romance in relationships Romance in the relationship between a man and a womanis an important tool by which you can make these relationships more colorful. And it does not depend on the stability and prescription of your relationship - whether you are together for a year or twenty-five years. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this; but there are couples who even avoid these, from their point of view, excesses. And they sooner or later have problems. And how are things going with you? You could look for a way out of these problems in the future, but it will be much better if you do not let these problems come into your life at all. There are many more ways to keep exciting romantic feelings than just lit candles and gatherings with red wine. We must not forget that it is difficult to revive relationships with romantic dinners alone, especially if your relations are quite long. It is very important to keep affection and warmth. Each of you must make some effort to keep the fire at heart and be able to continue to enjoy mutual feelings. What can you do to achieve this?

How do a couple work on their relationship

  • Discuss all questions together

Find time for intimate conversations. Share everything that worries you, what happens in your life when you are not around. It is very important that you know what is on each other's souls - whether it's good for the two of you, whether everything suits both of you in your relations, whether everything is in order in your relations with other people. To ensure that your conversations are not disturbed, find a good place and a convenient time for you. For example, you can sit in a cozy cafe or go out together for a walk. Remember that such conversations should help your unity, the fusion of your souls. Do not turn them into disassembly. If you want to keep the magic of your romantic relationship, then you must respect your partner. Even if your opinions differ on some issue, you must show him that you are interested in what he says.

  • Be sincere

It is very important to talk to each other more often about yourfeelings. Sincerity can be a great way to create a unity between you and your partner. For example, you could say: "I feel protected when you are near me!". Or so: "Sometimes I'm afraid that because of eternal employment by other things we lose a special affinity, but I really would not want to lose it!". Just sincerely share your thoughts, fears, feelings. If you are concealing, you will cease to feel bound by invisible threads. Therefore, openness and sincerity should become a priority in your relationship. They will warm up the spark of your tenderness towards each other. So, the romance in the relationship between you.

  • Appreciate your partner

The depth of the relationship between a man and a womandepends on many factors. An important role is played by the ability to recognize and appreciate the positive qualities of each other. This directly depends not only on the degree of attachment, but also on the degree of success of the relationship. It has long been known that the correct ratio of criticism and praise is one to five. So start to praise more if you really want to warm up your relationship!

  • Take part in each other's lives

This is also very important. It is necessary to constantly demonstrate that you are interested in all that is so important for your partner. It is necessary to know what kind of attitude to yourself and what actions from you it expects; you also need to talk about your expectations. It's a good way to remember that you like being together. And this will prompt you to plan more often when you can pay attention to each other. And yet - constant care for each other. Try to show your partner that you care about every little thing, that caring for him gives you joy. In return, you will receive no less pleasant care.

  • Create romance first and foremost in yourself

Often we try to "get" a partner requestsbecome more romantic, but at the same time do not change internally. And after all, we ourselves must be the source of a romantic mood! Therefore, if you want romance, start with yourself: put on a beautiful, feminine dress, turn on the music, from which it becomes warmer on the soul, cook an unusually tasty and beautiful lunch or dinner. Your partner will need quite a bit of time to join you, changing your usual mood to a mood that suits yours.

  • Ask for what you want

Tell your partner about what you wantedwould spend time with him in a romantic setting. You can not even imagine it, but our men do not know about our desires! If we just whine or demand from them that it is incomprehensible that (in the hope that they themselves will guess that this is a longing for romance at us!), It will not in any way promote the appearance of romantic soul movements in them. But our specific, but affectionate, love-filled requests immediately open their eyes to the fact that a beloved friend is a little deprived of his attention. And he will try to improve the situation with pleasure!

  • Bring back the game and fun in your relationship

If you feel that your relationship is quitelost romanticity, ask yourself - when was the last time you had fun together? It's so cool - just to be pampered, to laugh, to make a foolish fight. You can fight in dominoes, play a computer game, laugh at the heroes of your favorite comedy ... everything you did when you just met or just started living together. This is very unifying, and, besides, having laughed heartily, you will raise your mood for a long time. Frivolity is a very sexual thing. If all your thoughts are centered around home worries or problems at work, then it's very unlikely that you are thinking about romance in a relationship at this moment. And laughter can strike out the spark of romance, and very soon it will return to your relationship.

  • Talk to your partner in his love language

Very often we do not know how to keep romancein a relationship, because we simply do not understand each other. We express love for the spouse in the form in which we ourselves want to receive it. But this does not necessarily coincide with how he really wants to receive it. Ask your spouse what you could do to make him feel your love. If you express love for your spouse in a way that meets his specific needs, then he will become more open to expressing love in a way that suits your needs. If you do not share each other's needs, you may feel disappointed with your relationship. how to keep romance in a relationship

Important nuances

We want to give you some more tips on how to return romance to the relationship. It is not difficult to do this, we must only remember this always:

  • Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner, you are always together. This will strengthen your relationship.
  • Turn off the TV when you are alone. Switch your attention to each other, just chat about anything. It helps a lot to get close!
  • Light the candles, turn on the romantic music. Create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. And it is not necessary to make love in this situation; you can just talk about something nice.
  • Constant lack of time prevents you from having sex as often as you would like? Then, at least, hug and kiss each other more often, keep the contact "skin to skin."
  • Plan to hold together at least oneromantic evening in a week. Turn off all the telephones for this time, do not open the door to friends who suddenly come to visit, do not let any other "natural disasters" interfere with your romantic fellowship.
  • All in your hands. Do not avoid romance, it will not make you weak. On the contrary, you will build strong and wonderful relationships that will last for many decades. Love you and romance! We advise you to read:

