For centuries, the psychology of the relationship of menand women viewed through the prism of sexism, when it was assumed that the man was known to be superior to a woman and his dominance over her. Modern society takes a firm step towards the goal of establishing complete equality between a strong and a weak sex; but the more we become equal in our rights, the more we lose awareness of the important differences between us. The desire for equality of different sexes narrowed the possibilities for understanding what really constitutes a masculine and feminine essence. But the world becomes boring, if everything is the same ...
Physiological differences between the sexes
Of course, it's good when everyone is equal. But we still remain different! When we talk about equality, we mean that everyone has the right to the same opportunities and protection within the law. But this equality does not negate the fact that men and women are very different from each other physiologically and psychologically. None of us will venture to argue with this. Physical differences are obvious, and most of them can be seen and even measured. Weight, body shape, anatomical differences, in contrast, for example, from political views, are material and therefore visible to the naked eye. Such physical differences between men and women from time immemorial provided us with functional advantages and had a value for survival. Men usually have a stronger upper body, an easily scalable muscle mass, thicker than our skin, which makes the guys almost never get bruises (in any case, much less often than we do), and they have an understated awareness threshold injuries of limbs. Men are mainly adapted for physical confrontation and the use of force. Their joints are well suited for throwing objects. The male skull is almost always much thicker and stronger than the female skull. As you can see, the statement that our gentlemen are almost all like a selection of "thick-skinned" and "stubborn", is by no means far-fetched! And such features of the structure of the body were due to the necessity of constant collisions and struggle with numerous opponents. And women have four times more brain cells that support the connection of the right and left hemispheres. This is a relatively recent discovery, which easily explains why men "rely" mainly on the left hemisphere, because of which they are characterized by such an algorithm of actions, when one task is solved at a time. Beautiful ladies have much more free access to both parts of the brain, and therefore can use their right hemisphere much more effectively. Therefore, it is easier for us to focus on several problems at once, and we prefer to solve problems using several one-step actions. If you still remember yourself as a teenager, you probably did not forget how boring the conversations of the boys seemed to us. Guys are too confused, in our opinion, expressed their thoughts, and preferred to drive football rather than participate in the conversation of four or five girls who discussed three problems at once! Psychological differences in men and women are less obvious, so sometimes they are difficult to describe. Nevertheless, these differences can have the deepest impact on the formation of relationships between people of different sex, and this applies to all types of relationships - friendship, business cooperation, marriage, parenting and much more.
Psychological differences between men and women
Most common causes of problemsrelationships arise precisely because the partners do not always realize the difference in each other's psychology. But if there was an understanding that we carry in ourselves two completely different perceptions of the surrounding reality, we could understand one another. So, what are the main psychological differences between us?
Different approach to problem solving I would like toa little more detail on the difference with which men and women are approaching the solution of emerging problems, because it is precisely in such situations that disagreements and conflicts most often arise. While both can find a sufficiently effective solution to the problem, the process itself often has very big differences. For most women, exchanging views and discussing the difficulties that arise presents an opportunity to study the problem, simultaneously deepening and strengthening the relationship with the partner. As a rule, we are more puzzled by how exactly the problem is being solved. It is faced with any difficulty, a woman can either feel less isolated, discussing the problem with a partner, or misunderstood and lonely, if she does not want to listen. That is, for her, the process of resolving the problem can strengthen or weaken the connection with the partner. Men approach difficulties in a completely different manner than we do. For most of them, solving the problem makes it possible to demonstrate their competence, significance, strength and determination. How the problem is solved is absolutely irrelevant for them; the main thing is that it be solved effectively and with the best result. Therefore, men tend to dominate the problem situation. They try to "take power into their own hands," when it is necessary to seek a way out of the critical situation. At the same time, they are completely not guided by feelings and emotions - for them there is only a task, and its solution becomes a means of proving its masculinity.
Understanding the difference between the sexes facilitates mutual understanding
Lack of understanding between usThe difference inevitably causes and misunderstanding each other. Our inability to accept and appreciate these differences can for the rest of our lives become a source of bitter disappointment, frustration, stress, and as a result of the collapse of the relationship. Such misunderstanding can destroy even the most prosperous and happy relations. With all this, one can not unequivocally state that a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman is fundamentally impossible. Problems arise when people of the same sex expect people of the opposite sex, that they think, feel or act just like themselves. Although, of course, it can not be said that men and women live in completely different realities. Rather, it is our ignorance of the psychology of each other that leads to friction between us. So it turns out: despite great successes in the general aspiration for gender equality, modern society has not made relations between men and women easier. We hoped that we would live with each other in harmony and mutual understanding, but these expectations were unrealizable. In the end, while it only gets worse: we constantly offend partners and take offense ourselves, do not find a common language and bring each other only disappointments. The task that confronts us is to learn to accept our differences, which arise precisely because of the difference in perception of the world, and to compromise when possible. It is necessary to understand that every person has the right to live his life to the fullest, and we must avoid trying to change others in order to satisfy our own needs. If we want to be happy, we must remember once and for all: the psychology of a happy relationship between a man and a woman is based on the desire of the partners to give the loved one the opportunity to be himself, and not to become a source of suffering and disappointment in the lives of the people we love. We advise you to read: