delicious pancakes Pancakes are one of the most favorite dishes,the preparation of which will not be a big deal even for a young, yet not entirely experienced hostess. Recipes for pancakes are very diverse, they are cooked on milk, water, kefir, and also on sour milk. It is with the use of sour milk that you get quite tasty, slightly sweet pancakes.

Pancakes with sour milk

It will take:

  • Milk is sour - 2 tbsp;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 2-4 tablespoons;
  • Soda - a quarter teaspoon (slaked with vinegar);
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.

Place eggs and sugar in a bowl (knead the doughon pancakes is best in a glass or enamel bowl). First you need to beat the eggs a little with sugar. Then add the sour milk to the egg mass, mix it well with a mixer or whisk, this will make the dough homogeneous. Next, you have to extinguish soda with vinegar or lemon juice and then add it to the dough. The flour needs to be sifted with a sieve into another bowl, then gradually pour in the dough, stirring the mass with a whisk (mixer), then the pancake dough will turn out without the lumps. If you do the opposite, that is, pour the flour into the egg-milk mass, it will be difficult to get rid of the lumps. The consistency of dough for pancakes should not be too thick, and not very liquid. It should be remembered that the thicker the dough, the thicker the pancake will turn out. Bake pancakes, prepared according to the recipe for sour milk, in the same way as usual. The frying pan is best cast iron. It is desirable that it was just a pancake pan, on which nothing else was prepared. But if there was not one in the farm, then it does not matter, you just need to fry the salt on a conventional cast-iron frying pan, then the first pancake will not be a lump. pancakes with sour milk

Lush pancakes in sour milk with cottage cheese

It will take:

  • Cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • Milk is acidic - 1.5 table;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Soda - a quarter teaspoon (slaked with vinegar);
  • Flour - 1 item;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons (table);
  • A pinch of salt.

Using this recipe, you canto cook delicious curvy pancakes. First you need to prepare the cottage cheese, it is wiped through a sieve, then it is additionally beaten with a blender, on which a submerged nozzle is worn. This results in a homogeneous cream cheese mass. Next, take the eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks. In the yolks add sugar, whisk until they turn white. In the squirrels put a little salt, this will help them to climb fast enough. Combine the cottage cheese with the whipped yolks, then add to them half of the sour milk, whipped into the whites. Put in the dough soda vinegar, which is extinguished. Sift flour, then gently combine with the dough, adding the remainder of sour milk. For this recipe, the consistency of the dough should be slightly thicker than for ordinary pancakes. Fry lush milk pancakes on a cast-iron frying pan, lubricating it with a silicone brush with refined vegetable oil. If there is no such brush, you can use the ancient peasant way, that is, chop half a piece of raw potatoes into a fork, then dip it into butter and grease the frying pan. You can still take a piece of lard, but this method is more suitable for salted pancakes. delicious lush pancakes

Pancakes on sour milk with orange sauce

It will take:

  • Milk is sour - 2 items;
  • Eggs - 1 piece;
  • Soda - a quarter teaspoon (slaked with boiling water) .;
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons (table);
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.

For sauce:

  • Oranges - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons (table);
  • Potato starch - 1 spoon (tea);
  • Butter - about 30 g.

Pour a glass of sour milk into a bowl, putEgg, add sugar, beat a bit with a corolla. Soda is extinguished with boiling water, then add it to sour milk, mix the dough. Sift flour, combine it with the mass, gradually adding the remaining milk. It is important to get the correct consistency of the test, for this you need to look at how much to add flour and milk. Since flour often has different gluten, it may need slightly more or slightly less than indicated in the recipe. The same goes for sour milk. The dough should be rather dense. Fry pancakes as usual. They are served to the table on a plate, watering with orange sauce. Such pancakes are not a shame to treat the most expensive guests. For the sauce you need to take oranges and squeeze out the juice from them. If there is no special juicer for citrus, then no problem, there is a good and simple way. First, the orange is rolled on the table, pressing it against it. Then cut the orange in half and use a fork to squeeze out the juice, turning it around in a circle. You need to do this on a bowl. Pour a little juice into another dish and mix with potato starch. Place a sauté pan or a frying pan on the fire, put sugar and butter, cook the caramel, stirring all the time. Then pour in the orange juice, cook the sauce, constantly stirring. When it starts to thicken, pour starch diluted with juice, remove from heat.

Salted pancakes on sour milk with onions and spices

It will take:

  • Onion - 2 medium sized bulbs;
  • Milk is acidic - 1.5 table;
  • Eggs - 1 piece;
  • Salt;
  • Soda - a quarter teaspoon (slaked with vinegar);
  • Spices for meat and poultry;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.

In this recipe, one of the most intendedmain roles, it must be crushed with a blender or grated (shallow). Then in a bowl with sour milk to break the egg, mix everything, put the grated onion, add salt, add spices. Spices can be used any, perfectly match black ground pepper, basil, Provencal herbs. Soda should be extinguished with vinegar, add to the dough. It is very important to add soda at the last moment, before flour. Sift flour with a sieve. Then gradually pour the dough into it, stirring it with a whisk or a mixer, so that there are no lumps. Consistency in the test should be exactly the same as for ordinary pancakes. To fry them it is necessary, preliminary having greased a frying pan a slice of fat, pinned on a plug. Serve pancakes to the table with sour cream sauce, for the preparation of which you must mix sour cream with chopped dill and garlic. Such a recipe can surprise even the most demanding guests.

