renal colic Renal acute colic occurs, as a rule,very unexpected, and makes a sick person survive a lot of unpleasant minutes - and just as suddenly disappears. However, in no case is it inadmissible, with a sigh of relief, to leave the problem without due attention. Renal colic, although not a disease in itself, clearly shows that serious pathological processes occur in the human body. Renal colic is a sudden appearance of severe pain, localized in the lumbar region. And the pain during an attack of renal colic is very, very specific - any doctor can easily identify it: it is very sharp, has a cutting character and what is characteristic - it is almost always one-sided. The cause of renal colic is always the same - a violation of the normal process of outflow of urine from the renal pelvis. But the violation of this outflow of urine can be caused by a variety of causes - blockage of the kidney stone, squeezing the kidney from the outside, for example, with any tumor. Most often colic accompanies such diseases as:

  • Urolithiasis, especially the period of its exacerbation.
  • Pyelonephritis, glaumonephritis.
  • Various kidney tumors - both malignant and benign, kidney tuberculosis.
  • Any traumatic damage to the kidneys.
  • Some diseases of the retroperitoneal space.
  • Various gynecological diseases, for example, salpingitis, adnexitis.

In order to establish what exactly servedthe impetus for the development of renal colic, a sick person should as soon as possible seek help from a doctor. However, in order to understand that this is indeed a renal acute colic, you need to know the main symptoms.

Signs of renal colic

So, by what signs can you understand thatthe sick person has collided or faced with a renal colic? The first and most important sign, of course, are the strongest pain sensations in the lumbar region. Immediately after this, the frequency of urination is greatly increased in a sick person, moreover, urine can detect an admixture of blood. In addition, for renal colic, pain intensification is typically experienced with sudden movements, heavy lifting, walking or running. And in these situations, pain does not occur immediately, but gradually increases, localizing in the lower abdomen, can give to the inner thighs, especially in women. If you systematize and supplement all of the above, you get the following:

  • Frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by sharp pain and cuts in the urethra.
  • The development of hematuria, which is characterized by the presence in the urine of dark blood clots.
  • Feeling of nausea, vomiting, dizziness - the reaction of the body to severe pain.
  • Constant, but not effective, urge to defecate.
  • In the event that renal colic is provoked by any infectious disease - an increase in temperature, sometimes to very significant figures.
  • In some cases - a significant increase in blood pressure.

Another characteristic feature of renalcolic is paroxysmal. Typically, the duration of the attack is approximately 10 hours. After this, the attack of renal colic disappears also suddenly, as it begins. But the frequency of occurrence of these attacks can be very different. So, for example, if the disease is serious enough, the break can be only one - two hours.

What should be distinguished from renal colic?

In order to provide a sick personemergency medical aid, the doctor should accurately distinguish renal colic from other diseases that have similar symptoms - intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, cholecystitis and the like. However, the most important distinguishing feature of renal colic is the appearance of blood in the urine. So, a little more:

  • Appendicitis

With appendicitis, a sick personthe strongest pain, but it is localized differently - first captures the epigastric region, then descends into the navel, and only then finally fixed in the right ileal region. Nausea in this case also takes place, but vomiting is not exhausting, as with renal colic, but a single. In addition, often appendicitis is accompanied by a strong swelling of the abdomen and pronounced changes in blood counts.

  • Gynecological diseases

Very similar to renal colic painare typical for various gynecological diseases, for example, such as salpingitis or andexitis. Pain localizes in the lower abdomen, but very quickly begins to give back. And even a normal process of urination in this case can also be disturbed - it occurs because of inflammation of the organs located in the inflammatory proximity of the bladder. However, the main difference between gynecological diseases and renal colic is the nature of the onset of the disease. Renal colic occurs instantaneously, and gynecological pain grows gradually - from smaller to larger. In addition, body temperature with gynecological diseases can rise to very significant figures - up to 39 - 40 degrees.

  • Diseases of the stomach

In the event that the pain isconsequence of this or that disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it is localized in the left hypochondrium. And most often this pain occurs after eating. So, for example, if there is a perforation of the ulcer, the patient experiences a sharp piercing pain, he has a perspiration. The sick person takes the most comfortable position for him, in which the pain most annoying. But in the case of kidney colic, everything happens the other way round - as a rule, a sick person starts to rush about, can not find a place. If the sick person experiences painful sensations due to intestinal obstruction, the pain will have a cramping character. The abdomen of the sick person will be heavily swollen, but the chair will be absent. In the same case, if a person is confronted with acute pancreatitis, the pain will be constant, and localized in the navel. renal colic treatment

Features of renal colic in children and pregnant women

In some categories of people, colic has its ownfeatures. So, for example, in children, painful sensations during renal colic are localized in the navel area. Children often experience debilitating vomiting, a baby can refuse food within a day before or after an attack of renal colic. Immediately at the time of an attack of renal colic, the child is very restless, complains of pain, or just cries if too small. Fortunately, in children, attacks of renal colic are short-lived - do not last more than 15 - 20 minutes. In addition, parents should remember that in children renal colic often provokes an increase in body temperature. Unfortunately, renal colic often causes discomfort to women waiting for the birth of their baby. As a rule, the culprit of the development of renal colic during pregnancy become such diseases as urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. During pregnancy, painful sensations accompanying renal colic can be given either to the hips or to the labia. A pregnant woman should by no means ignore renal colic, as in some cases it is capable of provoking the onset of premature birth.

Treatment of renal colic

Of course, if a person has renal colic,treatment is simply necessary, and it must be started as soon as possible. The first thing that a sick person needs to do is immediately lie down and call an ambulance brigade. Doctors do not recommend taking any action before the doctors arrive, and even more so do not drink any painkillers. Otherwise, the clinical picture of the course of the disease can be very much smeared, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. The only exception is a warm bath. It will help to relieve spasm and will ease the condition a little. In some cases, doctors can decide whether to hospitalize a sick person in a hospital. As a rule, this decision is made in the following situations:

  • Persistent colic that does not pass even after medications.
  • High fever, exhausting vomiting, severe nausea.
  • Two-sided renal acute colic, or lack of one of the kidneys.

In the same case, if to doctors of first aidmanaged to stop the attack of renal colic, and there is no indication for hospitalization, the patient has to follow a number of simple rules for the first few days. First, a person must observe a bed rest for several days. He shows the thermal procedures - baths, hot water bottles. It is very important to empty the bladder at the first urge to urinate. In addition, it is very important at least a few days after the attack of renal colic to comply with the therapeutic diet. From the diet of a sick person it is necessary to completely exclude all salted foods, smoked sausages, chocolate, coffee, hard-boiled tea. Recommended in such cases, the diet - milk - vegetable. This will greatly facilitate the work of the urinary system. In the same case, if the patient's state of health does not improve, or the attack of renal colic is repeated again, it is necessary to consult the doctor as soon as possible. And, of course, in no case should we forget about the treatment of the underlying disease. We advise you to read:

