how to get rid of complexes It does not matter to me that you have complexes. I would like to know what you are doing with them. (Carl Gustav Jung) It is important for each of us to know how to get rid of complexes, because any of us have them, and this prevents to live really fully. How to deal with them? Someone easily copes with complexes and goes on a life journey further, and someone falls into depression and suffers with a question why he is unhappy. And even realizing the causes of their troubles, such people are not in a hurry to fight them. And to do it in such a situation is useless. Instead of the question "how to deal with complexes?" Ask another: "how to get rid of complexes?" And if you do this, you will be halfway to normal life.

What are the complexes and where do they come from?

The psychological complex is a distortedrepresentation of a person about their moral and physical defects. Exaggeration of fictitious flaws is accompanied by profound experiences, which are often hidden from outsiders. Most human complexes come from childhood. Careless word, an unpleasant act of adults can be deposited in the memory of the child and accumulate fears for many years. Imagine a little girl spinning near a mirror. If the closest person - Mom - comes up and says that she is ugly and the mirror does not help her, then this can become a psychological trauma for a lifetime. Having matured, the girl will suffer from a feeling of inferiority, inspired to her from childhood. And after all, perhaps, my mother just wanted to tear off her daughter from the mirror and sit for lessons. Sometimes adults, without understanding it, develop complexes in children, spoiling them all their lives. By the way, man is the only creature on the planet capable of testing complexes. Neither animals, nor even primates on such "feats" are not capable. Even primitive people did not have complexes - believe me, this is proved by historians and psychologists. This is because both animals and our ancestors did not have the education of children in the form in which people understand it. Think about it and be more attentive to your children: do not let another unfortunate little man into adulthood. Another reason for the appearance of complexes is our fears. Fear that they will laugh at us, that it will not be possible to do something right. People are constantly afraid of being a laughingstock to their acquaintances, they live with an eye on their approval. If you are suffering from such a problem, think: are your friends standing for their opinion to be decisive? Perhaps, that neighbor, whose judgments you are so afraid of, just a dandy woman, to whom you should not listen? Or the boss, who harass you with remarks, sees in you a resemblance to the woman who once threw him. Then what are your torments and fears, because the opinions of other people are not always objective? Moreover, perhaps those same people whose words are so important to you themselves have considerable complexes and pour their irritation on you. Try to understand yourself and understand where your troubles originate. Once you succeed, you will be able to understand that your fears are often contrived. Get rid of far-fetched problems, and after a while you will find that you did not even notice the moment when the complexes that were torturing you disappeared somewhere. get rid of complexes

Is it worth it to get rid of the complexes?

If the problem is not with you alone, then why break it down?head over how to get rid of complexes? After all, people live on, and it is not noticeable that they have difficulties. Well, if your complexes do not interfere with life, then you do not need to worry. Even the famous Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler, who discovered an inferiority complex, believed that such a problem pushes people to self-improvement. That, if they were in perfect order, they would not be tormented by the thought that something is beyond their power, and people would not strive to conquer new heights. However, do not forget that getting rid of complexes is not an end in itself. First of all, you must strive for inner freedom. And if some complexes prevent you from living, you need to get rid of them urgently! Do what you think is necessary, not to adjust your outlook to someone else's opinion - these goals are worthy to be fought for. Perhaps this is not the easiest way, but only in this way it is possible to achieve something in life. There is an ancient Eastern wisdom: "If you are afraid to go this way - then this is the only correct way." So be bolder and start your way to getting rid of uncertainty.

Look at yourself from a different angle

Most people suffer from differentcomplexes because they think that their nearest environment does not favor them or underestimates them. Someone believes that they are disliked at work, others believe that they are fat or thin. What is the key word here? "It seems"! Can you objectively judge your appearance and internal flaws? What is the basis for your low self-esteem and unwillingness to love yourself? Look around, remember your friends. Surely they also have complexes, try to designate them. Difficult? And perhaps, your loved ones also suffer from self-doubt and think that their shortcomings for others - as in the palm of your hand. The same with you. The fact that outsiders see your flaws is just a guess, fiction, not confirmed by facts. If you are good-looking, you have a sporty figure and a pretty face, hardly someone will consider you ugly, even if you are sure of it. How many unhappy beautiful women suffer from loneliness, if they are hampered by their own complexes. And you noticed around yourself a real ugly, who behave like queens? And why so much conceit? The most interesting is that behind them a bunch of guys are hurrying, because posing with the beauties, they make everyone think about them that way. Therefore, the first step to getting rid of complexes is to believe in yourself and fall in love.

Love yourself first. The rest will not be in debt

To understand how to love yourself and get rid of complexes is not so difficult. The main thing is to understand yourself and to believe in yourself.

  • To begin with, try to recall all the unpleasantmoments in life for which you are ashamed. It does not matter if you are really to blame, or it only seems to you, try to forgive yourself and let go of all your sins. Do not live with a load of heavy memories of your own mistakes and mistakes, because life continues. It depends on you how you will build your future: with drooping shoulders and a load of unresolved problems or with a firm gaze and a high head.
  • Listen to warm approving words,which you give others. Take them for the truth and believe at last that you really are: kind, sympathetic, intelligent. Often be in a society of men, their compliments will raise not only the mood, but also self-esteem. Pour the balm on your soul and get a sincere pleasure.
  • As often as possible, praise yourself. Minor errors and errors can be omitted, but any luck must be fixed. Time after time, scroll in your head moments of the smallest triumphs, remember the praise and admiration of others.
  • Stop blaming yourself for your shortcomings. They are enough for the rest. Try to understand that you are a unique person, and what you see as a flaw for others can seem like a virtue. If you have a magnificent figure, then know that most thin people want to have the same appetizing forms, and many men prefer women "in the body." If you are often lazy, then you are envious of many women who took on their shoulders all the responsibilities of the house. From any disadvantage, you can benefit.
  • Make gifts to your beloved. Nothing so raises the mood, like a small present without any excuse. For example, there was a girl who vowed to buy herself a new lipstick, if she passed the exam - in encouragement. And immediately agreed that if he did not surrender, he would buy it for comfort. A perfect example of the fact that she loves herself and considers herself worthy of nice little things.
  • Having gone all the above described way, you are sure tofeel your importance and love yourself for who you are. In the end, there are no women without complexes. Even the most charming and attractive person, confident in her abilities, can experience psychological difficulties of a different type. Perhaps you have seen in cheap newspapers ads about girls without complexes? It so happened that men give these words a completely different meaning. Maybe it's for the best, that you have minor problems? So love yourself and your little faults, then the real complexes will be easier to drive. how to get rid of complexes correctly

    Art therapy as a method of getting rid of complexes

    The world's most famous psychoanalyst SigmundFreud also thought about how to get rid of complexes, and as a result offered his solution to the problem. He developed his own recipe for victory over his fears and called it art therapy. The essence of it is that all negative emotions can be splashed out through creativity. Do you draw caricatures on those whose judgments are afraid, whether scribbling rhymes are written about them, or mold figures from plasticine - all this will help to calm down and not take the far-fetched problem seriously. Let's say you are afraid to death of your boss and his opinion of you. Think about who he looks like - a dog, a giraffe, or maybe a hippopotamus? So boldly draw a hippopotamus in glasses and a tie and stop it from being afraid. Next time at the meeting you can calmly look him straight in the eye and adequately answer the questions. You can also fight other negative emotions - malice, envy, fright and so on. Just think up a little face for each of them and draw on a piece of paper. You can write small comic texts for each situation, set funny faces at a disadvantage. You can laugh, but this method really works. Your subconscious mind is freed from fear and dependence, helps to look at the situation from a different angle. In addition to everything, try daily to write about yourself mini-stories in the third person. It's a great way to take a look from the side and see if your problems are serious. If it's difficult for you to defeat your complexes yourself, do not despair. The main thing is that you see the problem and are looking for a way to solve it. Even if you do not notice the results, your work on yourself will not be wasted - your internal reserves will allow you to overcome previously inaccessible heights. And if you want a final victory over yourself, contact a professional psychologist. You will get knowledge how to get rid of psychological complexes, how to behave in certain situations. Unfortunately, in our country it is not common to share wounds of soul with doctors. And this is a big mistake. There is nothing shameful in getting professional help in solving the problem that is poisoning your life. And fear of turning to a psychologist is another complex. After all, you do not want to add one more to the old problems? We advise you to read:

