External causes of red spots on the child's priest

Redness of the skin, or hyperemia, can be caused by various reasons. It is necessary to analyze the situation to help the baby and normalize the condition of the skin.red spots on baby's bottomRed spots on the child's priest - a signallergies, poor care or infection. Photo: Getty If a child has red spots on the pope for the first time, it is important to remember what has changed in the life of a newborn in the last 2-3 days. You may have bought new diapers for him or washed the clothes with another detergent. In all these cases, it is most likely a special allergic reaction - contact dermatitis. In this case, itching, peeling, dryness join the redness, red rough spots may appear. There are other reasons for negative skin manifestations:

  • The skin of the child is injured by the seams of clothing, rubber bands, diapers, etc .;
  • for the first time since the beginning of feeding, the nursing mother ate a potentially allergenic product, for example, chocolate, eggs, nuts, fish, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, etc .;
  • the child was given a new supplement;
  • baby care is organized improperly, it is rarely washed away, and urine eats away tender skin;
  • The skin is resistant to heat and humidity in the room.

Attentive parents are usually quickunderstand where the redness came from. However, it is important to know that there are other factors that cause a negative skin reaction. If the mother follows a hypoallergenic diet, contact dermatitis on the child's priest is excluded, the baby is regularly washed and not overheated, it is necessary to establish the internal causes of the appearance of spots. Only a doctor can do this.

Other causes of red spots

Unfortunately, the appearance on the skin of the baby redscaly, moist or dry spots can trigger hidden, internal causes. In this case, deal with the problem more difficult. Causes of redness on the buttocks may be as follows:

  • if at the same time with the booty the inguinal region reddened, thrush or candidiasis should be excluded;
  • if a child or a nursing mother received antibiotics, dysbiosis could develop;
  • red spots on the pope can be a symptom of infection with worms.

If the spots on the buttocks do not pass for a long time orappear systematically, if desquamation, oozing, other symptoms join the redness, you need to show the baby to your local doctor. After tests, the pediatrician or narrow specialist will prescribe a treatment. Redness on the pope can be caused by skin microtraumas, allergies, infections or dysbacteriosis. If you cannot cope with the problem yourself, the child must be shown to the doctor. See also:

