preparation for the interview We can congratulate you - you have successfully completedthe first stage of job search! You called the employer and invited for an interview (and, perhaps, you even overcame a telephone interview!). Of course, you might think that half the way is passed, but do not relax: now your head should be preparing for an interview, which will help you easily get the desired position.

7 Secrets of Successful Training

Those who have never looked for a job canit seems that preparing for an interview is an unnecessary business. In the end, after all, you're an excellent worker, and you just need to come to a meeting with the employer, show yourself in all its glory, as they will definitely take you! But, unfortunately, everything is not so simple: the interview is much like an exam, and even if your head has enough knowledge to answer the questions of the teacher, you can so prove yourself that the examiner will put you no higher than the "troika". In the transfer to a career language, this may mean not receiving the desired position. That's why the interview, as well as any other responsible event, you need to properly prepare. We offer to your attention seven secrets of the correct and successful attitude to communicate with the employer.

Positive state

It's no secret that the spirit of victoryis fifty percent of the success in achieving the goal. In the case of an interview, the installation "I will receive this post", self-confidence and my qualification is one of the most important personal manifestations. Unfortunately, very many people are characterized by various fears: fear of not meeting the requirements, not liking externally, not having enough knowledge, skills, skills and much more ... This fear is reflected in the whole behavior of the person: an experienced employer will immediately see the uncertainty in their own abilities, which will affect your posture, gait, gestures and speech. But how to stop being afraid and tune in to victory? The most effective in this regard is visualization. This method is based on the use of neurolinguistic programming and one of its basic provisions: in order to achieve some goal, you need to become the person who has already achieved it. Does this sound a bit confusing? Let's explain by example: suppose you want to become vice-president of a large transnational corporation. What should be the person occupying this position? Strong, purposeful, initiative, responsible, resolute, etc. ... And until you become such a position, you do not see. To make visualization, you need to present yourself in the future work in as much detail and detail as possible, using all five senses and thinking. What are you? What do you do? With whom do you communicate? What clothes do you wear? Where is your office located? How is the working day? The more questions you ask yourself and the more answers you get, the more likely it is for you to successfully complete the interview. preparation for interview with the employer

Self-confidence and adequate self-esteem

As we already mentioned above, many people are peculiarfear. In order to overcome it, you need to understand if your worries have real grounds. Agree, it is one thing when yesterday's sales manager claims a "top" vacancy, and another - when you have the necessary experience, knowledge, skills and skills to perform the work. If you look good and know how to submit yourself, then, most likely, it is a banal alarm and low self-esteem (yes, this happens even with "burnt" professionals!). An excellent way to increase self-esteem and self-confidence is auto-training. The main advantage of this method is that it is effective with relatively little time and effort. In order to conduct auto-training, include relaxation music, think about something pleasant and feel the inner warmth. Concentrate on these feelings and then start giving yourself positive attitudes (like in the film "I'm the most charming and attractive"): I have the necessary work experience, I have enough knowledge for this position, I look like a professional, etc. ... However, low self-esteem is not the only option of inadequate self-perception. It is not uncommon for a person to consider himself to be the best specialist in his field, and this opinion does not coincide with the real state of things at all. Usually, such applicants on the run "bully their nose," and on their face periodically there is contempt for the potential employer, and to all the surrounding people. Do you think there is a high probability of getting a job from such a mountain specialist? Correctly, it tends to zero. Therefore, try to adequately assess your own strengths and abilities; for example, if you have never managed even one person and are horrified at the thought of it, you should not pretend to be the head of the sales department.


Our era is not for nothing recognized as an era of informationtechnologies. The information now is the main and most effective weapon, and you must have it. What do you need to know before the interview? First of all, this is information about the position. You must carefully read the announcement of the vacancy. Very often we react emotionally to such things (especially in case of a prolonged job search) and ignore important details and features. For example, an employer needs only a man, and your desire to take a position with a high probability will be a waste of time. The second important block of information that you should own is knowledge of the organization in which you are going to work. By the way, most of all it is necessary for you: suddenly this office will turn out to be a "hell on wheels"? This can be expressed in a very rigid and authoritarian corporate culture or unethical activities of the corporation. Therefore, carefully study not only the main site of the organization, but also the feedback of people already working there. Ask former employees why they left, find out about the specifics of applying the labor code, for example, how easy it is to get a sick-list. All this will help you to make a clear idea of ​​how it is accepted to work. Finally, the orientation in the information about the organization will help you to better understand the nature of the vacancy and the list of responsibilities. In particular, if you are applying for the position of a sales manager, is it not superfluous to learn as much as possible about what products you are going to sell - suddenly it will turn out to be cheap Chinese counterfeits, and then you have to fight off the furious customers? In addition, knowing about the main directions of the organization, it will be easier for you to understand the recruiter and offer him what he wants. And the last. Do not forget that any actions in one way or another show your individual characteristics to the employer. In the light of this, having the right information can help demonstrate the best qualities to the person conducting the interview. What will it be associated with?

  • Motivation The fact that you have previously studied the information about the company and the vacancy indicates your genuine interest in getting a job.
  • The ability to find the right data In this century, this is an important professional quality number one - without it any worker can be considered unqualified.
  • Initiative In most cases, a reasonableinitiative and activity, manifested in the fact that you are prepared for the interview and own information, are pluses to the characteristics of the applicant. As a rule, the employer is interested in such people.
  • Independence No one needs an employee,running towards the boss, as a mom, for any reason, whether it is preparing a report or drafting a commercial proposal. That's why the fact that you yourself found information about the company and the post, and do not expect it from the recruiter, will be added to your list of merits.

correct preparation for the interview


Studies by psychologists have shown that acceptancethe decision to close the vacancy by 75% is due to the impression that the candidate made on the employer. Simply put, whether you liked the interviewer or not, depends on whether you will be hired. For example, it is known that the impression of a man is formed in the first 5 minutes of acquaintance. If it is positive, the recruiter will ask questions that will help you to open up from the good side, if negative, then he will try to "overwhelm you". That is why it is so important to attract sympathy from the interviewer, and good self-presentation skills will help you. Impressions about yourself you owe not only to your words, but also their manner of pronouncing. About 70% of information about the interlocutor we receive from non-verbal signals: gait, posture, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech. Based on this, an experienced recruiter can draw conclusions about your character, style of activity, communication skills and much more. In order for these conclusions to be positive, we suggest that you use a few simple tips:

  • Confidently and calmly look at the interlocutor during a conversation. No need to look at the floor or the landscape in the window, but also to stare in an attempt to win the game "in a glance" is also not worth it.
  • Watch your posture - your back should be straightenedregardless of whether you are standing or sitting. A little forward, this will express your lively and genuine interest in the communication partner (and you have it, do not you?). Try not to fidget in the chair, no matter how worried you are.
  • Write down the key points on the sheet of paperyour conversation - this in no way violates the rules of good taste, but, conversely, characterizes you as a business and collected person. But it's worth following yourself: if instead of writing down the case you are going to draw all sorts of meaningless scribbles, it will be perceived as boredom and lack of interest in what is happening.
  • Use "open" gestures and pose, for example,Put your hands on the table, and palms pull forward, as if opening them. Turn your face and body to your companion. Avoid all possible crosses of hands and feet - these are "closed", defensive postures, and threatening gestures - such as swinging your index finger.
  • Smile, but calmly and openly, and not forced. If you have a mood, you can joke. It is not necessary to sit with an indifferent kind, grumble or skeptically grin - this unambiguously repels.
  • Of course, in a conversation about self-presentation,mention the clothes. This is a topic for a separate article, so we will only outline the main points. The style of clothing must match the position you are applying for, and the corporate spirit of the organization. Your things should be clean, neat and tidy. And, of course, do not put on all the most expensive and best: an experienced recruiter will immediately figure out a fake (if you can not afford such clothes), and this will be attributed to your misses.

    Knowledge of the course of the interview

    We have raised the issue of fear more than once. If you exclude self-doubt, the source of fear is often uncertainty, when you do not know what you are. Accordingly, the best means of dealing with it is all the same information, only concerning the course of the interview. Almost always it begins with a short story about the applicant about himself. You may be asked to voice a short monologue or confine yourself to point questions relating to specific biographical facts. Recruiters are likely to be interested in how you ended up in a job search situation and why they decided to consider their vacancy. You may also be asked to answer the "golden" four of the most frequently asked questions:

    • What are your main strengths and weaknesses?
    • Who do you see yourself in five years from now?
    • Why did you choose this professional sphere?
    • Tell us about your professional achievements

    Sometimes recruiters behave strangely and curiously,for example, they can ask you to say something pleasant at the end or start to swear very loudly. Most often this is an element of the so-called "stress-interview", whose task is to see how you behave in a stressful situation or how you solve a particular problem. Therefore, if you sensed something that was not right, stay calm and "turn on" your head. Some candidates are frightened by possible professional testing. In fact, the experienced recruiter does not need to conduct any special procedures, he already sees everything. So do not waste time on solving the questions in the test methodology - better honestly and calmly answer them. In the end, if you come up, they will make you an offer, and if not, maybe it's better? successful preparation for interview with the employer

    Understanding the Recruiter

    Or rather an understanding of what the recruiter wants. This understanding is very important, because you can prove yourself in two ways: the way you think is necessary, and the way a recruiter will need. Which option is more effective? Naturally, the second. That is why one of the points of preparation for the interview should be an attempt to put yourself in the place of a person, this is the interviewer's own interview. How to do it best? First, you need to find out who will conduct your interview - a recruiter, a human resources manager or an immediate employer. This is important, because each of them has slightly different goals. The task of the recruiter is to weed out candidates who are fundamentally unsuitable for the demands of the employer. For example, if you want a person with a higher education, and the applicant does not. The HR manager has a more serious goal - he needs to close a job with the right person. Therefore, his share already has a great psychological burden - he will analyze your business and personal qualities. Interviewing with the employer is the most important event, because he really wants to find an employee with whom he will have a long and fruitful cooperation. The complexity of the latter case is that if recruiters and HR managers, as a rule, have more or less the same set of techniques, then the employer can surprise you with a completely unexpected rush or whim. But this can be treated as a real test of your relationship to compatibility. In general, one of the most effective methods - put yourself in the place of the person conducting the interview, and try to behave in such a way as to interest him. You, probably, were surprised, not having seen in article words about qualification and experience. In this there is nothing strange - anyone understands that to perform certain duties you need specific knowledge, skills and skills. Therefore, if you do not have them, and they will be needed from the very beginning of the work, and there is nowhere to get them - do not waste time on this vacancy. It is better to look for something that really suits you. And how to prepare for the upcoming interview, we all told you everything, and now you will pass it! We advise you to read:

