It is generally accepted that cooking pilaf isthe pinnacle of culinary excellence. Indeed, professional chefs know thousands of secrets of how to make the most delicious rice dish. And the main one is not even the choice of the right ingredients, but the process of working with them, so to speak, the technology. But in general, it is not necessary to cook rice with meat. Pilaf with seafood can be no less delicious than the traditional version. Do you want to learn how to make rice crumbly, and not turn seafood into rubber? Then choose any recipe described below, and you will definitely succeed!
Pilaf with seafood cocktail, vegetables and green peas
This kind of pilaf is quite easy to prepare, andWhen served, it looks very beautiful, as it includes various color combinations. The dish owes its rich aroma and taste to celery, parsley, garlic and spices. Such an unusual combination of rice, green peas, traditional vegetables and unusual additional components make this recipe very interesting and worth spending time on mastering. Especially since the necessary products are available in every store. Ingredients:
- Basmati rice - 200 grams
- seafood cocktail - 300 grams
- carrots - 1 piece
- onion - 1 piece
- green peas (fresh or frozen) - 100 grams
- celery root - 50 grams
- parsley root - 50 grams
- garlic head - 1 piece
- salt - to taste
- black pepper - to taste
- nutmeg - to taste
- olive oil - 50 milliliters
Способ приготовления: Не торопитесь доставать из морозильной камеры упаковку с коктейлем из морепродуктов. Данный рецепт позволяет обойтись без предварительного размораживания, поскольку в дальнейшем предусматривается полноценная термообработка этих ингредиентов. Все овощи, за исключением чеснока, почистите и вымойте. Морковь, лук, корни сельдерея и петрушки нарежьте небольшими одинаковыми кубиками. Чеснок просто разделите на зубчики, удалив лишь верхний слой шелухи. В глубокой сковороде или казане прокалите оливковое масло. Именно в хорошем нагреве жира и состоит первый секрет того, как приготовить вкусный рассыпчатый плов с морепродуктами, а не сварить рисовую кашу с осьминогами и мидиями. Поэтому не торопитесь и дождитесь, чтобы над маслом в сковороде появился легкий белый дым. В этом случае вы услышите сигнал к действию — характерное потрескивание. Это значит, что овощную нарезку пора быстренько выкладывать в емкость с маслом и хорошенько обжаривать, не забывая помешивать, чтобы ни один из компонентов не пригорел. В это же время нужно добавить туда и зубчики чеснока. Как только лук станет мягким и прозрачным, высыпьте к овощам зеленый горошек. Сковороду накройте крышкой и продолжайте тушить ее содержимое на слабом огне до готовности. Ориентироваться лучше всего на консистенцию горошка — он должен стать очень мягким и напоминать консервированный, поэтому обратите внимание на его цвет при покупке или просто попробовать. Если вкус овоща сладковатый и приятный, а цвет — нежно-зеленый, значит, он молодой. Конечно, приобретая замороженный горошек, остается надеяться исключительно на совесть производителя, ведь внутрь пакета не заглянешь. Когда все овощи достигнут готовности, их необходимо будет посолить, приправить перцем и мускатным орехом по вкусу. Не забудьте вынуть чеснок, он уже не нужен. После можно будет доставать морепродукты из морозилки. Если на них много льда, то просто на несколько секунд погрузите их в горячую воду. При сухой заморозке этого делать не нужно. Выложите морепродукты в сковороду с овощами, накройте крышкой и тушите в течение 10-12 минут. На этом этапе многие хозяйки допускают одну ошибку, наливая туда же еще и воду. Не делайте этого, в противном случае ваш зирвак окажется ненасыщенным и пресноватым, что не лучшим образом скажется на вкусовых характеристиках будущего плова. В отдельной кастрюле сварите рис. С морепродуктами отлично сочетается именно сорт Басмати. Он имеет собственный аромат, а зерна его длинные и ровные. Настоящий восточный плов готовится исключительно из такой крупы. А чтобы рис получился рассыпчатым, возьмите на заметку еще один кулинарный секрет. Если вы варите 1 стакан риса, то воды для этого вам потребуется примерно в полтора-два раза больше. Пренебрегая такой пропорцией, вы получите совсем не тот результат, который требуется. Поэтому налейте в кастрюлю необходимое количество холодной воды, посолите ее и положите 1 столовую ложку сливочного масла. Рис тщательно промойте, лучше сделать это несколько раз. Когда вода закипит, засыпьте его в кастрюлю и варите на минимальном огне в течение 20 минут. Когда указанное время истечет, переложите рис в сковороду с зирваком из овощей и морепродуктов, перемешайте и пропарьте там не более 5 минут. Вот и все, плов с коктейлем из морепродуктов готов. Подавать его можно как в горячем, так и в холодном виде. Будет одинаково вкусно, ароматно и, что немаловажно, легко для организма, а сам рецепт наверняка займет достойное место в вашей кулинарной коллекции.
Pilaf with seafood and ginger
This pilaf is completely different from the one described above.You can catch Japanese notes in it. Firstly, it uses round rice instead of long grain rice. Secondly, ginger powder is used as a seasoning - a traditional Japanese spice. By the way, you can also use pickled ginger, but it must be served as an additional ingredient in a separate plate. As you can see, the recipe allows you to experiment a little and choose the option that you like best. Ingredients:
- Round grain rice - 200 grams
- seafood: scallop, white fish meat, squid, mussels and shrimp - 700 grams
- carrots - 2 pieces
- onion - 2 pieces
- ginger powder - 1 teaspoon
- refined sunflower oil - 30 milliliters
- salt - to taste
Method of preparation:Rinse the rice under running water several times and leave it to soak while you prepare the remaining ingredients for the pilaf. Peel the vegetables, cut the carrots into strips, and finely chop the onion. Defrost the seafood, rinse and dry. Pour sunflower oil into a cauldron and let it heat up, then put the seafood in there. When you feel a characteristic sour smell, sprinkle everything with ginger powder, and it will disappear. It is better to fry the seafood over medium heat. As soon as the liquid they release evaporates, add the onion to the cauldron and cook until transparent for 5-7 minutes. Now put in the carrots, fry. Cover the container with a lid and simmer its contents for another 10-14 minutes. Make sure that the liquid that all the ingredients release during cooking covers them. Otherwise, add a little boiling water. Do not forget to salt everything. After the specified time, place the pre-strained rice in the cauldron and carefully pour water over it to the thickness of two fingers. Try not to mix the layers. Use a spatula to make holes in the cereal, allowing the liquid to penetrate to the vegetables and seafood. Add salt again to taste, and make the fire maximum. When the pilaf boils, reduce the temperature, cover the cauldron with a lid, and put a towel twisted into a bundle around the edges to prevent steam from escaping. Cook the dish for 50 minutes. Then turn off the stove and let it brew for another 10 minutes. In principle, nothing terrible will happen if you keep the pilaf on the fire for a little too long. The recipe allows for this - the main thing is that nothing burns. After the specified time, open the lid, stir the contents of the cauldron and put the pilaf on a large plate. That's it, you can serve the dish!
Pilaf with seafood in Spanish, or paella
As mentioned above, the combination of rice andseafood cannot be called a classic pilaf, but this recipe is very popular in Europe. The Spanish came up with their own name for the dish - paella. In addition to traditional ingredients, they add sausage or chicken. It turns out more satisfying. But if you want to cook a light and healthy dish, then limit yourself to vegetables and seafood. Ingredients:
- Round rice - 1 glass
- seafood (shrimp, cuttlefish, oysters, squid, octopus) - 200 grams
- onion - 1 piece
- kidney beans - 100 grams
- tomato (large and ripe) - 1 piece
- pepper bulgarian red - 1 piece
- broth chicken - 200 milliliters
- olive oil - 2 tablespoons
- 1 tsp turmeric
- salt, pepper black ground - to taste
Method of preparation:If you are using frozen seafood, take it out of the refrigerator in advance, let it defrost, wash and dry it. Wash the rice very thoroughly. The cleaner it is, the higher the chances of getting crumbly pilaf. After washing, pour warm water over the rice and leave it to soak for an hour. Peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Be sure to peel the tomato. To do this, dip it in boiling water for half a minute, and then pour cold water over it. Then make a cross-shaped cut at the very top and see how easy it is to remove the skin. Wash the pepper and remove the seeds. Chop the vegetables into small cubes. Remove the ends of the green beans and cut the remaining parts into pieces no longer than 1 centimeter. Take a deep frying pan with thick walls, pour olive oil into it and fry the onion half rings in it until they become transparent and soft. When this happens, add the rest of the vegetables and cook them for 5 minutes over medium heat. Now put the seafood in the pan, stir and simmer under the lid until done. Keep in mind that if they include squid, the cooking time should not exceed 3-4 minutes. And if you decide to do without them, you can simmer everything for 5 or even 7 minutes. At the end of the process, add salt, spices, add chicken broth and water (150-200 milliliters), mix everything well and let it boil. After this, it will be time to put rice in the pan, from which, of course, you must first drain the water. Cover the future paella with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook like this for 30 minutes. After the specified time, remove the pan from the stove and wrap it in a blanket for about 10 minutes. This will allow the rice to absorb the remaining liquid, and the spices to fully reveal all their aromas.
Chinese pilaf with shrimps
Fans of healthy eating and a variety ofdieters will surely love this simple recipe from the Celestial Empire, because it contains very few calories. People who observe fasts will also like it, because on the so-called "fish days" the dish will bring significant variety to a rather meager diet. By the way, the taste of this dish resembles paella, only it has a different taste - sweetish and not spicy. Ingredients:
- uncooked shrimps - 150 grams
- rice round boiled - 1 glass
- pepper bulgarian red - 1 piece
- onion - 1 piece
- dill - 12 branches
- soy sauce - to taste
- sunflower oil refined - 2 tablespoons
- salt - to taste
Method of preparation:As you can see, the number of ingredients is small, about 2 servings. If you want to cook more Chinese pilaf, just increase the proportions. This dish can be eaten cold. Now let's move on to the cooking process itself. Peel the onion, remove the seeds from the bell pepper. Rinse the vegetables and dill under running water, dry and chop finely. Simmer the shrimp in boiling water for a while, fish them out as soon as they float to the surface and remove the shells. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up and fry the onion and shrimp in it, then put them on a separate plate. So, you already have three ingredients: rice, which is cooked in advance, onion and seafood. Now it's the pepper's turn. It also needs to be fried in oil so that the consistency of the pieces becomes soft. Once this happens, return the onion and shrimp to the pan, add rice, pour soy sauce and salt if necessary. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and simmer under the lid for 3 minutes, no longer. As you can see, everything is simple, fast and, most importantly, very healthy. Enjoy!
Plov in Japanese, or sufido tahan
There are many recipes for pilaf in Japanseafood. As a rule, all the ingredients are prepared separately and mixed at the very last stage, almost before serving. If you like Japanese cuisine, you will also appreciate this recipe. The pilaf turns out very unusual, aromatic and tasty. Ingredients:
- rice for sushi boiled - 500 grams
- seafood cocktail - 500 grams
- onion (required white) - 1/2 pcs.
- Bulgarian red pepper - 1 piece
- carrots - 1 piece
- pepper bulgarian yellow - 1 pc.
- onion green - 10 feathers
- Salt, ground pepper - to taste
- sesame oil
Method of preparation:So, the recipe requires using ready-made rice. Boil all the seafood you have in water. Peel the onion and carrot and cut into small cubes. Put them in a frying pan with heated sesame oil, fry until golden brown. Peel the bell pepper, cut into small squares and also put them in with the onion and carrot. Put the boiled seafood there. Continue to simmer for 5 minutes, and then pour in the beaten egg. After the specified time, add salt, pepper and combine with rice. Cook for another 5 minutes, then pour in soy sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions. Japanese pilaf is ready. As you can see, the recipe is simple and accessible to almost everyone. Despite this, the dish is very tasty. There is no doubt about its usefulness. Pilaf can be called the most popular dish in many countries of the East and Asia without exaggeration. The locals proudly say that almost every settlement, from a large city to a provincial village, has its own recipe for this dish. Of course, it is served both as everyday food and on the festive table. By the way, pilaf is eaten by almost all strata of the population: both the poor and the rich. It serves as a kind of unifying element for people who consider this dish their national food. Europeans also love pilaf, especially its light version, where seafood is used instead of meat. Try to cook it and see how tasty and simple it is.