pickle with kidney recipe Several decades ago, every hostess in theperfection had the secrets of cooking a hot first dish with pickled cucumbers. In those days, popular with the rassolnik with kidneys. Sometimes it was added chicken, duck or turkey giblets, and an essential attribute of the food was beet. Today, soup is usually made with pearl barley and vegetables, and the broth is brewed on bones, with beef or with pork. Some, trying to save money, use sausages, sausages and sausages. Each recipe - a unique combination of ingredients, so to choose your "own" dish, you need to try a few options. Today, let's talk about how to properly make rassolnik with the kidneys. We warn at once: this soup is for an amateur, but if you are not afraid to experiment and are always open to new impressions, then you should cook the dish. It turns out rich, fragrant and insanely satisfying. Rassolnik can be cooked with rice or pearl barley, an appetizing dish will also come out of buckwheat and barley. We suggest you choose a favorite recipe and put it into practice in your kitchen. And so that you do not have any problems, carefully read several of the detailed instructions below for preparing the soup.

Rassolnik with vegetables, rice and kidneys

The recipe for a delicious rosol, cooked onbroth from the kidneys, gradually became a thing of the past. To replace it came new combinations of ingredients, sometimes the most unexpected. So, for example, today you can make soup with pickled cucumbers, squid and crab sticks. And how do you like the dish with soy sauce, canned beans and toasted bacon? If you like traditional rassolnik, why not try it in a new performance? Just pick up on our website the original recipe and boldly get down to business. Thanks to precise and detailed instructions, you will not have any problems - appetizing soup will appear on the table in a matter of minutes. But before embarking on a culinary adventure, let's start with the classic version of the dish. Ingredients:

  • a few peas of sweet pepper
  • half a glass of concentrated cucumber brine
  • Sea salt and dried seasonings - at your discretion
  • 2 ½ liters of ready beef broth (add meat to the soup or not, decide for yourself)
  • three bay leaves
  • three medium salted cucumber
  • vegetable oil
  • carrots - one piece
  • 400 grams of kidneys (we cooked with beef)
  • bulbous bulb
  • two stalks of celery
  • three large raw potatoes
  • fresh parsley - if desired
  • 20 grams of white or brown rice

Cooking method: This recipe will appeal to lovers of hearty, fatty foods. Soup with beef buds can be cooked any density. If you want it to be more light and tender, take a little less rice and do not add too much potatoes. From the latter, you can completely refuse. As for vegetables, we will extinguish them in vegetable oil, although there is a recipe without roasting. In this case, carrots and onions should be introduced into the broth with beef kidneys raw. Try both options, because only so you can objectively assess the taste of the rassolnik. Well, now let's get down to business: first cook a thick beef broth, do not forget to stir it occasionally and take off the foam. When you are done, take out the meat, carefully separate it from the bone and cut it into medium cubes. Then put it in a deep dish, cover it and put it aside. It's time to tackle beef kidneys: divide them with a knife into two parts. Clean each of the film and excess fat, thoroughly rinse and soak in cold water. The product should be infused for three hours, periodically change the water. At the end of this time, flip the buds back to the colander as soon as they drain, chop them in small pieces and put them in a saucepan, pour water (you need about 450 milliliters) and put on slow fire. When the liquid boils, drain the first broth, and then repeat the above procedure again. That is, wash the kidneys under the tap, then send them back to clean dishes with a new portion of water. Reduce the burner flame to a minimum and cook the ingredient for at least an hour and a half. The recipe of the soup is not too complicated, the only negative is the long time of preparation of the kidneys. To your taste, salt the broth, season with his favorite dried spices, add a couple of leaves of the laurel. Then, peel the onion and chop it with thin half rings, and the potatoes and carrots with medium cubes. As small as possible, chop fresh greens. Celery cut into plates, and pickled cucumbers - straws. Now, warm up the oil in the saucepan and brown the carrots with the onion in it. After two minutes, put celery into the dishes and cucumbers, cover with a lid and stew for a while. Put the raw potatoes in the pot with the kidneys, when it becomes semi-soft, add the roast and rice (the latter should be thoroughly rinsed in advance). Add some fragrant pepper to the soup. Then comes the turn of the brine: to make the dish more appetizing and stored longer, it is recommended to boil it, and after cooling, strain through a fine sieve. As soon as you can cope with the task, gradually, adding small portions, pour the cucumber concentrate into a saucepan and cook the food for another ten to fifteen minutes, then turn off the fire and let it brew. At the very end, pour chopped parsley into the dishes. Before serving, you can decorate the pickle with homemade sour cream. If you do not like rice, try changing the recipe - fill the dish with a pearl barley. You'll see, it's incredibly tasty and satisfying. Bon Appetit! rassolnik with kidneys

Rassolnik "in Moscow" with sorrel, spinach and kidneys

We are all used to such first dishes aschicken soup, green and red borsch, rassolnik. The latter has been familiar to many since childhood. However, right now we propose to break traditions and slightly "modernize" the classic recipe for this dish. Let's combine incongruous - sorrel, eggs, beef kidneys, pickled cucumbers, milk, - and what will come of it, you will find out if you make soup yourself. Just read the following culinary instruction and act according to the provisions indicated in it. We are sure that you will succeed. Ingredients:

  • 25 grams of parsnip
  • 70 grams of beef kidney
  • 40 grams finely chopped parsley root
  • fifteen grams of celery (use root)
  • bulbous bulb
  • 35 grams of leek
  • small bundle of sorrel
  • the same amount of spinach
  • 35 milliliters of milk
  • parsley or dill - at your discretion
  • salt
  • one homemade egg
  • ten grams of butter
  • two salted cucumber (choose larger)

Cooking method: With carefully washed kidneys, gently cut off excess fat, remove the film. Then divide them with a knife into two identical parts and, filling the bay with ice water, set aside for infusion for three to five hours. In order not to waste your time waiting, conduct the procedure in the evening, then in the morning you will only need to cook soup. By the way, do not forget to periodically change the water from the kidneys. At the end of the above time, get rid of excess liquid, and put the product in a saucepan, pour it with clean, standing water and put it on the stove. Make a small flame of the burner and cook the kidneys for about fifteen minutes, then drain again and repeat the procedure. Thanks to such simple actions, the broth will come out to the best of fat, by the way, it can be safely used for soup making. Do the rest of the ingredients: crush the roots of parsley, parsnip, celery, and also leeks. Then transfer all the ingredients into the saucepan with the melted butter and pass until soft. Rinse the sorrel and spinach, rinse them thoroughly and dry. With cucumber cut off the peel, remove the seeds and chop into small pieces. Send the vegetables together with the roast in a saucepan and stir. Then enter the spices and a little salt here, stir and reduce the heat. Now bring the brine to a boil, then remove it from the plate, cool and strain well. After 20 minutes, pour it into the soup, add to the dish finely chopped sorrel and spinach. Cook the dish until completely ready. Immediately before serving, distribute it on plates, in each serving, place cut kidneys and a specially prepared egg-milk mixture. To make the latter, combine in a separate bowl the corresponding products and carefully beat them with a whisk. Today rassolnik usually eat with black bread, as a dressing I use sour cream, store or home mayonnaise, some prefer cream. If you want something new, try a traditional recipe - serve soup with pies from the liver. This is exactly what mistresses did in the old days. This hot dish is a find for women, because it turns out to be incredibly appetizing and at the same time quite economical. So cook and eat with pleasure. And we, in turn, will help you in this - study the culinary instructions presented on our website, and create in the kitchen with enthusiasm. We wish you success!

