skin problems face The eyes are the mirror of the soul, the people'swisdom. And what is the skin of the face? On this account this wisdom is silent. But voice doctors - dermatologists. They claim that the skin of the face is the most real mirror of the state of human health. And in particular - the work of all internal organs without exception. Therefore, problems with the skin of the face are far from merely aesthetic. Any problem is a clear indication that there is one or another problem in the human body. Almost any disease leaves a trace on the condition of the skin of a person - this or that part of it changes, and sometimes the skin type changes completely. We will not talk about problems like acne, etc., although they are also nothing more than a disease. We will talk about more serious cases that require as soon as possible a visit to the doctor - a dermatologist, and if necessary - to other narrow specialists. After all, very often, in our furious rhythm of modern life, people simply do not pay attention to such, in their opinion, trivia. And very vain, because any disease is much easier to treat if it is diagnosed in a timely manner. And for the delay can pay too high a price.

Furunculous eruptions

Very often people are faced with a situation wherepreviously absolutely healthy skin of the face begins to become intensively covered with purulent eruptions and even boils. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, and all of them require treatment. Let's look at them:

  • Hormonal disorders in the body

Very many women complain that similarRashes occur most often just before the onset of menstruation. Of course, you can tolerate the situation, a few days a month harrying supplies of foundation and matting pencil. However, in no case forget that the problem is not only aesthetic. Most often, a similar phenomenon is observed in the event that there is a disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system, resulting in a hormonal background in the woman's body changes. And hormonal disorders can lead to the most serious consequences for a woman's health - this is the failure of the menstrual cycle, and various diseases of internal organs, and even infertility. The prospect can please except that masochists. And to warn all these complications is quite possible, if in time to seek medical help.

  • Disruption of the bowel

If you have passed tests, the results of whichshowed that with the level of hormones everything is in order, you need to pay special attention to the state of the intestine. Analyze your state of health - do you experience painful sensations in the intestinal region, do you have a regular chair or have constipation, are there no causal diarrhea? After all, very often the disruption of the normal functioning of the intestine is the cause of the onset of purulent rashes on the skin. And in this case, the localization of the rash is more extensive - it is not limited only to the skin of the face. Most likely, the doctor will assign you a series of studies and tests that will help determine the condition of the intestinal microflora. If necessary, the doctor will appoint the appropriate treatment. But you yourself must start acting. The best thing you can do is to reconsider your diet. Eliminate all fatty, spicy and salty foods, alcoholic, carbonated and caffeinated drinks. But the fiber-rich product, like sour milk, will come at the right time. problems with skin

Redness of the skin

Redness of the skin is a problem familiar to manypeople. As a rule, people often wave off this phenomenon, as from an annoying fly. However, this can not be done in any case, since the reddening of the skin can indicate various abnormalities of the body, sometimes quite serious. The level of blood in the blood of red blood cells largely determines the color of the skin, especially on the face. A reddish shade very often occurs just when this level rises significantly. This phenomenon is extremely dangerous - the blood becomes thicker, the heart receives a stronger load. In addition, at times the likelihood of developing such a dangerous and unpleasant phenomenon as thrombosis increases. And it is extremely important to notice this in time and take the necessary measures. And you can do this only by giving a general blood test, the direction your doctor will give you. In the event that the facial skin is periodically covered with red spots with edema resembling hives, you can suspect either atopic dermatitis or allergic reactions. Redness of the skin in this case is due to the fact that a large amount of histamine and other biologically active substances are released into the blood. In order to identify the allergen that led to the appearance of such a reaction, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations - immunological examination of blood, provocative tests, skin tests. At the time of the research, while the allergen is not accurately established, the doctors recommend completely eliminating from the diet all the foods that most often provoke the development of allergic reactions. These include seafood, chicken eggs, citrus fruits, drinks with dyes and coffee. In addition, it is recommended to exclude all sweet foods - in this way it is possible to reduce the amount of histamine produced. Accordingly, inflammatory processes decrease.

Swelling around the eyes

Swelling around the eyes is a skin problem can be calledonly conditionally. But nevertheless, it is by no means impossible to bypass this problem - the appearance of edemas in all cases indicates serious violations in the body - either about the violation of water metabolism, or about the pathological functioning of the kidneys. All this immediately reflects on the person's face. Edema occurs due to the fact that water accumulates in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. This is especially noticeable after waking up, in the morning. As a rule, during the day, the kidneys work is always a bit more active, so the puffiness disappears.

  • Subcooling

By the way, most often victims of thisphenomena become representatives of the fair sex. Most often, kidney problems occur as a result of hypothermia or a sharp decrease in body weight. But it's women for the sake of beauty are ready for anything. On forty-degree frost in kapron pantyhose and thin boots? You're welcome! And then, as a result, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other "delights." In order to establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to give an overall analysis of urine and blood, to do an ultrasound. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the treatment of the disease.

  • Sharp weight loss

Get rid of extra pounds in the shortesttiming, through the strictest diet? Yes, with great pleasure, at least right now we will begin. It's familiar, is not it? But a sharp weight loss often leads to a shift in the kidneys and, as a result, the violation of their work. In order not to expose yourself to this danger, remember that you can not lose more than 2 kilograms per week. Otherwise, kidney problems will not be the only ones. Moreover - if you care about your health, before losing weight it would be the most sensible to seek advice from a dietitian.

  • Thyroid problems

In the event that the puffiness does not disappear in theDuring the day, the doctor may suspect hypothyroidism. This disease develops in the event that the body has a shortage of hormone produced by the thyroid gland. In order to clarify the diagnosis, you need to pass a blood test for hormones. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe drugs containing iodine - they stabilize the thyroid gland. skin problems

Skin peeling

No less common and such a problem aspeeling skin of the face - she is familiar to every third woman. And if the majority of women face this phenomenon periodically, then some lucky ones are less fortunate - skin peeling is a common thing for them. There are several reasons that can lead to this problem:

  • Allergic reactions

The fact that the allergy is most unfavorablecan affect the condition of the skin of the face, as discussed above. And in addition to redness, it is the peeling that can become a manifestation of this very allergy. Scheme of action in this situation is standard - an appeal to an allergist, tests and tests, selection of appropriate therapy. Do not forget to adjust your diet.

  • Cosmetic preparations

Do not forget that the allergic reaction andirritation of the skin can cause decorative cosmetics, as well as preparations for skin care. Try to completely abandon their use for a while. Under the ban even toilet soap - at least for three days. If the skin condition improves, most likely, it is in the cosmetics. You will have to find out experimentally what is causing the allergic reaction from cosmetic products. As you understand, you will have to abandon the use of this tool forever. Moreover - if you have already had cases of an allergic reaction to cosmetic preparations, henceforth you should approach their choice very carefully, for several days watching how your skin reacts.

  • Iron-deficiency anemia

Are you surprised? Yes, yes, it is iron deficiency anemia that can provoke a strong skin peeling. As a rule, she is also dehydrated on top of everything else. Skin flies due to the fact that the lack of iron inevitably breaks the process of epithelial renewal. This is what leads to the formation of scales. And the stronger the lack of iron, the more flaky the skin - in particularly severe cases, it can look as if a woman received a sunburn. In women, the risk of anemia is much higher than that of men. First, the woman's body absorbs iron, obtained with food, a little worse than the male. And secondly, a woman during menstruation is a regular blood loss, albeit not great. And all the same notorious diets often become the culprits of serious anemia. Moreover, skin peeling, caused precisely by anemia, is by no means the only symptom of the disease. So, for example, there are violations of smell or taste. Have you noticed with surprise that you are happy to spend time in the department of household chemistry, inhaling the fragrance of washing powder? You suddenly wanted oranges and herrings? A whitewashing on the wall and beckons to him, promising minutes of bliss? No, of course, go to the pharmacy: a pregnancy test is good and necessary. However, do not forget to go to the doctor on the way to the pharmacy and take a blood test. After all, it is anemia that causes these strange attachments. In addition, the color of the skin also changes. Look in the mirror - what do you see there? If your gaze appears aristocratic pallor of the face, as well as the whites of the eyes, which have a bluish tinge, do not rush to rejoice. Most likely, the noble roots of your great-grandmother are not at all. But anemia "put your hand" to your complexion with a very high probability. If you notice the above signs, do not hesitate to contact your doctor! Anemia is by no means such a trifling illness as it is used to believe. In especially severe cases, it can endanger not only health, but also the life of a sick person. The doctor will select a suitable course of intensive care, which will help raise the hemoglobin level in the shortest possible time. Of course, this course is selected individually for each patient. And subsequently it is necessary to regularly monitor blood counts - this will help to avoid relapse of the disease. As you can see for yourself, the condition of the facial skin can tell a lot about human health. The main thing is to hear this "story" in time and not ignore it. After all, the manifestations on the skin are, as a rule, the most initial stage of a disease. So, coping with it will be quite simple. Be healthy and beautiful! We advise you to read:

