film masks, alcohol-containing products, preparations with fruit acids. It is also not permissible to use cosmetic products containing menthol, honey, mint, eucalyptus, aloe, cloves and various fragrances. Carefully monitor the sensations that arise, watch the reaction of the skin. Creams should be applied with fingertips, the face should not be rubbed with a towel after washing, it is enough to simply blot. When treating rosacea on the face, it is forbidden to use various brushes, massagers, rough towels. Manual face cleaning for rosacea is also contraindicated. Bath procedures, inhalations and visiting the sauna should be canceled. If visiting a sauna is of great importance to you and you cannot refuse this event, then cover your face with a damp towel and make the "steaming" temperature minimal. Minimize the following products in your diet: tomatoes, yogurt, sour cream, liver, various legumes, chocolate and citrus fruits.
Kuperoz on the face: what to do?
Facial redness should be combated.It is not enough to simply limit yourself in food, not to eat spicy food and not to overeat. Cosmetics against rosacea can also be quite effective. The main thing is to choose the right product. Special product lines are created to solve this problem. If you cannot find them in the store, then choose products designed for sensitive skin. If you have samples, buy and try: the drug may suit everyone, but not you. Rosacea on the face, the treatment of which will require a comprehensive approach from you, that is, not only any procedures, but also proper care. Do not neglect the advice of specialists if you really want to get rid of this unpleasant "spottyness". What treatment methods are there, we will now consider.

Couperose on the face, the photo of which is presented, was subjected to laser treatment. We see the result in the adjacent picture. The vessels became invisible, the aesthetic appearance of the skin has significantly improved.
Preventive recommendations that must be followed after removing rosacea on the face:
- To protect from ultraviolet rays, sunscreen should be used;
- Carry out deep cleansing with peels based on bromelain and papain (plant enzymes);
- Before you drink a course of vitamins, consult a doctor;
- It is useful to make mud cold face masks;
- Toning the vessels can be even with washing, alternating warm and cold water (hot water is contraindicated).
Face massage
Facial massage for rosacea requires a certain amount ofspecifics. One of the recommended massages is the Spanish modeling massage for the face and neck. During the procedure, the central part of the muscle is deeply worked out with a more active effect on areas of low tone. This helps to strengthen the skin. You can also do a plastic massage of the face for rosacea. This procedure often does not involve the use of oils or creams. Strong, rhythmic, pressing movements are a characteristic feature of this method. It is used in cases where the patient's skin is exhausted, hanging, there is swelling and puffiness.
Cosmetics against couperose
Cosmetics against rosacea are also quiteeffective. But the most important thing is to choose the products that will be useful for you. Rosacea on the face is treated with various creams, soaps, enzyme peels, etc. Many products can be found in pharmacies, and professional lines are offered by cosmetologists specializing in this problem. Among the products against rosacea, micellar water should be highlighted, which is useful for cleansing the face. Among such cosmetics against rosacea, Purete Thermale from Vichy (micellar liquid for removing makeup) can be noted. The composition contains extract of Gallic rose and thermal water. This product will not irritate or dry out the skin. Bioderma offers an excellent product - Sensibio H2O (micellar water) All products against rosacea should be gentle and approved for daily use, since the face must be cleaned of makeup and other impurities daily. Janssen offers an enzyme peeling Refining Enzyme Peel. The product is quite gentle and suitable for sensitive skin.
How to get rid of couperose and what should you always have on hand?
How to get rid of rosacea is a rather complex questiontroublesome. But nothing is impossible. There are several recommendations regarding daily care of damaged skin that will help make the healing process less protracted.
To get rid of rosacea, you can use a maskwith almond oil from "One Hundred Beauty Recipes". The product is budget, but of good quality. Decleor has a product called Harmonie Masque Tendresse Apaisante, which is a soothing mask against rosacea. You can also note a product from Avene and a soothing mask called Masque Anti-couperose, which is presented by Genji. Among the creams against rosacea, Sensibio AR from Bioderma should be mentioned. It is recommended to use it with other products of the manufacturer, which are intended for rosacea skin. Korff presents a line of products called C-Normalizer: cleansing milk (alcohol-free), day and night face cream for rosacea, as well as a masking pencil. Removing rosacea on the face is not a matter of one day. You can choose products from those offered in pharmacies, or buy a professional line. Of the really effective products, it is worth taking a closer look at the Rosaliac line, which is based on La Roche-Posay thermal water. Redness is removed and collagen is synthesized thanks to vitamins B3 and CG. The emulsion has a green tint, which serves as an excellent mask for couperose redness. It can be used as a makeup base. Among professional products, the D-Red line from Holy Land stands out. These are soothing face masks for couperose, a day emulsion, and a night firming agent (balm). The Rose RS2 line from Pevonia Botanica contains licorice and green tea extracts. You should not look for “that very” face cream for couperose if you are not sure about the characteristics of your skin. An important note for those with oily skin: apply the cream instead of your usual evening product. As you know, in a state of sleep, our skin works more actively, so during the night all the necessary substances will have time to be absorbed, and the redness will fade.
Folk remedies against couperose
What does rosacea look like on the face from a photo you already knowmanaged to appreciate. This is not a very pleasant sight. You want to get rid of it, but not everyone will dare to go to the doctor and resort to hardware treatment. But even in this case, there is a way out: folk remedies against rosacea.
- Herbal mask for face with couperose. Take chamomile, horse chestnut flowers, calendula, yarrow and potato starch in equal proportions, mix properly until a homogeneous mass (gruel) is formed. Cut out the mask from the gauze, and put it on your face, on top of the gauze, put a gruel. After 15 minutes, the mask should be removed and the face washed with herbal decoction. Prepare a decoction of yarrow, marigold and chamomile beforehand. Dilute 200 ml of water 1 teaspoon of tincture, and wipe the face with the lotion obtained.
- Among folk remedies against couperose, you can also call a tonic based on chamomile. 2 tablespoons chamomile brew and add in 0.5 liters of water. Add to the water and 2 crushed ascorutin tablets.
- Kuperoz on the face of folk medicine offers to treat compresses of chamomile. 2 tablespoons of chamomile insist for 20 minutes in boiling water. We make a 10-minute compress.
- Berry mask. You can use raspberries, lingonberries, strawberries or sea-buckthorn. To berry puree add 1 teaspoon of potato starch. Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
- For kuperoza on the face of folk medicine provides for an inexpensive way: a mask of raw potatoes. A sufficiently effective procedure that allows you to get rid of redness.
- In case of frostbite, which causes the appearance ofrosacea, you should do hot and cold compresses alternately. Hot: boil a decoction of nettle or rosemary for 5 minutes. Keep it on the skin for no more than 3 minutes. Cold: a decoction of horse chestnut flowers, bark or sage. Let it boil for 20 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Alternate hot and cold compresses, repeat the cycle 5-6 times. Apply the last cold compress not for 5, but for 10 minutes.
And this is only a small list of possible means,which will come in handy if rosacea appears on your face. But it is better to watch your diet and exercise (yoga, pilates, walking and cycling), which will serve as excellent prevention. Be healthy and beautiful! We recommend reading: