MatureWomanInMirror2 Dreams sometimes come true. And you did not know? :) It is only very hard to want, and I was convincedin this on my own experience. Today, my anniversary and a beautiful bouquet of 45 black and white roses rustically spread out on the table in my bedroom. Decided to fall asleep under the awesome-fresh smell, so she moved the flowers closer to her. Roses look neglectingly at my jars and bottles with night creams, lotions and other rejuvenating agents. But in vain. After all, being beautiful and desirable at 45 is an art that requires a lot of effort.

Are you "already ..." or "more ..."?

I wonder why He gave me exactly black andRed roses? Hinted that the impossible is possible, and life is beating with a black and white fountain? With dizzying ups, when it seems that you can do everything and even more. With periods of severe depression, where every new wrinkle turns into a tragedy, especially when you are already 45. Stop! - Or only 45? Let's completely throw out the phrase: "I already ..." and replace it with: "I still ...". After all, a woman at any age can look like a queen and it does not matter, twenty-fifty or fifty. I, like you, use rejuvenating creams, I go on fitness, I drink BADy and I look fine. But this is not enough! I want to look more beautiful and feel better, especially when you have an affair with an interesting man. :) By the way - I never use cheap meansto care for myself and the spirit I can not stand any "chemistry". And, even in periods of lack of money (and they, alas ... were) always allocated finances for themselves loved ones, not to the detriment of their children, of course. But, the children grew up, graduated from high schools and got their own families, and I finally got the opportunity to take care of myself and start a new life. MatureWomanInMirror3

Where do we start a new life?

Where do we start a new life? With the care of yourself, my beloved! - and with a review of cosmetic novelties on the Web. It is interesting that there is interesting for women who are "slightly over 40"? In general, I approach the choice of novelties carefully, choosing only the best, natural. I deserved, in the end, the right to beauty and love! - for years of perpetual trouble, mad rhythm of work, sleepless nights ... Looking at new items, I always pay attention to the brand. After all, in our time there are often fakes, and a solid company will never work at the expense of its reputation. Found it! - I was very interested in the new (LiveLon '+) from the well-known company Vision, which includes 10 of the most powerful antioxidants in the world. Firm guarantees that after a month of application, the effect is obvious, or rather - on the face. It's tempting ... Let's see what components of this "jugbly" is composed of? MatureWomanInMirror7

"Molodilnaya apple" from the company Vision

A few words about antioxidants, but maybeto be, not everyone knows what kind of "little thing like that". Antioxidants are a special class of natural preparations that release our body from the negative effects of free radicals. But, here you may have a question: what are radicals? Radicals are a by-product of cellular metabolism, which provokes premature aging. In other words, radicals are the cellular waste of our body. So, tireless antioxidants, hunt harmful radicals aki hunter for game, completely sweeping out all the "harmfulness" of our, tormented by stress and bad ecology, the body. Taking antioxidants, we look much better, we grow thin and younger, and there are energies - even more than enough! But, antioxidants antioxidants - different, let me tell you which "utility" is a part of Livlon? "Fountain of Youth" is an extract of Acai Asai berries ... the legendary berry of youth that gives us harmony in intimate life, as it miraculously enhances the sexual activity of men and women. In addition, the "magic" extract of Acai has exactly the same "magic" effect on our body: gently cleanses of toxins at the cellular level, increases immunity, promotes muscle regeneration and has many more useful functions. The antioxidant activity of the extract of acai, the main component of Livlon, is 5 (!) Times higher than that of natural chocolate and 20 (!) Times greater than that of grapes. "King of Longevity" - resveratrol Do you like natural red wine? - Love! Extremely useful drink, which contains and resveratrol - extract from seeds of grapes. One bottle of red wine contains 10 mg of resveratrol, and one LIVELON capsule contains as many as two bottles of red wine! - 40 mg of resveratrol. "King of Longevity" is 20 times more effective than vitamin "C" and 50 times more useful than vitamin "E"! In addition, resveratrol activates the vital activity of the human cellular system at the gene level, increasing life expectancy and slowing down aging. This amazing antioxidant "in the bud" blocks the development of cancer and miraculously improves eyesight. "The medicine of the vessels" - quercetin Quercetin (source - sea-buckthorn) not only heals our blood vessels, but also is able to regenerate capillaries. Imagine a picture: in our vessels, thanks to the "magical" action of quercetin, the new capillaries miraculously "sprouted", saturated with oxygen and antioxidants. When this miracle happens, the entire body rejuvenates. And the name of this miracle is quercetin. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, quercetin relieves us of inflammation, lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease and has many other advantages. MatureWomanInMirror5 "Gift for the skin" - amaranth Amaranth - herbaceousannual, whose medicinal properties were widely practiced by the ancient Maya Indians. LivLon consists of an extract of amaranth seeds, which contains a huge amount of squalene - a substance that can make your skin impeccable. Being a powerful antioxidant, amaranth nourishes the skin with oxygen, maintains its elasticity and elasticity. Seeds of amaranth are called "golden grains of the gods", because this wonderful component of Livlon allows our skin to "breathe", carefully renewing its epidermis (the upper layer). "Enemy of wrinkles" - Astaxanthin Astaxanthin is an organic pigment with powerful antioxidant activity. It really smooths even deep wrinkles, helps maintain our muscles in tone and excellently protects our cellular system from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Astaxanthin is the favorite drug of the famous Madonna. Perhaps, it is thanks to him that she keeps youth and beauty for many years? The structure of LivLon includes extracting astaxanthin from ecologically clean microalgae hematocoxus, lining the delta of the Liaohe River on the unique Red Beach in China. "Elixir of Youth" - ubiquinol Ubihinol is an active form of the famous coenzyme Q10. And the composition of Livlon includes its extract from wheat grains, which were not subjected to heat treatment. Ubihinol significantly slows down the aging process in the body, promotes cell regeneration, inhibits hypoxia. He acts as a natural stimulator of our physical and mental activity. Ubiquinol is not in vain called an "elixir of youth", capable of breathing new life into a person. In Europe, it is accepted to take it continuously, after 30-40 years for prevention. MatureWomanInMirror6 "Food for the brain" - extract of green tea leavesThe extract of green tea leaves is a real treasure trove of organic microelements, vitamins and an excellent bio-, immuno- and energy stimulant. In the LivLon preparation, the extract of green tea leaves is responsible for the metabolic processes of the brain, stimulates cardiac activity, promotes the excretion of toxins from the body, and performs many more useful functions. "Antibacterial protection" - chlorophyllin Chlorophyllin is an extract from green leaves of plants, acting as an antioxidant, which is so powerful that it is able to protect our DNA from damage at the molecular-cellular level. Chrolofillin stimulates the metabolism in the body, promotes the renewal of the blood vessels, gently cleanses our highly slagged body from the slags. In addition, it gives a wonderful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Knowingly wise Koalas, chewing eucalyptus leaves all their lives rich in chlorophyllin, never complain about life and do not get sick. "The King of Carotene" - Lycopene Lycopene is the most powerful carotenoid antioxidant that naturally circulates in our circulatory system. But (!) When the amount of natural lycopene in the blood is reduced due to smoking, illness, malnutrition, stress, etc., our body "fails". That this does not happen, it is necessary to take lycopene on a regular basis. Best of all - in combination with other drugs. Lycopene has a beneficial effect even on the rather wrinkled dry skin of the face and can significantly reduce its pigmentation. Taking lycopene regularly, your skin will be smooth, like an ass of an infant. Feel yourself younger! Visible result after a month of admission.

