The recipe for charlotte apple is known to many. It is a cake that is very simple to prepare, but has a delicious taste. He is baked on holidays and on weekdays. He helps the landlady and at a time when, as they say, the guests are already on the threshold. There are several versions regarding the name of this pie. Among them is a story about a cook who was hopelessly in love with a girl. And it was she who was in love with the cook who devised a dessert invented by him. As you might guess, the name of this girl is Charlotte. Another version claims that this delicious pie is named after Queen Charlotte, who in XVIII was the wife of King of Great Britain George III. This "reward" the queen was awarded, thanks to her active support of the cultivation of apple orchards. Therefore, in ancient culinary books, one can meet the writing of "Charlotte" from the English word Charlotte. At that time the charlotte was cooked without heat treatment and was one of the varieties of English bread pudding. According to the old recipe, slices of bread are soaked in apple syrup or in syrup, made from pears, apricots, plums. Prepared in this way the bread is laid in layers, between which is the filling of fruit. The topmost layer of this dessert is bread. Based on this recipe, our mothers and grandmothers, back in the last century, created a recipe for excellent charlottes with apples - a simple and economical pie with an amazing taste. The news of this quickly disintegrated, and in many cities of our country the housewives began to bake this pie. We offer you to try it and make sure of the exceptional taste of the tender apple pie.
Apple Charlotte
For cooking charlottes with apples, you canUse the recipe of any biscuit: classic, oily, soda. on sour cream. We suggest you use a simplified recipe for biscuit dough. Ingredients:
- 1 kilogram of solid and sour apples (better - the grade "Antonovka"),
- 4 eggs,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 1 cup of flour.
Preparation: We make a dough. To do this, it is first necessary to beat the raw eggs very well with a mixer, gradually adding sugar to them. Then flour and salt (at the tip of the knife) are poured into the eggs beaten with sugar. As a result, you should get a mixture that resembles sour cream in consistency. There is a small nuance: the better this mass is poured, the tastier and more magnificent the pie will be. To prepare the filling, apples must be washed, removed from them and cut into small pieces of flesh. If desired, they can be cleaned and peeled, but it is not necessary. Next, take a baking dish and oil it. The bottom and walls of the mold should be sprinkled with breadcrumbs, flour or semolina. Next, we must cut the bottom of the mold with sliced apples and evenly fill them with a batter. The filled form is placed in the oven, which is already heated up to 180 degrees. Baking time is approximately 30-40 minutes. The readiness of the pie is checked with a match or a toothpick. If the stick stuck into the cake does not leave a wet dough, then our apple pie is ready!
Charlotte with apples and pears
As already mentioned, a charlotte with apples is veryeasy to prepare. Therefore, it is quite difficult to diversify the recipe for this pie. There are, of course, several variations, but they are based on the recipe of a regular biscuit with apples. We offer you a charlotte recipe, which differs from the previous one only with stuffing, namely - the presence of pears in the pie. Ingredients:
- 3 pears,
- 3 apples,
- 3 eggs,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 1 cup of flour,
- 1/2 bag of baking powder,
- 1 sachet of vanillin,
- butter, powdered sugar.
Preparation: We start with the preparation of the dough, using the recipe for the usual biscuit. So, we need a whisk to beat the eggs, and then, gradually pouring sugar, whip or grind the egg-sugar mass white-hot. Then also in small portions added flour, baking powder and vanillin. All this is thoroughly mixed until homogeneous. Now you need to take a deep, but small diameter frying pan without a handle. At its bottom put a circle, cut from paper for baking. The paper circle and the sides of the frying pan must be oiled. Due to this, baking will not burn, and it will be easier to get out of the container. After that, from the pears and apples, you need to remove the core, cut the pulp into cubes and place it evenly on a frying pan. Then follow the prepared test completely pour the entire surface of the pears. Now you need to put the frying pan in the oven, which is already heated to 180 degrees and bake a charlotte for 30-40 minutes. When the charlotte with apples and pears will be ready, it must be got from the oven, cool and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Fantasy is allowed!
The recipe for apple pie Charlotte has many variations. To you decide, and maybe invent your recipe, we recommend you try the following:
- cook the dough, add vanilla or cinnamon to it, and if you like to experiment, you can pour in poppy or finely chopped chocolate;
- a charlotte with apples is a classic, but you can put other fruits in the filling, or completely replace them, for example, with plums or apricots;
- The charlotte is delicious and with fresh whole or grated berries: cranberries, cranberries or currants;
- in the absence of fresh apples, you can prepare a charlotte with dried fruits (raisins, prunes or dried apricots), and can also be made with walnuts.
Speaking of apple pie charlotte, except hisexcellent taste, I want to note his favor. And all this, thanks to apples, which contain vitamins and necessary for the human body antioxidants, tannin, flavonoids and pectin. Doctors are recommended, in a necessary, order to eat one apple a day. It should be noted that baked apples are better absorbed by the body, so a charlotte with apples is an indispensable treat! Preparing it, you will not just please your loved ones with a delicious pie, but treat yourself to a useful treat! The main thing is to cook with pleasure, invent and fantasize! Enjoy your appetite and success in the culinary field! We advise you to read: