napoleon recipe with custard If you want something delicious and sweet, there istwo options for action. The first is to buy dessert in the nearest supermarket, and the second - to cook it with your own hands. The main thing is that the recipe should be successful and not very difficult. And, of course, another important component is quality and fresh products. We suggest devoting a couple of hours a day off to the culinary arts and making a Napoleon cake with a custard. This incredibly appetizing dish will win the hearts of your loved ones!

Delicate cake with custard

Surely such a dessert was cooked by your mother or grandmother. So why do not you learn such a simple recipe? Treat your parents with your masterpiece! Ingredients: For the dough:

  • 400 grams of good margarine
  • one glass of pasteurized milk
  • 4.5 cup sifted (highest grade) wheat flour
  • chicken egg - one piece
  • table salt at your discretion

For cream:

  • 3 cups of low-fat milk
  • 500 grams (that is, two packs) of butter
  • 2.5 cups of sugar
  • 4 pieces of chicken (medium) eggs
  • three dining rooms (without top) spoons of flour

Cooking method: If the margarine is in the refrigerator, remove it and allow it to melt a little, then chop it in a deep pot with a knife and mix it with pre-sifted flour. You can slightly change the recipe. To do this, enter butter instead of its cheaper option. In a separate bowl, combine the above amount of milk, a pinch (or two) of table salt, break the egg, then mix thoroughly with a special broom and add to the previous ingredients. The resulting mixture is well stirred with a spoon, then - with your hands and divide into several parts (we got ten). Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. After roll out into thin cakes (round or other forms) and send to the oven. The suitable temperature for baking them is 190-200 degrees. Cook the items until they get a beautiful golden hue. Be careful, they are very brittle and fragile, so carefully remove them from the oven. At this time, take care of the cream: we offer you the simplest recipe, but you can use tips from other sources. So, beat the eggs with sugar to a thick white foam, then add three tablespoons of wheat flour and one - milk (pre-boil it). Very carefully stir the mixture and pour the remaining dairy product into it, then cook it on low heat, while stirring constantly, until small bubbles begin to appear. When the cream is thick enough, remove it from the plate and allow to cool slightly. But it is important not to overstrain the product, otherwise the egg will "curl up" and all efforts will be in vain! Now cut small pieces of 0.5 kilograms of butter and rub it with cream. Add vanilla if desired. If the product seems too sweet or bold to you, reduce the number of corresponding ingredients by two to three times. Lubricate the cakes with a delicious custard and sprinkle the finished cake with crumbs (to do this, crush the failed cake). Put it in a cold place for six hours. We hope this recipe suited you! Bon Appetit! napoleon cake with custard

Delicious "Napoleon" based on beer

An unfiltered alcoholic drink can not only be drunk, but used even for making cakes. Do not believe me? Then read this recipe! Ingredients: For the dough:

  • fresh butter - 400 grams (you can replace margarine)
  • 4 cups of sifted (highest grade) wheat flour
  • 250 milliliters of unfiltered beer (take a light)
  • table salt - optional

For custard:

  • two tablespoons (without a slide) of a spoon of wheat flour
  • 6 chicken yolks (or 5 whole eggs)
  • one large spoonful of starch
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • one package of low-fat milk (volume - 800 milliliters)
  • 100 grams of good butter
  • some vanilla

Cooking method: Cut small pieces of warm butter and combine it with flour. After rub with your hands so that a small oil shred turns out. Pour a glass of light beer. Well knead the finished mass and divide into several medium balls, leave them in a cool place for 30 minutes. Of these products, you should get 10-13 cakes (diameter - 27 cm). Now, each roll into a thin circle, make a fork with punctures in several places and one by one bake in a preheated oven to a light golden hue (this will take about five minutes). The optimum temperature is 200 degrees. If you have finished baking cakes, it's time to take cream. Separate yolks from proteins (or use whole eggs) and beat them well with a broom, or better with a mixer, with wheat flour, sugar, vanilla and starch. Now boil the pasteurized milk and fill it with the resulting mixture, then cook it on low heat (regularly stir with a spoon!) Until the mass is sufficiently thickened. Then put the pan in cold water and, when the cream is slightly cool, rub it with a sieve with a creamy (the main thing that it was fresh) with room temperature oil. This amount will be enough to soak eight cakes. Now grease each with a custard, and the most failed (cracked or baked) break your hands into small pieces (or take a rolling pin for this) and use it for decoration. After you form the cake, cut it around the edges (remove excess elements, stains) and sprinkle with chips (made from the same failed cake). Do you like chocolate? Then melt 70 grams on a steam bath and pour the product to them. It turns out very tasty! Now in your "culinary" piggy bank there is another recipe for all the famous "Napoleon". The cream we used to make it is very light and not too sweet. If you prefer more saturated options, then take a little more sugar and butter.

Simple "Napoleon" with cream of condensed milk

This is a recipe for a very economical, but certainly delicious cake. It will take a little food to prepare it. Therefore, if there is time and desire, dare! Good luck! Ingredients: Dough:

  • 500 grams of wheat (highest grade) flour
  • one cup of boiled non-cold water
  • 300 grams of fresh butter (you can change the recipe and take margarine)


  • one package of butter
  • sugar - 300 grams
  • one liter of fresh shop milk
  • Condensed (not boiled) milk - one pot
  • 100 grams of potato starch
  • one packet of vanillin (about 15 grams)

Cooking method: First, grate butter on a medium grater (for this it must be very cold) or simply chop with a knife (in this case, the product should be "brought" to room temperature, that is, get it from the freezer). Now combine with wheat (take the highest grade) flour and mash with a fork until the formation of small crumbs. Then add warm (already boiled) water and knead the dough. Although the prescription does not involve the use of salt, many people put it, so act on your own. When you have a dense and elastic mass, leave it to "come up" for 15 minutes, then divide into a few not very large balls and send it to the refrigerator. The next step is to prepare the cream. Combine in a deep bowl sugar, a couple of pinch of vanillin and starch. Now put a bowl of pasteurized milk on a plate and hold until it starts to boil, then immediately remove it and pour it into the dry mixture, remembering to stir it. Cook on a low fire until thick, after a while cool (you can put in a pan of cool water) and add the usual condensed milk. Now put in the resulting mass of chopped butter and beat well (a mixer or special whisk is suitable for this). There is not one recipe for a custard of fragrant cream with eggs, condensed milk and other ingredients. You can take your own, proven experience. In this case, you will definitely be sure that the product will be released as you want. But it's time to remember the test! Remove it from the refrigerator, lay it on the work surface (sprinkle with flour) and roll it into thin cakes. You can give them any shape: rectangular, round and different. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Lay one or two (depending on how much is fit) on the baking tray, make holes in several places with the fork (so that they do not bubble) and put on baking. If the products have acquired the color of gold, then it's time to get them. When finished with the baking, lay on a large plate of one cake and each lubricate a thick layer of cream. This way you will get a delicious cake, but do not forget to trim its edges (remove all unnecessary ones) to make it look beautiful. Decorate the product with chocolate (melt or grate), walnuts or something else at your discretion. We offered you a fairly economical and inexpensive recipe for every day. This dish will be an excellent occasion to gather your family for tea. Napoleon with custard

"Napoleon" in a hurry

This is another recipe for a fairly inexpensive cake. From the products below, you get a small "Napoleon", which is suitable for a family of three or four people. Ingredients: For the dough:

  • two glasses of wheat (pre-sifted) flour
  • table salt to taste
  • 125 milliliters of water (boiled)
  • fresh butter - 200 grams

For cream:

  • a cup of sugar
  • a bit of quality butter (about 20 grams)
  • small package of pasteurized milk (500 milliliters)
  • one large egg
  • two dining rooms (with a slide) spoons of flour

Cooking method: Cut the butter into small cubes with a knife and mix it with wheaten (pre-sifted) flour, crush with a fork. Then pour slightly salted warm water and knead the dough. It must come out elastic and moderately elastic. Form a ready-made log, which is divided into several parts (we got five). Lay each on the work surface so that the dough does not stick, sprinkle it with flour, roll it into the thin cakes. Make a few holes with the fork and place the items on a baking sheet, then bake in the oven (at 200 degrees) until they are browned. Each cake is cooked for about five to ten minutes. Now came the turn of the cream. Mix in a bowl a chicken egg, two spoons (table and without top) flour and sugar. Preheat the pasteurized milk and put in the prepared dry mixture. Cook on low heat until thick, then wait a few minutes and enter the butter. Do not forget to stir constantly, otherwise the formation of lumps can not be avoided! After grease the ruddy cakes with chilled cream and let it brew. Do you want to decorate the product? Use grated black or milk chocolate, raisins or nuts. Such a cake is an ideal option for a modest celebration with the family. If you do not like custard, take any other. It can be made on the basis of butter, with condensed milk, some smear the cakes with homemade jam. Although this, of course, is no longer a real "Napoleon".

Cottage cheese cake with custard

Very tasty cakes are obtained on the basis of cottage cheese. Want to try? Then master this recipe of Napoleon. Such a gentle product is suitable for any occasion: birthday, children's holiday, corporate. Ingredients: Dough:

  • two teaspoons (without top) of a spoonful of soda
  • two eggs
  • three tablespoons (table) of wheat (premium) flour
  • half a kilogram of home-made (or bought in the store) cottage cheese (20-25% fat content)
  • 1.5 cups of sugar


  • 0.5 packs (ie 100 grams) of good butter
  • vanilla sugar - one sachet
  • 300 grams of sugar (if desired, replace with powdered sugar)
  • 500 milliliters of not very fatty milk
  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces

Cooking method: With a fork or spoon, crush the delicate cottage cheese, after add the above amount of flour and soda (do not extinguish it). Here, pour a half cup of sugar and eggs. Pre-whip them in a separate bowl so that the cream turns airy, mix well and hold in the refrigerator for about an hour. After this, roll the dough with a rolling knife into a few (we've got eight) thin cakes, put one on a baking sheet and send it to a preheated oven. If you do not want the products to stick, sprinkle with flour. The corn is evenly baked until a crusty brown at 180 degrees. Catch a cream: for this mix in a deep dish milk of medium fat, beaten eggs and chicken eggs. If you want it to turn out thick, add a few spoons of flour. In addition, you can use powdered sugar. It dissolves well and does not form lumps, which greatly simplifies the cooking process. Put the cream on a weak fire and hold until you see bubbles on the surface. You do not need to bring it to a boil, you will only spoil the product! Now pour the vanilla sugar and at the very end put the pieces of butter. Allow to cool slightly. Lubricate each cake with a warm cream, form the edges and allow the cake to steep for several hours. Serve with tea or other drinks. "Napoleon" is known to many since childhood. Each hostess prepares it in its own way. Some add to the cream a peel of lemon or a fragrant orange, others between the cakes put nuts, raisins. For decoration, both chocolate and shavings from cakes are used. Each recipe is unique and different. Do you like to cook? Then experiment, try different options and create for your own pleasure! We advise you to read:

