Pregnancy Week 12: signs. At the twelfth week of pregnancy the brain continues to develop, but already at this stage of its development it is very similar to the brain of an adult person, only in miniature. Now, when all the bases of the baby's body have already been laid, it remains to make a few final strokes. The fetal muscular system is already advanced enough, however its movements still remain involuntary. On the fingers and toes is the development of the rudiments of the nails. The liver of the baby begins to produce bile by itself, and the intestine for the first time does not enter the abdominal cavity for the first time. pregnancy 12 week uzi Pregnancy 12th week: uzi. At this time of pregnancy with ultrasound, you can see how your baby makes various acrobatic tricks. If you have a boy, then he has already degenerated female reproductive organs, giving way to the male principle. All the systems of the fetal organism have already fully formed, now they have to grow and develop up to the very birth. Every day the child becomes more and more like his parents. If you have a pregnancy of 12 weeks, then your baby is now about the size of a large chicken egg. Its length is about 60 mm, and weight - within 9-13 grams. Intrauterine growth of the baby at week 12Pregnancy Week 12: Symptoms. At this time of pregnancy, the placenta is given the leading role in the production of hormones, which are usually necessary to maintain pregnancy. Previously, this function was performed by a yellow body formed on the site of a ripe egg. At this stage, the poor state of health associated with early toxicosis should stop. However, with multiple pregnancies, the manifestation of toxicosis may persist for some time. At this time of pregnancy, the heart begins to beat more often, the uterus rises to the abdominal cavity, because, having increased by about 10 centimeters in width, it already lacks space in the hip part of the body. Now, according to the results of ultrasound (by the size of the fetus), the doctor can more accurately determine the term of labor. We advise you to read: