room for a teenage girlGrowing up children cause a lot of trouble.It is not easy for them to choose shoes, clothes, and decorating a room for a teenager is not a task for the faint of heart. Teenagers are sincerely convinced that they have already grown up and become independent, so they can reject any suggestions from their parents. The task of parents cannot be called easy, because they need to find compromise solutions that would satisfy both parties. And this applies not only to interior solutions for a teenager's room. Sooner or later, the time comes to discard strong-willed decisions and learn to listen to your own child.

Room for grown-up girls

room for a teenagerIf one day the daughter declares that she is not going toliving in a Barbie room and can't stand the pink color and frills that surround it - this should not be a shock for moms and dads. The girl has simply grown up, her tastes and interests have changed. Why not help her smoothly transition from childhood to adolescence with the help of decorating tools. Only parents need to take into account that this, most likely, is not the last categorical statement of a maturing person and, perhaps, in a couple of years, the girl will already say that she is tired of acid shades and reckless drawings, and she wants a small boudoir. When creating the interior of a teenager's room, parents need to immediately tune in, not to a monumental renovation using expensive finishing materials, but most likely, to create a modern interior from interesting, but easily updated decorative tools. It is also important to understand how a room for a teenage girl should differ from a nursery? Of course, its design must be coordinated with the tastes of the child, but you can't completely give its design and arrangement to the power of the wild imagination of a teenager. Therefore, parents are advised to sit down at the negotiating table and listen carefully to all the proposals of their beloved child. After that, taking into account the child's opinion, develop a fashionable, but at the same time practical design of the room. When thinking about the design, you must always remember the most important points in the room. It must have a comfortable place to sleep, and for the numerous things of the teenager, spacious cabinets, shelves, racks will be needed. Then the parents will have a chance to see relative order. The workplace should also be thought out in such a way that it is comfortable to study there. You should also take care of its good lighting at any time of the day.

A room for a boy

interior of the room of a teenagerExactly the same metamorphoses happen withboys who suddenly stop playing with soldiers, endlessly rolling cars on the floor and declare that they want to see a gym or a rehearsal room for a future famous rock band in their room. And in this case, finding a compromise will help to avoid conflicts and problems. Parents should remember that the interior of a child's room is a reflection of his inner world, diverse and bright, inherent only to him. There is no need to convince a child that wallpaper with a classic pattern will not go out of fashion for a long time, he will not appreciate this practical approach. It is better to take his world of interests as a basis and create, albeit short-term, but cozy corner for him. Naturally, you need to use all your wisdom and diplomacy to avoid radical decisions, for example, black colors in the room or horrific drawings on the walls. Do not rush to abandon the child's ideas about pasting posters in the room or applying graffiti on one of the walls. Everything can be played out so that such elements fit into the overall interior, and the teenager's room will look stylish and interesting. If friends often drop in on the teenager's room, then you should not ignore this point, otherwise the bed will turn into a place for hanging out, and endless scolding will not solve the problem. Moreover, modern designers offer an excellent solution to the problem: bright ottomans, pillows and soft beanbag chairs. All of these are excellent seating areas that can be removed if necessary, and laid out on the floor when friends arrive.

Search for compromise

A cozy room for a teenage girlBefore you start decorating a roomteenager, parents should get acquainted with what designers offer for such rooms, then it will be easier to help the child to decorate his room beautifully and tastefully. It is advisable to let the teenager choose the general color scheme of the interior himself, and, if necessary, correct it. If parents think that the wall color chosen by him is too dark or saturated, it can always be visually balanced with lighter and lighter shades of textiles or furniture. In this case, fashion designers suggest making one of the walls a bright color, the rest can be the same, but less saturated shade. Thus, parents can keep the situation with color under control and find an option that is usually called "the wolves are well fed and the sheep are safe." In the same way, they choose furniture and other items, fitting them into the interior of a teenager's room. There can be no categorical "no" if the child has a bold idea about his own corner in the apartment. Perhaps, parents will have to do without standard solutions and allocate part of the room for a dance floor, a model podium or a corner for skillful hands. It is great when a child has a hobby and when creating the interior of a room, it is necessary to take this into account. It is worse when he is not interested in much, but even in this case, if you try, you can find an idea that will accurately reflect his inner world. Who knows, maybe such a prosaic thing as a room renovation will help parents and children find a common language and, finally, become friends. And perhaps, joint interior design with parents will help a teenager open up and decide on his future, find his own path in life. We recommend reading:

