pigmentation spots on the skin It is unlikely that the list of desires at least one woman canfind pigment spots on the skin. But nevertheless they arise often enough, and then, when they are not waiting at all. And women try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. In most cases, by the way, using improvised means. But alas, in most cases everything ends very badly - burns the skin. And pigmented spots, like that cart, are still there. It would seem that the way out of this situation is obvious - to go to a professional cosmetologist. However, not all women have such an opportunity - someone does not have free time, and someone does not have money. So what do you do? Simply put up and continue to try to mask the pigmentation spots with foundation and powder? Of course not! Eliminate pigment spots, or at least make them less visible, and at home. The main thing is to prepare funds strictly according to the prescription and do the procedures not more often than recommended.

Whitening lotions

If the color of the pigmented spots is not too dark,most likely you will be able to get rid of them with the help of bleaching lotions alone. The most important rule is their regular application. If you only lubricate the skin periodically, from time to time, you will not see any effect.

  • Cucumber lotion

The bleaching properties of cucumbers were knownour grandmothers. Do not neglect them and us - the results will surely please you. One small fresh cucumber, grate on a fine grater, without peeling. Cucumber put in any tightly closed container (most conveniently in a bottle), pour 50 grams of vodka and leave to infuse on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Insist lotion should be at least one week, about two or three times a day shaking the bottle. Then, using a strainer or gauze cloth, cucumber lotion strain, pour back into the bottle and add 50 grams of cold boiled water. Everything, your lotion is ready for use. Moisten the cotton pad in the lotion and wipe the pigment spots. After the skin has dried, repeat the procedure again. In total there should be three or four such approaches a day. If you notice that the skin begins to peel off, add another 50 grams of clean water to the lotion. And always use moisturizing cream! You will notice the first results in two weeks. But to consolidate the result, continue treatment for a month. If the resulting result does not suit you, you should look for another remedy.

  • Lemon Lotion

Lemon lotion acts a little moreaggressively than cucumber. Therefore it is desirable to use it only for those girls whose skin is of a fat type. To make a lemon lotion, grate the whole lemon (along with the zest) on a grater, place it in any glass container and pour a glass of hot water. Be careful - do not use steep boiling water, otherwise the glass container will burst. You do not want to bother with burns or cuts then? Cap tightly close the lid and leave to infuse for three days. Then strain lotion with a strainer or gauze cloth, add two tablespoons of vodka. Stir the lotion again and remember that store the lotion only in the refrigerator and not longer than two weeks. Skin in the field of pigment spots should be wiped quite often - about 5-6 times a day. The entire course of treatment should last about a month.

  • Lotion from dill

Dill whitens the skin very, very effectively,so it would be at least unreasonable to abandon its properties. For cooking finely chop the fresh fennel - you need two tablespoons. Place them in any suitable container - the main thing, not the iron one - and pour 50 grams of vodka. This lotion should be infused in a dark and cold place for three days. If desired, the lotion can be filtered so that the dill pieces do not remain on the skin. Then add 50 grams of boiled water and shake. Wipe the pigment spots with this remedy only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. If you notice that the skin begins to peel off, immediately begin using an intensive moisturizer. ugly pigmentation spots on the skin

Whitening compresses

If some of the lotions were not enough,try adding compresses. Their action is more intense than that of lotions, but softer than masks - so to speak, an intermediate option. At first glance, compresses may seem like lotions, but this is not so.

  • Compress of grapefruit

Press the juice of one small grapefruit andprepare gauze napkins of the appropriate size. Wipe the napkin in juice and apply on the pigmented spot. The duration of the compress should not be less than 15 minutes. If the napkin dries earlier, moisten it again - it should be moist all the time the procedure. Then rinse the skin with warm water, wipe and apply any moisturizing cream. If after the first procedure on the skin there are no signs of irritation - rashes or redness - you can continue further procedures. Otherwise, this method is not for you. A week should be conducted at least three such sessions, and the entire course of treatment should last about a month.

  • Cucumber-shaped compress

There was no cucumber left without attention and this time -for whitening compresses, it will also come in handy. More precisely, not the cucumber itself, but the freshly squeezed cucumber juice. The very procedure of carrying out compresses is standard - moisten a cucumber juice in a cucumber juice and attach it to the pigmented spot. The duration of the compress is 20 minutes. Cucumber juice on the skin does not have a particularly negative effect, so compresses can be done as often as you want - at least twice a day. Treatment makes sense to continue no longer than a month - if the desired result does not achieve, try some other remedy.

  • Composition of apple seeds

Love apples? And rightly - it's useful for the body, and in the fight against pigmentation spots it will come in handy. Apple eat, but the seeds do not throw away - they are useful for bleaching compress. Spoon a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of water, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Cook them until half the water boils out. Then cool the broth, moisten the gauze napkin and attach to the pigmented spot for 30 minutes. Do not forget to change the wipes as they dry up. Compress does not irritate the skin, so you can do it every day. The approximate duration of the course of bleaching pigment spots is one month. pigment spots on skin treatment

Whitening Masks

In the most severe cases, one has to resort towhitening masks. Be very careful - masks can damage the skin. Observe the proportions of the ingredients and do not make the mask more often than recommended.

  • Mask with ammonia

This mask can be applied to anyyou like the basis - as a rule, for this purpose, use natural yogurt or the most common sour cream. Add in a teaspoon of the base five drops of ammonia and immediately apply to the pigment spots. Top the mask with a plastic wrap and leave it for 15 minutes. Normally, you should experience a slight burning sensation, which only indicates that the mask is working. In the same case, if the uncomfortable sensations are too strong, wash off the mask immediately - that means your skin is excessively sensitive and you need to look for another mask. After you wash off the mask with plenty of water, apply an intensive moisturizer to the treated areas of the skin. Such masks can be done no more often than twice a week - you will not achieve a more effective mask effect, but you will burn the skin. The duration of the course of treatment should be at least one month, but not more than two. But remember - if in the process of these masks you notice undesirable reactions, treatment should be stopped immediately.

  • Mask with hydrogen peroxide

Acquire any clay in powder in the pharmacy - orblue, or white, as well as hydrogen peroxide. Dilute clay with water in such a way that you get the substance of a creamy consistency. Then add a third of a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, again mix everything thoroughly and immediately apply to the pigmented areas of the skin. The mask should be left on the skin for about 15 minutes. Strictly watch the time - unpleasant sensations in most cases this mask does not cause, and therefore, you can forget about it. And as a result - the risk of burns. The mask should be washed off very carefully, with plenty of water. After the skin has dried, it needs to be applied with a moisturizer to prevent overdrying of the skin. For two hours, carefully monitor the reaction of your skin - if signs of irritation will not, you can continue the course of bleaching. By the way, about the course: this mask should be done three times a week, for at least one month, and ideally two. Longer treatment should not continue - if by this time get rid of pigmentation spots will not succeed, then you should not try.

  • Redcurrant Mask

If the pigmentation spots have pleased you with theirappearance in the season when you can buy red currants, you are very lucky. The mask of these berries can eliminate pigmentation spots very quickly. Just do not forget about the need to stock up berries for future use - the duration of the masks should be at least a month, and the red currant season is much shorter. And in the freezer berries a lot of space will not take. So, with a fork, berry berries to a puree state, apply a thick layer of pigment spots and cover the mask with a polyethylene film. Leave the mask on the skin for about 30 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. Always lubricate the treated skin with your usual moisturizing cream. Currant mask can be done every other day, for one month.

  • Mustard mask

To prepare this mask you will needmustard powder - as a rule, it can be found in the groats section. Preparing the mask is very simple - mix the powder with warm water so that you get a creamy mass. The mask should be applied to the pigment spots so that it does not hit the rest of the skin. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to suffer a slight burning sensation - this is how this mask acts. Watch for time - the mask should not be on pigment spots more than 10 minutes. Then rinse the skin with plenty of flowing cool water and immediately apply a thin layer of sour cream. In the morning and in the evening it is necessary to use an intensive moisturizing cream so that there is no irritation and drying of the skin. The mask can be done three times a week, for one month. In most cases, using this mask, you can get rid of even the most persistent pigment spots.

  • Mask "cocktail"

If all previous methods are tested andthe result is not brought, you can try the extreme measure - a mask with an intriguing name "cocktail". And it could rightly be renamed into a "rattling mixture". For its preparation you will need: half a teaspoon of ammonia, half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of fat-free cottage cheese. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that you get a uniform mass. Lubricate the pigment spots with a very thin layer of any vegetable oil, then apply the mask with a thin layer. As soon as you start to feel a burning sensation, the mask should be washed off immediately. If this does not happen, wash off the mask after 10 minutes, not later. Pay attention - the face must not be wiped in any case, let it dry up on its own. Then apply a large amount of intensive moisturizer to the treated skin. Do not do this mask more than twice a week! A full course of treatment should not last longer than one month. As a rule, with a certain zeal and patience it is possible to get rid of practically all pigment spots. If this did not happen, you will not be able to avoid visiting the beautician. A professional will certainly find an opportunity to help you. We advise you to read:

