Kissel is considered a traditional dish in Russia, butthe recipe for its preparation was slightly different. Before it was brewed on fermented cereal broths, and only later they began to cook on starch in a thick form, and served with cream or milk. Now jelly can be cooked from dried or fresh fruits or berries, syrups, juices. For berry jelly potato starch is used, which before consumption is diluted with syrup, milk or boiled water and then filtered. In order to prepare a thick jelly, 1 gram of liquid will need 80 grams of starch, and for a semi-liquid, 35 grams. And to improve the taste and preserve the color of the berry jelly, add a little (0.1-0.3 grams) of citric acid diluted in cold water. Above the surface of the dish lightly sprinkled with sugar, so that it does not form a foam. This berry drink is brewed and loved in different countries: for example, in Germany they prefer strawberry and raspberry jelly, in Western Europe they adore sweet berry jelly, and in Russia they like cranberry, knowing the recipe of which you can easily cope with a cold. And in general, kissel from berries is very useful and contains a lot of vitamins, it is recommended to eat with stomach ulcer and gastritis. Blueberry jelly is effective enough in the fight against infectious diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Cherry kissel is an excellent antiseptic, and also a good remedy for inflammation of the respiratory tract. A drink from the fruits of mountain ash helps with diseases of the gallbladder and liver. And to make a delicious and healthy kissel, you will definitely need our recipe.
Strawberry Kissel
- 200 grams of strawberries
- 3 tablespoons of starch
- 3 cups of water
- 3/4 cup sugar
Cooking method: If you decide to make a strawberry jelly, then we offer you the most affordable and simple recipe. Take the strawberries, go through and thoroughly rinse it, and then carefully rub into a homogeneous mass. After this, boil the water in a small saucepan and add sugar and diluted starch. After the mass boils, gently enter into it the wiped strawberries, quickly pour into another bowl and cool. You should prepare such a drink, because little kids adore kissel, especially if you decorate it with a few fresh strawberries and serve with cream or milk.
Berry jelly from raspberry
- 400 grams of raspberries
- 3 tablespoons of starch
- 4 cups of clean water
- 3/4 cup sugar
Cooking method: In order to cook a crimson jelly, you need to squeeze out fresh raspberries and juice and leave it in the cold in china. After this, you need to pour the resulting squeezed three glasses of clean water and a few minutes to cook on medium heat, and then slowly strain. The received liquid put on an average fire, add in it all sugar and thicken with the starch, diluted with one glass of pure water. Once the mass boils, immediately remove it from the heat, pour in the previously prepared chilled raspberry juice and gently mix. Serve this berry jelly best with vanilla sauce or cream.
Kissel from fresh blackberry
- 250 grams of blackberry
- 60-90 grams of starch
- 4 cups of clean water
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 gram of citric acid
Cooking method: This recipe is perfect for those who decide to cook a thick and thick jelly. To do this, you need to thoroughly wipe all the berries through a fine sieve, then in a separate bowl strain the resulting juice and put it in the refrigerator. The remaining after wiping the squeezes pour three glasses of hot water and put on the fire. After boiling, this broth should be removed from the heat and strain. Then it is necessary to put into it citric acid, sugar and starch, diluted 1 glass of water, and again bring to a boil. Then add the berry chilled juice to the prepared jelly and pour into a small serving dish, lightly sprinkled sugar on top and remove the cooling.
Kissel from black currant
- 250 grams of black currant
- 4 tablespoons of starch
- 3 cups of water
- 3/4 cup sugar
Cooking method: To cook this jelly is best only from ripe and ripe berries, then it will have a rich and beautiful color. To do this, go and wash the currant, and then wipe it through a sieve. The resulting pulp fill with two glasses of water and cook for a few minutes, then strain. Then in the broth you need to add sugar and, stirring, pour the diluted starch. As soon as you remove the jelly from the fire, immediately pour the filtered juice into it, then pour the drink over the vases or glasses. This recipe is sure to come in handy for you in the heat of a hot summer.
Berry jelly from cranberry
- 4 glasses of water
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 cup of cranberry
- 3 tablespoons of starch
Cooking method: This recipe is very popular, because cranberries are very useful for catarrhal diseases. To prepare the jelly, go and rinse the berries, and then squeeze their juice. Put the squeezes in a saucepan, pour 3 cups of boiling water and cook for a few minutes, then the broth must be filtered. In this case, it can be added sugar, and then diluted starch, and after removing from the fire pour in the chilled cranberry juice and pour into the crockery. Do not forget that the berry jelly can not be cooked in aluminum dishes (in it it will acquire a blue tinge).
Kissel from berries of gooseberry
- 300 grams of gooseberry
- 3 tablespoons of starch
- 4 glasses of water
- 2 cups of sugar
Cooking method: To begin with, make a syrup of water and sugar, and then pour the berries into it and continue to cook until they are completely boiled. Then you can add starch, diluted in a glass of water, and bring the drink to a boil. After removing from the fire, the jelly is poured over small plates and left to cool. You can serve this dessert with milk or a delicious vanilla sauce. In general, for a jelly, any juicy and ripe fruit and berries will suit. The recipe for jelly from different berries has similar characteristics: it is important to remember that before adding starch, it must be diluted in water or broth and that the quantity of the finished beverage will depend on its quantity. Do not forget also that to preserve the beneficial properties of fresh berries you need to pour the juice obtained from them at the very end of cooking. We advise you to read: